
10 Reviews
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Like all Art should be
1 October 2019
Politics aside this is a jewel of a movie. If you have a heart and a functional brain you should see this simple story about the Human condition. The background is Hungary, a country where all society is involved one way or another with the refugees subject, some find damnation others redemption. Try to watch it in a non-biased way and you´re in for a sweet&sour treat.
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The Family (2019)
Religion and Politics are one and the same?
7 September 2019
Very interesting doc showing how a new take on Jesus Christ was able to create a network/brotherhood of powerful men all around the world and how they influence global&local law making processes and social evolution. Could/should have gone much deeper down the rabbit hole but my guess is that the subject is to hot&risky for that.
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Hellstorm (2015)
This was painful and weird to watch.
14 August 2018
I don´t even know where to start. A peculiar guy told me i should watch this one, something smelled fishy but because i´m a sucker for Docs i went for it. My mistake, i should had checked who was the guy behind it all, Thomas Goodrich, because that could had saved me sometime to do something better than watching poorly done propaganda. Leni Riefenshtal is turning on her grave.

Saying that the world is not aware of the price of both WWs on the German population just shows the author credentials as an Historian.

There are no new facts on it but plenty of "wrong facts"/lies delivered emotionally and never backed up by any reliable sources.

Visually was a mess, the narration was emotionally charged and in the end i was left with a sense of dread for the ones who choose to believe in this kind of POLITICAL PROPAGANDA.
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Not for the ultra football fan that ´s for sure.
30 May 2018
This one grew on my while watching it. At the beginning it seemed a bit all over the place with few connections with football, firms or hooligans but soon enough i´ve realized that that connection is never established because this is not a movies about any of that. This low key movie, with decent acting in some places, is all about a man trying to catch up with his lost memories while suffering from a brain damaged suffered in a fight. To me it´s hard to understand why anyone would choose this subtext to touch this subject but i did like it in the end because it all made a nice contrast.
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One well crafted gem.
4 March 2018
One wonderfully crafted gem about the clash of several different worlds. Language, sexuality and personal aspirations all became entangled showing us all how chaotic Life is and how hard it is to make sense of it all.

A very plausible argument and human back ground made this movie very special for me because my personal emotional subtext filled all the blanks in the story.

I´m yet digesting it but i could not resist in reviewing it in the hope that others see it.
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One vivid dream built upon the ruins of Christianity or just self-indulgence for the LGBT community?
17 February 2018
My fondness for Nature and the idea of sharing this movie with a couple of birdwatchers brought this movie to my attention. Was i ready for it? Not even close!!! Not ready for the Religious subtext, not ready for the graphic sexual images, not ready for the dreamlike script that never gave away the meaning of it all and most of all not ready to enjoy it so much.

If your kind of movies are mainstream blockbusters with plenty of action and a fast-food script stay away from it, you are in risk of severe damage to your beliefs, feelings and mind constructs.

But if you like to go into the rabbit hole of other peoples heads just go for it, it´s one hell of a ride.
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Dancing for Relief
7 February 2018
One very well executed piece on the power of self-expression. I´ve never heard of Krump before but coming from a rough neighborhood i could easily relate with using music, dance, clothing and other forms of personal expression as a way of escaping your own limits and boundaries.

Well worth the time.
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Food for thought
7 February 2018
One very interesting documentary about the role of food on our individual health. When Humans disconnect from what they feed themselves we end up on the actual paradigm where the ones that have food don´t know how to eat it properly and the ones that yet know how don´t have what to eat.

Worrying to say the least.

Essential viewing for anyone interested in the theme.
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42 Grams (2017)
Don´t believe the hype.
7 February 2018
I honestly don´t understand all those 10/10 reviews on such a personal and unbalanced tale of profissional success. It´s a well directed and produced business presentation and i´ve never felt any love for food and cooking or any care for the costumers. Just plenty of ego even more technique and cooking skills with a dash of bipolar behavior.

I end up giving such a low rating because i predicted the end of the documentary as soon as he mentioned the "2 stars on the first year" thing and because i found Chef Jake a very sad and nasty person that tramples over everybody else while chasing his dreams.

Not good but interesting anyway.
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A magical experience.
11 March 2016
I found this movie after watching a clip taken from it, apart from Vicent Gallo (kind of a fetish actor for me), i didn't knew anything from it so it was a very surprising and pleasant experience for me.

This is not the usual mainstream movie nor even your usual arty stuff. To me it was more of a whimsical movie where you need to fill the empty spaces with your own personal experiences.

Electronic music, Vitalic OST is almost perfect (too repetitive but that it's needed to stress the message), but there's always a fight between Analogic/Real vs Digital/Surreal going on.

The movie is made of archetypes but we have the power to decide which is what.

The camera work is dated, reminding me of post II War Italian movies, that when contrast with the up to date musical references made my brain twitch.

Sorry for the digressive review but this is a perfect movie for me because lingers for ever.

Essential viewing in my opinion.
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