
23 Reviews
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Insufferable characters, at an awful party
9 January 2023
This felt like reality tv drama. Every character is insufferable. I remember being at a party similar to what their party was suppose to be I guess? Needless to say, I ended up leaving. Just a toxic group of friends who think it's fun to make people around them uncomfortable and start drama. I guess that's the point of the film? So I'll give it that. Maybe I just wasn't the target audience for this but I will say that the outtakes reek of young people that think they're funny.

Overall if you enjoy TikTok/ gen Z/ kardashian like reality tv drama, then this could very well be, your dream movie.
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Amy Schumer: Growing (2019 TV Special)
I really tried to give this a chance.
2 August 2022
I think the main funny thing about this special was that I watched this with someone that had no opinions on Amy Schumer and wanted me to give this special an actual chance. I actually chuckled twice, while she did not laugh once and actually hated it more than I did. So you see Amy, it's not men that dislike your stuff, it's everyone, even the ones that encourage others to give you a chance. Thanks for being the reason there is no longer a star rating system on netflix. Much appreciated.
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Parks and Recreation (2009–2015)
Brilliant, hilarious every lead so loveable.
30 May 2022
In my opinion this is how strong female leads should be written or any lead character should be written, strengths and flaws. Strengths that can sometimes be viewed as flaws from the antagonists but in the end brings them through all their challenges while learning new things and growing.

None of the characters are helpless idiots in this, (well... maybe except for Jerry but even then) Leslie sometimes comes to Ron for help, Ron comes to leslie for help. Everyone is helping everyone and Leslie is the glue that keeps them all together with her impeccable integrity and desire to always do the right thing. Even when she tries to do corrupt things, she is too wholesome to go through with it. Even though of her incredibly sweet nature she is still not one to just let people walk all over her. She's aggressive to fight for what she believes in while not compromising on her values to get there.

We need more female role models like Leslie Knope instead of all this false angry pseudo feminism.

She is by far my favorite sitcom character of all time.
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Favorite episode so far!
1 March 2022
I'm a huge fan of Zach psychicpebble. I find in this episode is really where you see him shine. His over the top voice of the extra characters just has me rolling every time. You can really tell how many of the writing choices were his for this episode. There's no real timeline to the show so if you want a reason to watch the show, watch this episode first.
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Just Wright (2010)
Fun movie but sends the wrong message at the end
8 December 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Queen Latifah was awesome as usual. The way the love interest develops was fun and sweet. Morgan who was clearly interested in Scott just to be a trophy wife and riding the man's coat tale so she could "be somebody" leaves him in his most desperate hour when he injures himself and his career is in jeopardy. Leslie continues taking care of him during his injury and goes above and beyond her job because she believes in him. He recovers and is back to being top guy in basketball. He falls for he because she's a good woman that is supportive but also isn't afraid of giving someone tough love. He actively pursues her from this point, fixes her car while keeping the dent in it that had such sentimental value to her. They kiss, you know whats next. They spend the night together, he makes her breakfast with a cute note. This is where it takes a terrible turn.

Morgan shows up again being the gold digger she is, wants to get back together with Scott. You would think that after she left him like that, his answer would be a big fat No right?? Especially since he just sleep with Leslie... like just slept with her and is "in love with her". Nope, they get back together.

So at this point i'm like "this guy is awful, move on leslie. You got great things ahead of you without this guy" and she does have great things going for her! She starts getting scouted by tons of teams to be their physical therapist. It should have continued like that with scott and Morgan just being in a bad relationship while Leslie just owned her life and got a better man.

But no... scott gives this dumb speech on tv realizing his mistake, dumps morgan, and morgan is like "cool, i was a bad person, you should get back with her" as if that redeems her or something. He shows up after she had a meeting with a potential job with a team and is like "i know you love me" and she's like "Okay! Yay!" like.. what? No ... no nonono. Reality is that he's flaky and doesn't know what he wants and it's people like that(man or woman) that string people along because they know they can. That's not happily ever after.

