
10 Reviews
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Elling (2001)
Good movie. Proud to own it ;-)
30 January 2004
One of the most successful Norwegian films ever made. I personally liked it..there are some funny parts in it. However, I just don't see how it being very funny & hilarious as what I've heard before-hand or read. But overall, still a great film!
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A moving tale...worth a watch
30 January 2004
It's something a little different, and perhaps, this is probably one of the fewest successful films produced and filmed exclusively all in Greenland. The movie is based on conflicts within a family, between modern and traditional cultures. Unfortunately, it ended with a few tragedies, including one in the family. However, such conflicts do exist there in Greenland. If you travel there one day, you may find in the larger towns anything from buses and Mercedes-Benz taxis, to apartment blocks and pubs playing modern hit music. Yet there are still natives who are very proud of their own traditions and do not like the change that the western world has brought them. And in many cases, its younger versus the older generation.

Not only this movie has a moving tale, it will also introduce you Greenland's vast, yet hauntingly beautiful wilderness. Just seeing its fascinating land & icescapes gets my high credits from me.

Worth a watch, give it a try!
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22 (2000 Video)
Amateur, but entertaining enough to watch...even maybe a few times for me ;-)
29 January 2004
An attempt to make a Norwegian version of "Scream" or such Hollywood thriller films. This is a much lower-budgeted film, and not to mention, its not even popular in their own country (Norway)!

Though I must say, I still enjoyed it. I've bought it for a cheap price at a store in a gas station in Northern Norway, and thought of giving it a try. It's not exactly really scary. True hardcore fans of horror films will find this probably one of the most pathetic horror films ever made. But realistically, to me, ITS JUST A MOVIE. Nothing will ever be perfectly made. Actually, if this low-budget or amateur film was meant to be made that way, yet at the same time, tried to have it spiced up a bit...then "22" doesn't fail to do so. It is probably one of the best amateur-"wannabe" thrillers I've ever seen. Acting is not comparable to many other professional ones, but its not the end of the world. It's ok.

The whole movie was simple (plot and such), yet it was entertaining to watch. There are some blood and gore scenes. Therefore, its not one of those movies where someone gets stabbed in them stomach with maybe only one or two drops of blood coming out of it.

Some people wondered why I give it a 9/10? Well, one reason is, seeing an average of 3/10 is quite harsh...second, once was fun to watch! I wouldn't mind seeing this movie more than a couple times. It's not as terrible as it sounds, unless you have high expectations. If you just want to watch this movie for the heck of it without much expectations, and KNOW before-hand its a lower-budgeted film, then you probably wouldn't be too disappointed.
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6/10 slower can this movie get!
29 January 2004
Again, I had higher expectations. I was definitely disappointed. I tried to pay attention to the movie. I tried to sit in one spot while watching it. And I've also tried to like it. To be honest, its not a terrible film, but it drags. Does it have a few slow parts?? No, it has MANY slow parts. There were literally maybe a couple or a few parts (at max) in the movie that actually had some sort of action in it. Though I'd give credits for it being filmed in one of the most remote places of Norway...Finnmark. Also, its story wasn't all that bad at all. I've always loved Northern Norway...therefore, I didn't hesitate to watch this film. Perhaps I could have caught quite a few more glimpses of the vast wilderness there in this movie, of this beautiful part of the country...since the story talked about how a fishing village's economy was on a downfall. But all there was, was talking...talking...and talking. It takes patience to watch this film. I can handle some slower films, but this one didn't catch my attention. The plot was not strong enough, unlike "Insomnia" and "Cellofan/Cellophane".

Overall, if you don't mind a slow movie, this wouldn't be a terrible one. But personally, I must say this is probably my least-favourite Norwegian films that I have in my collection. Most films I can watch a second time or a few times...but this one, I'd have to be drunk.

6/10 (to be nice)
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Surprisingly good!
29 January 2004
Despite a couple of bad reviews and low ranks on the voting poll for this film, this movie is actually surprisingly good. I think a big part of watching a movie is the expectations...whether having a high one, or a low one. I didn't know what to expect really. Though the movie has some slower parts, but overall, it really kept my attention. It was a film that actually made me think. Surely, it may not be the most difficult plot to guess or solve, but it was entertaining to watch.

And though it has really nothing to do with the movie's quality, but I must say the film's setting seemed more North-American than Norwegian, with its big American pick-ups & 4x4s...but its nice to see them in a Norwegian film (look at my nick).
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Bloody Angels (1998)
It's disturbing and tragic, but worth the watch.
29 January 2004
Not much I can say. I agree that this is probably not exactly realistic especially it being taken place in a small town in a peaceful country like Norway. However, we all should know, its ONLY A MOVIE. It has a tragic and sad story to it, and not only that, some disturbing scenes. However, overall, this is still a great thriller that is worth a watch! It was put together quite well. I'm quite shocked after watching the film, yet also impressed.

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Show Me Love (1998)
There IS a reason why this movie is well-liked
29 January 2004
Awesome movie. What's the message? --->Be who you are, whether you're popular or not<--- ...or perhaps that may not be exactly it, but at least close enough. I just hope more and more teenagers & young adults nowadays can accept differences, and have the courage to be themselves whether it takes a bit of time or not. Well worth it! One of my favourite foreign films without a doubt. Just hoped the movie was a bit longer since the ending was quite good.
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Weekend (I) (1998)
It's not bad...not the greatest either.
29 January 2004
I expected more from this movie. There seemed to be quite a bit of action by watching it at the beginning. But there seems to be quite a bit of talking in the middle. However, there are a few scenes that are worth watching which will catch the attention. Its true there is quite a bit of arguing and screaming by a frustrated and angry young lady...but there is a reason within the storyline.

Overall, I was a bit disappointed at the movie perhaps mainly because I had higher expectations. However, this film is definitely 'watchable'. There are indeed some good parts in it. It's not bad, but I wouldn't make it one of my favourite Norwegian films either.
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Absolutely brilliant
29 January 2004
Awesome, yet touching film. I saw this movie first with one of my classes as a field trip back when I was in high school. I never thought for one second that this "unknown" foreign film would come out so brilliant. I still remember many of my classmates had the same feeling. Til this day, after 5 or 6 years, I still love this movie. The ending was sad. But overall, more than worth it. Definitely my favourite foreign movie so far. Character build-up was put together very well, and the acting, just great...SUPERB FILM!
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Insomnia (1997)
Much better than the American-version
29 January 2004
I actually used my brain in this movie. Quite brilliant. And I was surprised by the location where it was shot in this movie...Tromsø, Norway! I've spent some time there, and to a pleasant surprise, I recognized many places that were shot throughout the movie...including the apartment building where my friend's previous restaurant was, and an abandoned fishing village that I've visited (far from away from the city). Anyhow, other than the surprise, the movie was interesting. Something a little different from the usual thrillers that we see nowadays. Definitely better than the more predictable American-version. Well worth it!
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