
22 Reviews
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Turning Red (2022)
2 April 2022
I guess I'm the only person who thought that the character was an annoying brat and that this film was boring. I understand it's symbolism for womanhood but as a grown woman myself I thought this was stupid. Sorry.
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The Batman (2022)
SLOW moving
5 March 2022
The actors are all good. To my pleasant surprise Robert Pattinson was very good as Batman. Zoe Kravitz is stunning. However, the film was VERY SLOW MOVING and too drawn out. Soooo much could have been cut out that wouldn't have effected the story line. It's a well done movie.... It is's just not great. A lot more action and a quicker pace we're needed for it to have been great. Not to mention shave an hour off of the time. Three hours is just too long especially at the pace of this movie.
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Dexter: New Blood (2021–2022)
Lame ending but better than the former
2 February 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Dexter hardly has any clever inner monologue in this series and *spoiler* breaks "the code" killing and innocent who is his friend. I'm sorry but did they get a different writer than they had for the original series?... This series just didn't seem true to the original one or it's characters. Dexter didn't feel like Dexter..... Dexter was always hyper aware, suspicious and noticed even the tiniest details in body language in people.... I'd have much rather the son had a dark passenger and killed his dad for breaking the code...just to continue on in California or somewhere hunting bad people. It would have made a good spin off show. Unfortunately they didn't do that. Again I wasn't blown away with the ending. Dexter telling his son to kill him!?...come on!?... This had potential but they rushed it and blew the ending. Stick to the original series it's much more exciting and better written.
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Fuller House (2016–2020)
19 January 2022
This show is not very funny. It's very cheesy and the acting is over the top. However, I loved Full I watch it more to see Candace, Jodie, Andrea and all the original cast. Now that Bob Saget has passed away it tugs at my heartstrings when ever he makes an appearance. John Stamos is still sexy...but knowing he's married to a woman the same age as baby Michelle(1986) weirds me out beyond belief. Watching the original Full House and seeing him with the Olsen's ....makes me think of his wife being that age then too...& him changing her diapers. Ewwww.
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A Thousand Words (I) (2012)
A good lesson film
14 September 2021
I actually really liked this. There is a good lesson in listening and forgiveness and not letting the past consume you. Eddie Murphy is always funny but his soft tender side towards the end is what really completes the story and fills it with charm and hope. I'll definitely watch it again.
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11 January 2021
I laughed harder than my kids during this movie. When it came out on dvd I mostly bought it for myself. We watched it with my husband this time and he doubled over laughing at the baby with the green highlighter. My kids liked the movie but I think parents will appreciate the movie even more.
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Onward (I) (2020)
Heartfelt film
8 March 2020
This was kinda slow to get going but the send half was better and the ending was great.
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Joker (I) (2019)
7 October 2019
Juaqin Pheonix is amazing in this film! He deserves best actor at the academy awards hands down!!! I'm ready for the next DC movie!! Mostly I just want this to have a sequel.

He doesn't play joker the same as Heath Ledger. I love Ledgers version more. Phoenix plays it very differently but was very very very good!!!
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Downton Abbey (2019)
Good movie
23 September 2019
This was a good movie if you like the show. Otherwise you'll probably find it boring. It felt like one long episode of the show and not like a "movie" though. This really was not much for scandal or deaths or births.... I did like it but it's not something I would buy.
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Not what I'd hoped it would be
16 September 2019
The 1st part of the new IT wasn't very scary but did have a few good jump scares and was really funny. The second part has such a good cast I was thinking it would be better than part 1. It's not..... the cast did a great job, but it's not scary at all and it's not even as funny as the first part. I felt let down after all the anticipation for this film. Bill Hadar was especially blah in this movie as he normally steals the show. It's not badly done it's just not scary like I'd expected it to be.
