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Give it a go! It's a great little rom-com!
5 September 2022
I'm whiter than snow and squarer than Utah. Hate hiphop and am suspicious of Netflix's diversity casting - Yet - I adored this silly little romcom!

Seriously, give it a go, it's great fun. It's nearly an all black starring cast and they are all awesome! (the two paleface supporting actors gave fantastic comedic support too!)

Had no idea who Christine Milian (lead actress) was, except I saw her in another Netflix movie (which was a bit of a dud), however, she shone in that movie, so, I thought I would give this a go. I was a bit dubious, because Netflix is trying so hard to do the diversity casting thing that so many movies are not good, but just noticeable for the way they are cast.

But, this little movie is an exception, a real charmer! Sure, its a rom-com, so it's not going to win an Oscar and a lot of it's predictable. But, all of the actors are great in this, I don't just mean they can act, I mean they also have that kind of charisma that makes them all a joy to watch (and how many movies can you say that about?).

Furthermore, there is real chemistry between the different couples. Not to mention the lead actress has great chemistry with both the fellas fighting for her affections.

In fact, at the beginning I thought it would be predictable which one of the guys she would end up with, but, as the movie padded out their personalities more (a rare thing in rom-coms when usually only the leads characters are fully explored), I started to be unsure who she would end up with. Furthermore, I couldn't decide myself which of the men was cuter. I started hoping that the lead actress would opt for polyamory (Hallo Utah!)

Of course, the lead actress has a rival gal too who is fighting for one of the guy's affections also. As her character gets developed during the show you start warming to her too.

The two palefaces in the movie - Aussie bloke and French snobby lady are hilarious also.

The rest of the supporting cast add real value too, with each of them having small, but crucial humorous vignettes.

I had no idea that the lead actress, Christine Milian is a well-known singer, but, they utilised her musical talents in this movie too. As I said I am not a fan of hip-hop, I have no idea if any of what she sung was hip-hop, but I do know of Alicia Keys' No one song, Milian sung that and a few other songs and she was really superb. I loved the music. Sorry, Alicia Keys (I noted she is a producer on this movie), but I just really preferred Milian's version of No One. Maybe because she has a more pop feel to her singing, which is more my style (yep, I'm a paleface, we like our pop)

I think the director and writers should be commended too, they have taken a silly little premise and padded it up a bit to give it a bit of real depth and the music and comedy elements shone.

I won't spoil it for you, but I laughed myself silly at the "ocean rescue" part!

BTW, I have never seen a movie shot in Mauritius before - but wow what a beauty to behold is that island too!

Now, I mentioned before I am bit dubious of Netflix's diversity casting, however, I am also aware that when black people (or unknowns for that matter) make a good movie they don't have the marketing power that a Sandy Bullock etc movie would. (love a good Sandra Bullock movie by the way too, so not having a go at Sandy).

So, I really wanted to encourage fellow palefaces, like myself, to not assume this is another, in your face, diversity hire piece. This is a genuinely cute, feel-good rom-com. So, please give it a chance - and tell your friends to watch it too - because this cast and crew earned it!
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Christmas Wedding Planner (2017 TV Movie)
Farcical finale too bizarre to miss
28 August 2022
10 stars for the most implausible film ending I have ever seen! I beg you viewer, please, please, watch this trashy movie, because the ending is comedic gold - even though it's not supposed to be a comedy. I won't spoil it for you, but, I laughed for a good hour after finishing it. And, for that I salute you Netflix!

The worst part of this movie is that I enjoyed it so much - please don't judge me.

Netflix, please make a sequel called "Emily's Revenge" - that's if Emily isn't on quaaludes for the rest of her life.

This movie has now coined a new phrase for me, next time someone tells me they've had a bad day, I'm going to say: "But, was it as bad as Emily's?"
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Here Come the Habibs! (2016–2017)
Hilarious satire of both Lebanese and British background Aussies
19 February 2016
I think this show is hilarious, I really hope people give it a chance. The thing is even if you are not falling about laughing it's meant to be satire, and whilst the characters are in your face, the satire is often subtle.

