
6 Reviews
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The Silence (II) (2019)
Silly story line destroys this movie
1 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
The trailer of this movie was ok, so I thought to give it a go. The story ark could have potential, however there are so many plot holes to begin with and then the storyline chosen is also very odd that with the sudden ending you get a "what the F" feeling quickly and it doesn't go away.

The first plot hole is that these creatures do not eat each other, but however manage to survive for millions of years. They are blind, go wild on any noise even if it is a crowbar but again do not eat each other but yes they recognize their own eggs. Wonder if they can smell, if so they would be able to smell 'meat', so there goes the 'just throw something somewhere and I'm safe' theory. The fact that they go wild on any noise creates at least one other plot hole. They can break through car glass, why did they stay in the cages for all those millions of years? The earth sounds probably went very deep, but they just sit round for two people to pound on their door. Another problem is that instead of hide in a cold place the government could have made an easy like fishing net trap with a large loud speaker. So no reason to write this story ark actually.

Let's move on to the humans. How stupid can you be to go in your car and where'd you want to go? They only make stupid decisions in this movie, but more on that later. First... I don't really understand the reason for the deaf girl. The writers probably though that this was a good way for the family to communicate without making an noise, but the noises a human makes without speaking are abounded, besides that it would have been far more interesting to see how a family copes without sign languages. This is the easy way out.. And then your friend, whom at that moment can't really know yet how serious the threat of these creatures is, wants to cash in his paycheck so out of blue wants to be left alone to heroically die.

Because your car makes noise which you do not want to make AT ALL you decide to go walk in a forest, where the leafs on its own and the twigs on the ground when you walk on it make of course makes no sound what so ever... After hours you come across a house, the only way to reach is to crawl through a drain pipe with your back pack still on, which by the material it's made of always makes noise. Always! Now the creatures just attack any noise on sound only, not by sight. But now they precisely fly several feet into the pipe, to only go for that very small snake. How lucky.

Then the writers decide to make the obvious threat letting mum potentially die, if you do not go out there again to get antibiotics. Remember you just walk for hours through a forest you are not familiar with, in an environment you do not know, but can easily find a small town and manage to go back and forth in one day. Of course you meet an nut case who cut out this tongue. Again... why this story ark? You can still manage to talk (a bit) without a tongue and you can certainly make noises! This guy suddenly knows where you live and you are stupid enough to not lock the gate behind you (twice actually! The first time you come back and the second time you ask them to leave you alone). Mum takes a bath (seriously..? try to let your water run without making noise.) and daughter uses the internet, why that still works is a miracle. The power houses and servers makes a lot of noise and need maintenance by humans and where other devices have a dead battery within one day this one works on both ends, but ok let's go with the fact that the internet still works (roughly). You go to bed and because nut case wants your daughter 'who is fertile' they make a trap with all the same phones.. More phones than the size of their group and of course you want to lose your connection with the rest of the (internet)world you easily discard your device like that.

And then poof... you find yourself instantly in the cold and start doing a Robin Hood with your best friend who survived and hunt these creatures one by one. I don't know what Netflix was thinking or what the writers drank during the write out of this movie, but seriously. With a cast like this, they owed us a better script.. a better story. If not for Miranda Otto, Stanley Tucci and John Corbett (who does a lousy job.. sorry..) this movie would be a 0 out of 10. Now I can give it a 3 out of 10 and give you the advice to only watch if you want to kill some time by watching a movie that doesn't need to much thinking.
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One Kill (2000 TV Movie)
flashbacks don't work
8 December 2005
This could have been a good TV-movie, but the flashbacks do not make it easier to understand the movie. As they give the viewer informations on the way (will the movie proceeds) i found myself wondering why she never said or mentioned that in the beginning. Then the whole trail would probably not have been necessary.

When the movie ends you understand why she shot, and of course she is not guilty. Too bad that the producer/director used the flashbacks this way, but on the other had the movie would not have been worth while at all.

Nice movie for a rainy day, big bag of chips to kill the evening.
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Blown Away (1994)
I wasn't blown away by it.
24 January 2005
This movie starts out nice, you don't know what the connection is between the two. But the connection is soon to be told and was unlikely. Unlikely for Mr. Dove. Unlikely for the Irish guy(i forgot his name) to do what he does. Unliky that Mrs. Dove married him without ever knowing his real name. Who is the old guy who chooses to be blown up. What is his deal in this? Just a few of the many questions that came up in my mind. This movie stars nice,(could have been pretty good but) then quickly takes the obvious turn to oblivion where it will lie forever with a lot of other movies.

