
3 Reviews
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The Little Mermaid (1992–1994)
Prehaps one of the best kids TV series ever?
19 April 2004
I watched this program quite a bit a few weeks back until they started playing repeats. I haven't seen them all but they are all very good. All I'm missing is the third season and the first episode which they unfortunately don't play down here yet. It seems just like shorter versions of the movie with different stories. It's very well done with most of the episodes with very original plots. There are some great new characters which is a pity that they weren't included in the movie. The series like the movie also features songs (although they aren't in every episode) which are very good and seem as if they are written by the same people. All the cast from the movie has returned to do the series except for Flounder but you would have never noticed if you hadn't read this. In the series you find out a lot of question that was never answered in the movie like things about Ariel's mother, there are other kingdoms besides Atlantica & other creatures that live down there. The animation, backgrounds and voice acting is just as amazing as in the movie. The series is also very educational like another review said. I'm sixteen and going on seventeen in a few more days and I've learnt a few things from this series. That something I hadn't expected. The series also guest stars Tim Curry who is best known for The Rocky Horror Picture Show. It also has Nancy Cartwright who is best known as Bart in The Simpsons and Danny Cooksey who played the part of John's friend, Tim in Terminator 2. The series is quite additive too. After seeing a few episodes, I started watching the 3:30AM airing of it too. Well if you could rate this I would give this series a 10/10 and not many cartoons deserve that rating these days. I recommend anyone who saw the movie to watch this series too. It's a pity that there weren't many episodes thought. I think that this series is better then the Aladdin series but just by a small bit.
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The Curse of Monkey Island (1997 Video Game)
Better then I had expected.
2 April 2004
I've just finished the game a few minutes ago and I loved it. I picked it up at a second hand store because I'm a big fan of adventure games and it's mentioned every now and then on an adventure game forum that I go to often. Anyway it's my first Monkey Island game I've played except for a demo of Escape from Monkey Island. It has some great graphics, the backgrounds have been hand painted and the characters all have been hand drawn just like an animated film. It also has a great cast of talented voice actors as well that fit the characters very well. The storyline was good but it would have been better if it have given you a small bit more of what happened in the last few games. The puzzles were quite easy at some points but I must admit I did use hints for some of the harder ones. I would have to say that it was the easiest adventure game I've played thought. I suppose it would be quite hard for someone who is new to adventure games. The humour was a good but it wasn't great. The game is nice and long. It's not often that you see an adventure game on 2 CDs and have speech for every word. Well overall I would have to say that this game is worth playing. If you like it I would also recommend the Simon the Sorcerer games from Adventure Soft as well which in my option has more humour in it. I also recommend King's Quest which hasn't any humour but plenty of hard puzzles and good story lines.
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A Prefect Masterpiece
28 February 2004
This is one great movie. I first saw it years ago when I about five or six I think although I could only remember very minor bits of it. I managed to run into it again years later at sixteen. I decided to watch it again because I had nothing else to do at the time. I really didn't expect myself to like it as much as I did. The movie was an amazing piece of work. It has some of the best Disney songs ever made. It also has some great characters, prefect animation and an amazing storyline. The movie is based on Han Christian Anderson's fairy tale and Roger Allers, Ron Clements & John Musker has fitted it all nicely into a movie. Although I recommend who liked this movie to read the original tale which I liked just as much as the movie although it doesn't end the same way. The story is interesting, romantic, funny and very entertaining. The characters are excellent with their own personalities and everything including the villain who isn't brainless like some other villains you see. Some people say that's Ariel a brat but if you where in her situation I think you would do the same. The characters voices are prefect and really fit into their roles and appearance. I can easily say that Jodi Benson (Ariel's voice) has the greatest voice I have ever heard. Howard Ashman has created some of the greatest songs also. Under The Sea is my favourite which is sung by Samuel E. Wright (Sebastian's voice) but all the others are great too. This movie won and was nominated for plenty of songs in it. The animation is breathtaking which also won an award for it. Glen Keane (Ariel's main animator) is one of the greatest animators ever to walk the earth. He has worked on many of the Disney films before and after this movie. Anyway the bottom line is that it is one great movie that almost anyone should love. It is by far one of the greatest Disney movies ever, if not the greatest. I highly recommend everyone to see it if they haven't already. I must admit this wasn't 100% prefect thought (although very close to it). I didn't like the ending too much but everything else was beyond prefect.


P.S. There was a TV series for this movie which was very good. It was based before she had meet Eric and she meets Scuttle and a few other characters in the episodes. It was very well written and seemed as if it was created by the exact same people. There was also a sequel but it was nothing compared to this movie.
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