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The Lion King (2019)
CGI is beautiful
21 July 2019
The CGI is great and the actors who portrayed Simba were great. Unfortunately they wanted the animals to be so realistic looking that they didn't show emotion in their face....and it took the love and magic in the film and left it pretty bland and boring. If the animals talk and sing (which isn't realistic)then they could have let them still make facial expressions. I was ready for it to end. I also expect more from Beyoncé the beginning of can you feel the love tonight it sounds odd like she's trying to add an accent to it...?! Also they had the song Can you Feel the Love TONIGHT performed in daylight!? Again losing some of the magic.... I didn't expect this film to be better than the original but I at least thought I'd like it more than I did... The Jungle Book was SO good and this film was lack luster. The cgi is truly amazing but aside from that it's not worth the remake...
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Toy Story 4 (2019)
Not horrible but not good either
22 June 2019
The funniest scenes were in the previews. The rest was either boring, predictable or a cheap laugh. I only actually laughed out loud ONE time! I was very disappointed. I went into the film with a low bar set since the idea of forky was pretty lame right off the bat. But it didn't get better. The first film was great, the second better than the first and the third better than the second. Then there was this movie... this was a unnecessary continuation of Woody's story. The best thing in the movie were Bonnie's other toys and they were barely in it. I'm just horribly disappointed. I wanted to like this, but just like Ralph Breaks the Internet, it didn't live up to the hype put on it. Only thing good was the animation.
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Like a TV movie
10 June 2019
This was pretty lame. Not nearly as funny as I had hoped. Like TV movie. Very predictable. The friends that became more story which has already been told 100+ times. Only laughed a few times.
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Rocketman (I) (2019)
Taron is fantastic!
2 June 2019
Taron is amazing as Elton John! He did the legend justice in his performance!! I would have liked this to have covered more of Elton Johns life and career. I also would have rather this not been a musical with random dancing and people bursting into song. Otherwise my rating would have been higher. Of course the music itself is wonderful!
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Aladdin (2019)
Not bad but not amazing
27 May 2019
This is almost a duplicate of the 90s cartoon original with some slight changes and added songs. Aladdin is perfectly cast. However there isn't much chemistry between him and the actress playing Jasmine. There really weren't any laugh out loud funny moments or jokes. The audience in the theater didn't really laugh much either. There were scenes where the actors were sped up that looked odd too. Will Smith was good but he's done better. I left the theater not entirely satisfied but also not disappointed either. It's good but it's not great.... if I never see it again I'm ok with that.
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Glass (2019)
Well done...But
21 January 2019
This was a really good movie, but I was extremely disappointed in the ending. James Macavoy was AMAZING!!!
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Cute film but NO WHERE as good as the original
22 November 2018
This was a nice movie but I was honestly let down. The first was SO good!! I balled like a baby when Ralph says the bad guy motto while plunging into the mentos volcano to save his friend. This new film did not move me nearly like the first. I like the message of friendship. But it sorta seemed like they tried do much in to the story line and it was all over the place. The cameo from the Disney princesses were my favorite part. :-/ This wasn't a bad movie but it wasn't great either. Also being that they were in the internet they could have done a lot more in the clever jokes area.
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Kidding (2018–2020)
Looking forward to this new show
9 September 2018
Looking forward to watching this new show. I adore Jim Carrey!! So far it's interesting and I have to find out what happens with their marriage.
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Overboard (2018)
Don't mess with a classic!
24 July 2018
The original was perfect! Why did they decide to remake a classic?!... Not only that but they changed the story around. Changing an already successful storyline is never a good idea. Duh!
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Spy (2015)
24 July 2018
Loved this movie!! Silly funny and raunchy! Melissa McCarthy was a totally quick witted badass!
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Incredibles 2 (2018)
Better than the original!!
17 June 2018
Well worth the 14 year wait!! The story line was great!!!!!!!!! Loved it!!! Pretty much made for the kid inside the now grown adult.
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Life of the Party (I) (2018)
Loved it!!!
12 May 2018
I laughed my butt off throughout the movie!! It's NOT a copycat of Back To School! The stories are very different. I actually liked this better than BtS with Rodney Dangerfield. It's definitely a girl power movie. I will be buying this when it's on DVD.
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