I gave it a 7 out 10, because some bits where entertaining
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The Familiar Stranger (2001 TV Movie)
Nice TV movie
24 January 2005
My TV guide said that was a thriller, now at the end i just knew it could not be a thriller. It isn't; it's drama. TV guide was wrong. ;-). Now at the end they said that this was based on a real story, with some dramatic and added fiction. My first thought was: What was a real and what was not? The way the man faked his death? The way he felt sorry for his family? The way she, the wife was afraid of bonding? I don't know. I liked the movie, it's a nice TV-movie. But it starts slow, you see how close the family is to a certain point and then he is gone. The children suddenly grow up and then dad turns out to be alive. OK, nice! Why did the judge or social security not found out that he was already married or so? That's the only thing that kinda bite me.

For overall this movie is a 6 out of 10. Not perfect, not bad but just nice.
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Ain't it tomorrow yet?
8 January 2005
Warning: Spoilers
this review may contain a small spoiler or 2.

OK, call me a nut, but i think scenario's like this are very interesting and frighting in a way, because it could really happen! Maybe not in one day (or 2), but in years. Maybe! OK, back to the movie. What i saw of it in the trailers and so on, i though this to be a really good, realistic movie. And i went to the cinema with a feeling: OK, this is gonna be great movie. Will have me on the edge of my seat.

The first half, the storm, Special effects and all are really Awsume. Some what a little over the top, but (for the majority) acceptable. Roland has done this funny, but over the top thing before (8 legged freaks, ID4). ID4, one of my favorite movies of all time. But with TDaT Roland really misted out! big time. I really can't believe that a reporter would let himself be killed just for good rating. It's dangerous and except in wartime people are evacuated for there own safety. Now these tornado's came without warning, but these reporters would NOT have been allowed so close by.

The story... what story?? There is no story, i could not and i mean i could NOT relate with any of the characters. They just move around on screen, do amazingly stupid, crazy and unnecessary things (like getting themselves killed or almost killed just for the fun of it). Burning books??? Hmm... maybe they should have started with the wood (stair, table, etc.) first. I mean how dumb are they? Just to make a joke about Taxes (whaah well it had me laughing for sure NOT!). Just to save *a* bible?? The woman who is staying being with a child. Why??? Why can't he be evacuated like everybody else. Why is there an ambulance coming, when they where all gone. Why are they still alive, while it was and still is freezing? Why was this in the movie? Sentiment? Boring!!!!!It didn't work, neither did Quaids character (Jack). Quaid did his best, i'm sure but all of the characters where made out of cardboard, no depth, no background, no story, nothing. There was nothing in it, nothing what maybe me feel sorry for Jack (almost)loosing his son, or his best friend. (who kills himself to *save* them) Things like that may and can work, but this just made me laugh. I don't know the guy, so i didn't give a damn about his *heroic* act (unlike ID4's Russel). Of course they just get to New York in time, on their way they come across a small storm, find a lot of dead (the stupid) people. New York is sooooo big, really huge, but of course Jack finds his son (and luckily just in time!). No one was sure to survive, but of course Jack, Sam and his new girlfriend do. Jack was an idiot, sure to die if he would go to New York. He would NOT make it (he himself! advised everyone to stay inside). But sure enough, at the end hundreds of people gather on rooftops, who survive this cold (they all knew, what Sam knew. (and he only knew it thanks to his well educated father) Weird huh!) At least now i know that they all have fireplaces, books or wood in those big New York skyscrapers to keep warm.

I can accept that it's about America only, there is about 5 minutes about Japan or so. But i can accept that. There is no way this can be done showing the effect world wide, it would be to confusing and you can't focus on characters (not that they successfully did it in this version, but OK). I can all accept that, but what is this thing about Mexico?? What happens to Canada?? Bad bad bad!!! This movie disappointed me. Really, it did. It's not good, it's not realistic, the story Roland chose is way off!! My advice, rent this movie on a Sunday when you have absolutely nothing else to do, watch the first hour and then switch it off. Or ask someone to rent it for you and watch it when you are sick and laying in bed all day. Any other day, or any other time is a big waste of your time.
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The Forgotten (2004)
Very disappointing end! Starts out nice dough
4 December 2004
This movie started out for as: OK, what's gonna happen. What's going on, who's in it, who's not? It really has some good scary moments and great acting. And right up to the end it really got to me. How disappointing the end was! Men... Just can't help the feeling that the writers where like: Sh*t, the 90 minutes are up, let's wrap it with a ending that really s*cks!

The end is worthless and leaves a lot of questions unanswered, big time!

One thing, it's really irritating that you can see the microphone 1/2 time in the screen. Please, fire that cameraman!

I give the beginning an 6, the middle section an 8, the end a 2. The whole movie 3 out of 5
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