Only way I could have seen them making this work, is if they were at an event or something and morgan showed up while Leslie was talking to some people wanting to hire her and she would see morgan being flirtatious and would leave thinking that once again she was going to be option B. But she would miss see Scott being like "No way, not getting back with you. I got someone that cares for me" and then you could play the rest of the movie the same.

This movie got me so mad at the end. Pretty trivial i know. I just had to rant.
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Felt like a skit from NSP but bad
13 June 2021
I've never seen the original but I could tell that this did not match up at all. Just really bad acting, bad writing, bad music! Like what? How can the final song suck so bad when it's suppose to be the ultimate song. It felt like they didn't even try to make it good. Sounds like a bad track you buy from a music stock site.
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not deserving of the bad reviews
20 October 2020
When I saw the trailer for this movie, my expectations were pretty low. I was pleasantly surprised though. The two comedic reliefs were meh. Their acting was pretty poor most of the time but yet still entertaining.

The plot was solid. Not amazing but solid. I would say that this entire movie is worth watching. I have enjoyed much worse, this is definitely worth your time if you want a pretty intense movie with a pretty good pacing and a neat twist.
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Cobra Kai (2018–2025)
cheesy acting sometimes but it really grows on you
3 September 2020
(The show itself) The show has some pretty cheesy acting right from the beginning. The story is pretty solid and a bit predictable while still taking some turns you wouldn't expect. There are some clumsily written scenes that seem really out of touch but the story still comes through really well

(The message) I'm at the first season of this show at episode 7 when writing this. I'm gonna go ahead and say that this show is what our generation needs. It tackles bullying the right way. Too many shows out there have good intentions but only end up reinforcing a victim mentality. Make them feel sorry for themselves because that's the easy way to do things. Cobra Kai teaches kids that they don't need to be a victim. Kids can grow stronger and deal with adversity, because that's what the real world is like. No matter how many safe spaces we make, there will always be people that don't play nicely. So we prepare for it by dealing with it, not by being sheltered.

This show manages to also tackle cyber bullying. And shows the audience that cyber bullies are nothing but P*meow*, hiding behind a virtual wall. I just really like how the show doesn't sugar coat things and looks at how things are and not how they think they should be.

overall thoughts I definitely recommend this show. the more you watch it, the more you'll enjoy it.
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Why is there bad reviews by clueless people?
5 May 2020
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say, I really enjoyed this show. But for some reason, there's people hating on it for the strangest reasons. The main one to be the fallout boy appearance and the music being less than good. It's like one episode. Not really a reason to dismiss the entire series.

The second very common attack this show gets is that "it supports hate crime". Showing hate crimes and supporting it, is two different things. If these people actually took the time to look at the true message is, they'd understand much more. History is written by the winners, and should looked at with that thought in mind. Which star begins to realize throughout the series. She found out that monsters were unjustly eradicated. And the fight was very one sided. And that it's very hard to convince people that have lived through and have been raised with brainwashing propaganda. Star, the main character we are rooting for, fights against the hate crimes and propaganda. She doesn't support it.

Terrible things happen in real life. Showing it on tv is about helping people ponder on it's effects. It's the opposite of a reason to dismiss a show. Dont be dumb.
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Awesome ending to the franchise
17 April 2020
This was worth watching just for then end action sequence. Great revenge flick. And old rambo is still one hell of a badass. Great emotional connection with the characters.

I gave it an 8 because it doesn't exactly have rewatchability. But well worth watching. It was pretty freaking badass.
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Van Helsing (2016–2021)
At season 4... gone from pandemic to supernatural
16 April 2020
Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying this series and it's entertaining. But it's by no means good. The child actors are so bad, you will hope for their death.