What amazes me is the amount of people who are saying this is racist towards the Lebanese when it is clearly makes just as much fun of the Aussies of British background or WASP (for want of a better word). In fact I think its marginally more "racist" towards the Aussies as the rich Vaucluse neighbour is the only one on the show is truly evil.

But having said, even though I am a Brit background Aussie, I love the show, as it's equally opportunity because it makes fun of the British/Aussies and the Lebanese. Every single character is a caricature except for one of the Lebanese sons and the British/Aussie daughter of the neighbour. They are the two "normal" people who put up with all their crazy families/friends.

The thing is the show is taking the people within both cultures that are a little crazy, annoying or lovingly eccentric.

These stereotypes exist, the loud Lebanese, and the British/Aussie snob, and the "normal" people within both cultures who have to put up with them, but still love them!

For instance a line that made me laugh was when the WASP snob wife asked her WASP husband to hire a private detective to investigate the Habibs to see if they are drug dealers (which they aren't by the way), anyway WASP husband said "do you want me to get the PI who caught your father for insider trading, or the one you hired to see if I was having an affair even though you were the one having the affair!"

I thought that was very funny and pointed out that some of the posh white Aussies are just as criminal in their own white collar way as some of the Lebanese drug dealers.

I've seen quite a few reviews about how this show makes fun of the Lebanese, but none that mention how it makes just as much fun as we British/Aussie background people. But possibly they don't realise how much some of those things are "in" jokes to us British/Aussies, we are all having a good laugh because we know those kind of people, just like some of the "in" jokes about the Lebanese get lost on us. Little touches, like in the WASP house the wife has a huge painting of herself in a white suit like dress, and everything is white or beige in the house. I cracked up laughing the first time I saw it, because the painting shows just how full of herself she is. Then instantly they switch to the Habibs house, where they have a huge painting of the last supper, and I fell about laughing seeing that too, because that is also typical Lebanese Christians (at least the ones I have known), I'm waiting to see a shrine also!

And the Lebanese wife (she's one of the nice ones in the family) who tries to join the local Yacht club, and naively asks when do they sail, and the WASPs all look at her horrified! Because obviously none of the WASP snobs join the club to actually go sailing!

It's really a refreshing and funny show I hope people give it a go. Particularly so hard to get productions up anymore on Aussie TV that actually give actors jobs, all we have is all these horrible reality TV shows. And by the way for all those PC people keep in mind that this program is keeping a lot of Arabic people in work (not to mention a few Brit/Aussies), because apart from the actors I believe the makers are Lebanese too. (I might be wrong about that though)
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Deliverance (1972)
oppressively chilling to watch and very thought provoking
13 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
SPOILERS! My review is mostly meant for examination by those who have already seen the movie!

As others have said this is a truly chilling and sinister film, many so called scary films lose their edge over the years by becoming dated, but this film feels sinister from the beginning and becomes almost unbearably oppressive to watch. Probably what makes it so chilling is the terrible events are entirely plausible.

One reviewer here said that this film was about how violence (real violence) affects people, I won't repeat his review because he explains it more eloquently than I, but I totally agree.

But interestingly enough as a woman it seemed to me that this movie was also examining masculinity but none of the male reviewers here have mentioned that, so I may be wrong. But I feel this way because it is noticeable to me how differently the men react, compared to women, to trauma. After the male rape not only is it never mentioned again but even initially when Ned is rescued it is not mentioned. I feel women would at least have a cry and hug each other first, but I may be wrong, because shock can manifest in different ways. However all of the men react in the same seemingly unemotional way, of course it is obvious that the men are traumatised by the event but their reaction is to protect their friend and fix the problem. And their way of fixing the problem is by not talking about it. Of course, part of the reason this event can't be discussed is because it is so emasculating. But their caring is obvious in little vignettes, for instance when Jon Voight helps Ned dress after the rape.

