
11 Reviews
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Record of Ragnarok (2021– )
Mind numbingly slow and boring
16 March 2024
I stopped in the middle of episode 3.

I honestly couldnt take any more, 80% if not 90% of the episode is side stories and conversations. The fighting takes seconds while the side conversations and narration takes 2-5 mins and are very frequent.

I stopped in the middle of episode 3, that is during the FIRST duel which started in episode 2, also if im not mistaken so far had 4 hits total so far.

Its like kengan ashura but on steroids, i loved kengan ashura but hated these long side stories that pause the fight but atleast in kengan ashura you get to see them actually fight for a decent time before you're interrupted with one of these stories or conversations.
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Poker Face (2022)
5.2/10 is harsh
3 January 2024
I really liked it, i give it 6.5/10 just because its short, if it had been 30 mins longer it would probably be a 7 or 7.5/10.

Its a good story, good acting but the climax where things get revealed was wrapped up too quickly. The characters barely got enough time to sit with the information, things just quickly spilt over and then they quickly moved on to the next act. The character spent more time planning the evening than the reveal. I didnt like that they gave more screen time for the beginning and end than the middle (the reveal and reactions) which i wanted to see more of.

Worth the watch... deserves 6.5/10, they probably spent too much time editing and cutting scenes.
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One Of Us Is Lying (2021–2022)
Stupid ending
3 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I loved the idea and story, acting was great, unpredictable twists and turns which i love since i've watched so many movies and series that i can predict how most movies and series end which kinda ruins it for me. Everything was going great till the last episode, the ending cant be justified except for it being a clear attempt to milk the series for at least another season, if thats not the tactic then i dont see any justification.... They catch the killer and have damning evidence, they end up killing him in SELF DEFENSE which they can get cleared of easily since they had the xbox which they still handed in to the police which exonerated Nate, INSTEAD they do the stupid thing of getting rid of his body and his car making it look like he fled the country and in the process making themselves look guilty when they're not.

Also another thing... why did jack not just destroy the xbox?????? He was going to but was interrupted by addy and then just left it in a drawer, its incriminating evidence that he knew they would come after but he couldnt take 5 mins before his party to destroy the ONE THING that could implicate him ????? The show was great and i enjoyed it very much but these two details pissed me off.
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Blockers (2018)
12 July 2020
I added it on my netflix list and thought it was gonna be cheesy but its way better than i expected, its pretty funny and entertaining
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The Gentlemen (2019)
Easy 10/10
26 June 2020
Amazing cast Amazing script Amazing humor Unpredictable script
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Huge letdown
22 March 2020
Dont pay attention to people complaining about it not living up to the book, movie and series adaptations never live up to the books.

However, this series was a huge letdown and waste of time. I wasn't a fan of the main character, he just didn't fit properly... sometimes actors and actresses just dont look the part. This series had a lot of potential but they massively screwed it up, a lot of build up for nothing.... the villain barely used his powers and we never get to see just how much chaos he can cause, the whole build up to the battle is resolved in maybe 2 mins and of course they had to shove a scene in there just because.... it literally served no purpose but to please the lgbt community, there's a right way of writing it into a series or movie instead of just throwing it in there.

Massive letdown.... the trailer was better than the series
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The I-Land (2019)
Dont pay attention to the bad reviews, it's actually decent
15 September 2019
This is actually a decent series... i was expecting something a lot worse from reading the reviews who were calling it terrible. The one thing the reviewers got right was that the first episode is the worst to get through, BUT its not because of bad acting like they say, it's because the characters do some annoying things that you would expect from typical characters dropped on an island like ask stupid questions and come to stupid conclusions.... after you get through the first episode the series is actually very nice and intriguing, i liked the plot and the twists... they were original and i didnt see them coming, the characters were also very well put together which you would notice if you pay close attention to their personalities and actions... i dont want to spoil anything, my only advice is WATCH THIS SERIES AND PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE NEGATIVE REVIEWS.
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Game of Thrones: The Bells (2019)
Season 8, Episode 5
Wasted time and budget
13 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Honestly this season has been a waste of time, buildup and budget. TOO MUCH action, alot of time wasted in episodes where other characters or storylines could've been focused on. Episode 5 was truly a letdown, all this money spent on CGI on a long destrucion sequence that could've been covered in 10 mins, why remind us of aryas' prophecy if she wasn't going to shut any "Green Eyes", cersei deserved a worse death than just being crushed by rubble and what's with the twist of killing one of the dragons if in the next episode dany's just going to try the same thing but be more careful this time and it WORKS !!! Honestly the only part I actually enjoyed was clegane and the mountains' fight to the death.... this season truly is a HUGE letdown and a betrayal to all the fans who were strung along for 7 SEASONS !!! Just to be treated to this sorry excuse for an ending to a series that promised so much...
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25 April 2019
This movie is perfect, it perfectly wraps up the avengers storyline..... it didnt feel like a 10/10 at first but thats because i was used to the typical avengers/marvel movie chain of events. but after looking back on it it was PERFECTLY laid out, the majority of the movie lacks action and fight scenes but thats what it's supposed to be like, its the last time we're going to see some of these characters on screen and they deserve a proper send-off...... but once you get to the end of the film......... that fight sequence... OH... MY... GOD
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Its good but don't expect alot
8 March 2019
MANAGE YOUR EXPECTATIONS, its a good movie but dont expect it to be the best MCU origin story, it's set on earth ( boring planet ) and she's the only superhero in the movie... it's definitely not a 10 like some people are rating amd calling it perfect but neither is it a "1" which is just pure bullshit, people rating it "1" are just people who went in expecting too much, it's probably because we've had such awesome marvel movies come out that the bar was set really high, overall it's a good movie (not one of the best in the MCU) it gives us some useful details about nick fury's past, the kree and how shield ever got posession of the tesseract
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Mo Amer: The Vagabond (2018 TV Special)
29 October 2018
Amazingly funny, and if you're arab then this stand up special is gonna be more hilarious and insanely relatable 😂😂😂😂
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