I don't really know how to describe the writing. I guess pretty predictable. Flash backs are used pretty well to set up things that happen in the present nicely. The action choreography is just god awful. To the point it really looks like they're holding back and it's obvious in the scene. Even when it's something as simple as hitting a dummy with a fire extinguishers. There's no urgency to their movement at all. You really feel like this is play pretend. Still fun to watch but takes you out of the suspense.

My favorite thing in this series is definitely Sam. His story arc is really interesting. But I feel kind of falls appart.

All and all, this show is nothing special but will keep you interested and entertained. Some fun cool concepts in it.
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Harley Quinn (2019– )
Don't take this show seriously. Enjoy the ride.
5 January 2020
Pros This show reminds me of so many things. It's a little bit like venture brothers. They humanize the villains with goofy bits. It's like if they turned a robot chicken skit into a full show. So don't expect these dc characters to act normally in any way. I definitely laughed quite a bit watching this show.

Cons It gets really political with the whole feminism junk though. But the comedy makes it bearable. They seem to just enjoy dropping F bombs for no reason just to make the show edgy.

Definitely worth checking out. Id recommend it.
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Gravity Falls (2012–2016)
Best cartoon show I've ever watched.
15 November 2019
Seriously this show is amazing. The story and characters are so well developed. Most of them have amazing growth. Probably only one thing that I found a little off but if anything it throws off expectations and make the ending that much more original and satisfying.

This show also does a great job of even putting lgbtq stuff in. Which normally I'm not for because often when writers decide they want to put that in, they sacrifice plot for the sake of their social justice message. But gravity falls does it smoothly and seamlessly. It's absolutely awesome.

Huge props for these creators and I want to see more of their work now. Seriously I have a void that needs filling, please help :(
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It's ridiculous but kinda sweet at the same time
7 November 2019
This show really appeals to the whole ideal that we've all done some cringey stuff in our early teens and want to forget it ever happened. This series goes over that, but also how some kids develop a whole make believe world to escape trauma and harsh realities.

I first started watching this show cause I thought the whole reminiscing of past cringe offenses really funny. But I stayed for the very sweet and wholesome storyline.

It's not for everyone but it's clean, goofy and sweet fun. Definitely worth watching through once. I laughed and my eyes watered a little bit in some moments.
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A lot of these reviews were generous with their ratings
25 June 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So here's my take on all this. A lot of reviews saying this was overly girl power and the main character is a sexist Mary Sue. She did show flaws here and there so it wasn't as bad as captain marvel. And they let Hemsworth be right sometimes, saying she's never been in love before. And maybe she should loosen up. BUT that's where it ends. There is no development for her in that area. She remains the same, not learning any valuable lesson. Instead she "learns how the universe works". Which she does this by going into a wormhole and coming out in slow motion as if this is some moment of clarity. It's really not. There is no explanation for her "revelation". All great actors but the characters were bad. Except for Pawny. Kumail Nanjiani did great, funny as always, even when given a slightly cringey character. The CGI was absolutely gorgeous. It was very lifelike. Those two things is want merits stars out of my rating. But I think the most annoying and ridiculous part of it. Is how Agent M knows everything about every piece of alien tech she touches. I understand she is suppose to be smart. But this is not something she learned in any school. And it's nothing she's ever encountered before. They could have at least done a montage of her doing some kind of training to explain this. But no she's fresh off the boat and already knows everything alien. Terrible.
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Warrior (2019–2023)
Great show! But mediocre fight scenes
24 June 2019
This show is great, the characters are interesting. The whole vibe of the show is pretty cool. But my only gripe about it is the fight scenes are a pretty sloppy. They feel very rehearsed like they're trying to meet all their marks. It feels a little amateur and clumsy. And that's why I won't give it a 10. But definitely a must see.
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Love, Death & Robots: Zima Blue (2019)
Season 1, Episode 14
I loved the animation but it makes no sense
18 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
So the character in question started creating these universe paintings. But then started adding a blue square in them. Later on it's revealed that he goes through a cybernetic transformation so he can then commune with the cosmos. His last project is a pool with zeama blue tiles. The same color that has been reoccurring in his work. We find out it's because the parts that created his cyborg self, belonged to a pool cleaning robot that cleaned this pool with zeama blue tiles. The zeama blue squares in his paintings were his subconscious seeking the first thing he ever knew.