Why men suppress emotions is something I have not always understood and at times has annoyed me, but this movie was such an insight for me, as I finally got it. We women know how to let out emotion safely, but men are so trained to suppress it that when it does happen it is often like a dam bursting then they can't control it, so it's safer to bottle it up.

But the sad thing is though that their suppression will have terrible effects on them, this is one of the reasons therapists often say people shouldn't "bury" their problem (never was a metaphor so apt as in this film), however letting it out will make them crack, so they can't win, if they talk about it or suppress it, either way it will affect their sanity.

Mind you even as a woman I could understand that many women would want to bottle up an event as traumatic as this one.

Depressingly enough most movies when women get raped there is often something still "sexy" about the way it is shot but the male rape scene here is so sudden and so chilling you feel their helplessness and you know that if they aren't rescued that they will be killed and horribly, and you know they know this. Often rape reports deal with the violation but this scene really brings home to you the thought of not just the violation but the sheer terror that victims must feel, so I think this scene would be equally illustrative of what both men and women would experience.

Even before the rape, it is obvious to me that all these men feel inadequate as men. Macho Lewis is over compensating, whiny Ned boasts about sexual conquests because he knows how unmanly he seems.

So they want adventure (ie violence) so to transform themselves into real men, but ironically they don't understand that real violence isn't an adventure.

Weirdly enough what should be considered emasculating, the horrible rape Ned experiences, is actually what transforms him into a real man, one who is scared but determined to survive and help his friends.

Lewis almost does the opposite he goes from being the strong survivalist (though who undoubtedly saves them) to being terrified and in visible distress from his injury and helplessness.

But I don't think the movie is saying that he is a coward. I think the movie shows them all as true human beings, they all show great courage at times but are also reduced to absolute terror at other times as anyone experiencing such horrors would. But that's part of the point is that you can not have true courage without real fear.

So unlike the comic book heroes that they wanted to emulate, true heroism evolves from enduring terrible trauma.

And it makes me wonder if perhaps one of the reasons that war veterans do not speak of war isn't just because of the horrors they saw but perhaps they are also ashamed of the times that they showed fear, no matter how courageous they may have been, deep down they may feel like cowards.

The sad thing is that I think that the characters here will be forever traumatised and feel emasculated by what happened to them but the events were also the making of them as courageous heroes but they probably won't see it that way, but I had no doubt that Ned would go away being stronger, kinder and less brash to others and that Lewis would become more humble and that Jon Voight would appreciate his family more.

This is one of the few movies I've seen adult male rape in, and society rarely mentions it too. I think issues such as this should be explored more in cinema, so that men who have experienced such terrible trauma can at least feel that the issue is being addressed in some way. Because let's face it part of the reason why Ned and the other characters can't speak about the rape is because society has deemed adult male rape to be an unspeakably shameful subject.
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Rules of Engagement (2007–2013)
So sad it's been axed! Was as funny as the Big Bang Theory
6 October 2013
I absolutely love this show! So depressed that they cancelled it. I actually only just started to watch it in approximately the last year or so, as a result I have quite a lot of reruns still to watch! Yippee! But of course like a lot of reruns they are played out of order, so it is interesting to see the difference in the older to more recent eps.

The show started with 1 married couple, 1 engaged couple, and David Spade typecast as usual as the single and sleazy playboy. David Spade is probably why I didn't watch the show to start with, because I've never liked anything he was in- till now! This show is great, I love all the characters even David Spade's. I notice that some reviewers here like some of the actors but not others, I've certainly seen shows like that, but this isn't one of them, I think all the actors/actresses are equally talented and their characters are all brilliant. However if you watch the end seasons you won't like the engaged couple, but don't blame it on the actors it was the writers fault, they started the show off brilliantly, the guy (Adam) was a little bit metrosexual and a bit naive (which was a nice foil to his pal the married man who is a very cynical, conservative, male chauvinist type) but really Adam and Jen (his fiancée) were really great characters who were madly in love, however fast forward to the end seasons and the writers have morphed Adam into a complete twit, he's beyond metrosexual and almost camp (one late episode has him being a cheerleader who doesn't seem to understand why his fiancée is embarrassed about this), he doesn't get the point of sarcasm because he is so stupid, contrast this to an earlier season where Russell (David Spade) uses the word ironic to describe something stupid he has done and Adam as quick as a flash says "no your pronouncing it wrong, it's pronounced moronic!" So fairly obviously Adam's character at the beginning was capable of being witty, but the later episodes the writers have transformed him into a complete idiot, then the fact that they have made Adam such a twit leaves his fiancée Jen nowhere to go except to be forever rolling her eyes and basically phoning it in. Though the actor playing Adam still bravely gives it his best. I get the impression that the writers just didn't know what to do with Adam and Jen anymore.

