
4 Reviews
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The Bridge (I) (2013–2014)
What are they thinking?!
11 July 2013
I watched the Danish version of the bridge and am a big fan. The premise of the American version HAD me really excited. The fact that they tried to copy exactly the Danish version was a complete disaster. Diane Kruger is horrible in this role. I don't doubt she has talent but they should have allowed for her to play the role in her own way instead of copying an unforgettable role that was already done (and done well).I had a hard time sitting through the 1st episode. Demian Bichir is the only redeeming quality in this show and might be the only reason I continue to watch. The female lead in the Danish version is extremely hard to pull off, so they shouldn't have even tried. I'm seriously saddened since I had high hopes for this show. Did no one watch the reels before putting them out for human consumption? Was there not a test audience?
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Rectify (2013–2016)
An Original Show
8 June 2013
This show is unlike anything I've seen for a long while. Slow moving just like the town and state where its filmed. That's what makes it so great though. There aren't any distractions from the characters and the story line. Holy crap Aden Young does and amazing job and Abigail Spencer has never been more annoying or better in a role. I started watching this show and was IMMEDIATELY hooked. Now I have to wait (not so) patiently for the second season. My only dislike is the Carrie Mulligan looking, deer in the headlights having actress Adelaide Clemens. I think her character is pointless and dangerous to a confused ex-con like Daniel.And really there can be only one Carrie Mulligan in Hollywood or the earth will implode.
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Da Vinci's Demons (2013–2015)
Beautiful Piece of Art
8 June 2013
Now this is how violence and sex can be written in to a story perfectly. Sex and violence shouldn't BE the story they should be background to the story. This show is incredible well written with intricate plots and details. I have to watch some episodes twice to make sure I'm not forgetting anything. The character who plays Girolamo Riario is excellent as a villain, he is understated yet intimidating. On the other end of the spectrum I find the main actor a little over the top dramatic. He is probably my least favorite (crazy as that is to say) but thankfully there are so many other characters to pick up the slack. I look forward to watching this show every week.
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Orphan Black (2013–2017)
LOVE this show
8 June 2013
The writers have done and excellent job ensuring that each episode is unpredictable and that each character is individual and has something to offer the show. The acting is fantastic and the story is original. I am very happy to have discovered this show and can't wait for more!Its nearly impossible to know who to trust and who is the "bad guy" vs. "good guy" I love that in a show. My only real negative is the Detective Art scenario. I want him to just disappear from the show (along with his new partner) they are annoying, in the way and serve no real purpose. The clone science and action is what I want more of. That's what makes this show good. Well that and Allison:)
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