
2 Reviews
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White Trash Humor!
11 February 2004
Hilarious! The excuses he makes when he is being chased by the cops are priceless! His mullet: perfect! Its a fun movie! The characters are classically 80s white trash. The other reality series depicted in the movie takes a strange twist. You will have to watch it to find out.
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see it once, then forget about it
11 February 2004
This movie was funny, and worth renting if you have nothing else to do. However, I wouldn't recommend purchasing it. The leprechaun is kinda creepy in a disgusting sort of way. Ice-T is pretty cool. Coolio plays himself, so that's fun. The fake raps are so horrid that they are hilarious. In fact, that sums up the entire movie: so horrid that its funny.
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