You might wonder then if it is worth watching the later seasons, well it is because during this time they introduced Timmy, Russell's new Indian assistant. Timmy absolutely steals the show in these later eps. Russell and Timmy are like the odd couple, in fact I think this amazing dynamic that they have and the brilliant story lines written for this "couple" is the reason for the engaged couples demise, because the show then really becomes mainly about Russell and Timmy and the married couple (who still have plenty to do but are a little overshadowed as well), and all of this leaves the engaged couple out on the sidelines. I'm not sure what I prefer because when I watch the older episodes I miss Timmy, but then again enjoy watching the dynamics of the engaged couple versus the married couple. So the later eps are a little different from the beginning but I enjoy all the eps pretty much equally (except I really feel sorry for the actors playing Adam and Jen in the later eps!)

Another introduced character near the end is Liz (Russell's girlfriend) but thankfully she didn't last too long because I wasn't too keen on her character.

Oh and I haven't mentioned the married couple much, but they are really the heart and soul of the show and have brilliant story lines, and the guy Jeff, famous as having previously been a well known bit character on Seinfeld, plays a similar hilarious macho type, with his long suffering mostly sensible wife Audrey. In real life this couple really should be divorced but that makes them perfect for comedy!

Of course a lot of the comedy is clichéd as they are all the usual stereotypes of older cynical couple versus naive young lovers, but it is incredibly well written, and the reason stereotypes exist in comedy is because these are people we all have met! What is unique though I think is how they developed Timmy, still a bit of stereotyping but a little different from the direction you would expect and brilliant because of this, and the way the end ep resolves Russell and Timmy's relationship is jaw dropping in its comic unpredictability. So so sad this hilarious show has come to an end.

I would give this show a 10 but must give it a 9, in sympathy to "Adam" who basically had his testicles removed by the writers.
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Curiosity: What Sank Titanic? (2011)
Season 1, Episode 4
Best Titanic doco ever!
1 May 2012
I was so impressed by this doco that I just sent an email to the production company. The email sums up what I felt (so am providing it as a review as I can't be bothered to retype it into a review format). By the way in Australia this was called "Inside the Titanic" So here is what I said in my email:

I recently watched your doco "Inside the Titanic". I wanted to say thank you for finally providing the information that I've vainly searched for on the Titanic. I've found every documentary that I've seen on the titanic quite frustrating because they always solely focus on the engineering and the facts of how it sank. Naturally that's important information and your doco also provided this info, however so far yours is the only doco I've seen that actually recreated some of the passengers and workers stories. Usually the passengers stories in other docos are very limited or they might only mention 1 or 2 people, and usually the focus is on the crew (as in the captain and seamen). However you had a broad range of stories from the crew, the workers (such as the stokers) and the passengers. Obviously you wouldn't have time to explore everyone's stories but at least you explored some. Even when I went to the Titanic exhibition in New York it focused on the artefacts found, hardly any info re the actual people on board, any info provided about the people was very brief.

Some of the stories you showed of the people were so fascinating I have no idea why on earth the James Cameron movie made up such a ridiculous story when there was plenty of real life fascinating stories to be found. I love Kate Winslet but deplored that movie. For instance he could have easily used the real life story of Bertha Mayne and her lover. All of the other stories you showed are equally fascinating. It was wonderful (though horrible) to see the stories of the workers (stokers?) who must have worked (and unfortunately died) in terrible conditions. Their stories are too often ignored. And of course the crew stories were fascinating too.

