
3 Reviews
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All the Rivers Run (1983–1990)
Better than expected, being a sequel!
29 March 2010
Whereas the first series was a more family-oriented and charming production, the sequel depicted a more realistic, darker side of life. In fact, the plot was almost too miserable at times, but then again - no one said life is a rose garden. I have to say that Delie as portrayed by Nikki Coghill is just as good as Sigrid Thornton were in the first series (I have to pity her for not accepting to play Delie in the sequel). John Water's Teddy still is quite the charmer, but in the sequel he is allowed to show some darker sides as well. All in all, I think this second series was surprisingly good and far more realistic as regards the plot than the first series; they were both quite enjoyable though!
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A film you don't have to see!
3 October 2009
Unfortunately I have to correct several things about this movie which Putte-4 ( commented on previously. First of all, Sven Ingvars were by no means Scandinavia's most successful pop band during the 60's and early 70's. They weren't even Sweden's major pop band, let alone Scandinavia's. In fact they were not labeled as a pop band at all, since their songs all were performed in Swedish. More apt would be calling them an entertainment band for a more adult audience.

Neither is this film their second film at all - it is their first and only.

The plot is awful; or rather non-existing. The script is poorly written as is the dialogue, not to mention very poor acting (but then again, the boys are musicians and and not actors) The director of this film is one of Sweden's most criticized directors ever; he was usually being accused of making films for people with poor taste and low IQ (or no taste at all).

Having seen this film 40 years after its original release it's quite obvious why it became a financial disaster for the band. However, they are still around playing their old songs to an ageing audience - and they are really good at that!
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Oh dear me
22 January 2005
To be quite honest I must say it was embarrassing watching this film - surely it must be one of the worst films I've ever seen! I watched the original King Kong (1933) a few days ago, and compared to this "successor" the first film is a masterpiece (especially since it features Fay Wray).

However, "King Kong lives" is - apart from a terrible script - technically very poor. I find it hard to believe that it was made in 1986 - surely one must have been able to come up with better effects than this? As some people already have mentioned here, Linda Hamilton is the only thing worth anything in this poor movie.

So, my advice to those of you who haven't seen this film yet - view something else, or you'll waste 100 minutes of your life!
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