4 Reviews
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Not that rubbish
30 May 2019
I really don't know why this film gets such a bad press - not highbrow enough probably. Plain and simple, it's a boys own adventure escapist romp with great special effects. Turn your brain down and enjoy.
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At last, a Netflix movie with a proper ending!
28 May 2019
Very much enjoyed this one, but can't help thinking that Netflix can try too hard to be different. A bit like a stage play at times, lots of overacting and grand gestures, but a decent story with twists I wasn't expecting. I held my breath until the end hoping (and praying) that it wouldn't be just another Netflix movie with a cop out ending, but this took me back to the schlock novellas/comic books/portmanteau films of the 70s with a bit of a surprising twist. Liked it.
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Bancroft (2017–2020)
How did this get left on the shelf of ITV3?
2 January 2019
Although the last episode became increasingly predictable, overall a very enjoyable series. Good acting and plot - well above average. How some of those reality programmes get prime time on the main ITV channel over this is beyond me.
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Westworld: The Passenger (2018)
Season 2, Episode 10
So far up its own backside...
16 July 2018
It lost its way. Great shame because I thought the first series was one of the best things I'd seen on tv for a very long time. 5 stars because of the acting, but waaaaay to convoluted in the end.
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