What problem do I have with this? It's completely stupid because he started painting that blue square before he got the cybernetics. So he couldn't have thought of that color before getting the robot parts that originated from that robot. They could have put the whole part about him getting robot parts before! Then tried to explore the cosmos and that's when he'd start painting the blue squares. Which then would make a lot more sense why he would be thinking about where his robot part began.
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The end was absolutely beautiful but...why?
11 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I have to say I absolutely loved the end even if it didn't belong in Always Sunny. It was like a breath of fresh air. Seeing Frank understand Mac. And the way Mac must have practiced and trained for this scene is unbelievable. I'm not a fan of social agendas on tv but if you're going to do it, this was definitely a great example. I had tears whelling up.

But what does this mean for Always Sunny? Was this just a one time fluke? Or a new direction?
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Non political review. It was meh
11 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
After seeing the trailer, I didn't jump into the whole controversy around this film. The trailer just looked dull. Every actor seemed off. Even Samuel Jackson. So I thought to myself, it had to be the director. I mean I've liked Brie Larson in her other works.

I wasn't going to go see it, but hey, I'm one to give things a chance. And I didn't regret watching it. It was watchable but... Captain Marvel is an incredibly unlikable character that seems like something an insecure teenage girl wrote.

She has no weaknesses, she's constantly sarcastic and condescending to everyone, and is completely overpowered. No humility whatsoever. But you say to yourself "hey but tony is really arrogant and egotistical" you're right and he often pays for that arrogance. It comes back to bite him all the time. But there's no consequences to captain marvel's arrogance and general egotistical behavior.

How did they thing that making a character constantly belittle everyone without adding constructive insight on anything, make her likeable??

The scene where she makes Fury reveal something personal and weird to prove isn't a skrull was nice. But then instead of having her reveal something relatable and personal about herself in return to prove herself. She just fires her photo beam destroying property in the bar she use to love being in and smugly replies "that was a photon blast. Skrull can't do that." Are you kidding me? He just has to take her word for it? He doesn't know what skrull can or can't do!

They seemed to be afraid to give her character any depth. Even when she's falling and closes her eyes, building up to her being able to fly. You think "hmm maybe she's gonna have some kind of flashback from Dr Mar Vel, giving her words of strength and that's when she clicks in her full potential?" Nope just glowie eyes and her going WEEEEEEEEE!!!!

Here's what I have to say about her abilities. Her photon blast.... boring! They seem to be magic that does whatever she needs them to do. Needs to power a broken engine? Zap! Engine starts up, ship takes off.

So overall I enjoyed every other character movie except captain marvel. The skrull character ended up being extremely likeable. I would watch a movie about him. The cat was great. I'm dreading to see captain marvel in endgame.
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Baki (2018–2020)
Alright but why the random 3D models???
18 February 2019
I was enjoying the series but they kept adding these really ugly 3D models. They're so terrible and only in for a few seconds at a time. Why even bother with them??? I don't get it.
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So much potential but bad execution.
3 December 2018
I didn't have much expectations for this movie. Figured, Mature rated movie with muppets, it can't be a complete miss. But i wish it would of been less of a miss than it was. I was still disappointed.

So I'll say the good before the bad. The movie was very well shot. The effects with the puppets kinda blew me away. Seeing so many full body shots of a puppet that moves around with human hands. And shots of him crawling through stuff. Had to be pretty complicated. The plot was decent, murder mystery where everyone of the cast of an old tv show gets murdered one by one.

Here's where things go wrong. Any scene with Melissa Mcarthy seems way too improvised. Every one of them just seems aimless and goes off the rails. Just terrible comedic timing and not to mention, she just doesn't shut up. None of her jokes land because she doesn't let them. She keeps adding and adding and adding!