Regarding the James Cameron film I'm over filmmakers making movies about a real event then making up the story. If the movie is so far removed from the real story, then they should have the decency to call the movie "Shipwreck" rather than "The Titanic".

Of course having said this I realise that it's not possible to be completely accurate, no doubt even with your own doco you couldn't always be sure exactly what happened to each passenger so you would have to had to have used some artistic license in recreating the events. That's unavoidable and therefore understandable. I just dislike when filmmakers decide to make up some absolutely huge lie (like a fictitious love story between passengers that never existed in the case of James Cameron's movie), and in the case of the real Titanic there were plenty of fascinating real stories that could have been used. I also think it was crazy he only focused on one story when he could have used several, Jack Thayer's story, Elizabeth's etc.

I have just watched Julian Fellowes Titanic mini series which I thought was far, far more enjoyable than James Cameron's movie, partly because it focused on more than one passengers story, but I've no doubt that probably a lot of that is highly fictitious too.

Anyway thank you for making something that has finally satisfied my curiosity as to the passengers stories.
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Margin Call (2011)
Should have won Best Screenplay!
24 March 2012
I make a point of seeing as many Oscar nominated movies as I can, so I saw most of the major nominated films this year (and most years). However just by chance saw Margin Call, I don't understand financial markets and did not particularly wish to see it, however ended up going and by God what a great movie! Easily one of the best movies I've seen, much better than nearly all the other Oscar nominated movies this year. I can not believe the only thing it was nominated for was best screenplay, it should have been nominated for Best Picture as well, and also it should have had a number of acting nominations, e.g. Kevin Spacey, Paul Bettany, Zachary Quinto all easily could have been nominated for best actor, and others in the movie should have got supporting nominations. Perhaps that was the problem a lot of actors who all had a fair bit of screen time, no one actor completely carrying the movie, but to me that show's it was a fine movie because no one actor completely dominated, they all carried the movie with equal weight.

To have not been nominated for Best Picture, Best Director and to have not been nominated in any of the acting awards is a huge travesty.

It should have without a doubt won Best Screenplay. I saw "Midnight in Paris" (the screenplay winner) and thought it was hugely overrated, though admittedly the friend I went with liked it. Still I think even she didn't think it was one of Woody Allen's greatest. In "Midnight in Paris" Rachel McAdams (who I normally love as an actress) played a 1 dimensional caricature. Not her fault, but the fault of the script. How many movies have you seen where someone has an absolutely appalling girl/boyfriend and it's screamingly obvious to the audience that they shouldn't be with them but we need to go through to the predictable end when the lead finally realises that hysterical screeching greedy selfish girlfriend is surprise surprise not right for him! To me that is not in anyway a particularly "Best Screenplay"! By the way sorry for the Midnight in Paris spoiler, but trust me you can tell in the first 2 minutes that she will not be the one the lead ends up with.

Anyway back to "Margin Call". I actually understood it (well most of it!, which stunned me as it was about financial markets, and I'm no finance expert. At the same time the film was complex enough for it not to seem that it had been dumbed down. It was also quite suspenseful and riveting, the minute it started I had my full concentration on it, and did not lose concentration. Quite a task really for a screen writer who is writing about such a dry topic and no murders or car chases to spice it all up! So all in all I am appalled that this movie was so ignored at the Oscars, a great miscarriage of justice if you ask me! I would rarely give a 10 out of 10 so the fact that I have scored this movie so high gives you an indication of what a travesty it is that this movie was so ignored by the academy.

(BTW IMDb thanks for the spelling correction but realises is and was actually the correct spelling before you yanks decided to butcher the English language! Just joking! To my wonderful American friends I admit you did improve some of the spellings, for instance jail makes more sense than our version gaol! Okay now I am sounding like a pompous fool I know!)
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