I use to love Melissa Mcarthy. She was great in bridesmaids and actually pretty good in the The Heat. Which makes me wonder, how did she do so terribly in this buddy cop comedy? Maybe because she doesn't do well with that perticular character dynamic? I dont know to tell you. But my honest opinion is if you let Mcarthy adlib too much, you end up with a bad movie. Thats what happened in Ghostbusters. She starts to ramble in circles like she doesn't know where she's going with stuff.

Is it worth the watch? I'd say yes, it's still very entertaining to see puppets being vulgar. Would I watch it again? Definitely not.
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Pixels (2015)
Adam why you so tired
29 October 2015
Warning: Spoilers
Everything about this movie was so lazy. Putting your best friend as the freaking president. Really?? Like really? Adam Sandler just walks around any room in the White House, no boundaries. This seems like it could of been the entire premise of the movie. Just the president having a loser best friend.

But that is the smallest point I want to make. What happened to you Adam?? You use to be so full of life. You would yell. You would punch people. You would laugh. This entire movie was just you waiting for the opportunity to insult someone. And then dragging the bit for too long. Adam Sandler had the same sad tired face the entire movie. Lifeless performance. Stop crapping out all these pointless movies just for the money. Actually put your passion into it. Like you use to.
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Evil Dead (2013)
obviously not better but still very enjoyable
13 July 2013
Alright, there are so much hate towards this movie based on how everyone is expecting it to be just as good as the originals. you cant really expect that from a remake. Although there are some things that bothered me there was quite a bit i liked.

GOOD throughout the movie you can see bits and pieces of the original they kept. Ashe's car that Mia was sitting on, the necklace her brother gives her was similar to the one Ashe gives to his girlfriend and a subtle one is the cards that Eric was playing with while sitting on the swing. that to me was a nice bit for the original fans.

BAD Eric is looking over the the book of the dead and sees all the symptoms of someone thats possessed. and only starts saying something after the third symptom. Idiot. "oh she's just going through withdrawal, just puked a gallon of blood. no big deal"

GOOD love how its not the same story. giving them a way to bring back people from the possessed state. kinda gives that hope. and its crazy how this movie has so many climax points where u think they are done but nope.. keeps going .

BAD I find it stupid how this cabin they are at was one they owned and have been there a year before. but these random people that we don't see again that seem to be locals, deal with the same situation in their cabin right before that .. did they rent it out to that family. where the F did those other weird people come from and why don't we see them again since they look like experts on that stuff. it would of just made more sense to say that they rented the cabin for a cheap price, like the original. instead of saying they owned it. and make up some other stuff about their good childhood memories. It would of been as simple as just a few changes in the dialog.

GOOD what i really enjoyed is how they used the original soundtrack when all hell breaks loose. and Mia's demon speaks for the first time "we have a awaken from our ancient slumber, one by one blah blah blah", its really in the background of it all but you can hear it.. so awesome.

BAD it seems they were trying to make the brother one of the main protagonist but failed miserably. the guy had not scene presence and they made his character so weak. what was made to seem like what someone will do for their family just made it look cowardly.

GOOD The gore, oh my god, the gore. it wasn't that it was so bloody. it was the fact that they would really emphasize the cutting. each cut seemed to slow down and you feel it for the character.

GOOD they kept the whole camera flying through the woods to build up the tension, i was seriously hoping for that.

-clarification on the 5 souls. some people say it only possessed 3 or 4 souls.. which isn't the case.. it possessed Mia at the start even though she got freed still counts, her brother's girlfriend obviously. Eric's girlfriend, obviously, Eric for sure, and her brother was being possessed when Eric stabbed him, so thats all five. even though it was slightly unclear. they should of at least showered her brother starting to turn.

conclusion I went in this movie with no expectations. and came out of it thinking it was decent. it was more of a tribute to the great trilogy we've come to know by the great Bruce Campbell.
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