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3 Bed, 2 Bath, 1 Ghost (2023 TV Movie)
Madeleine Madeleine Madeleine
9 October 2023
The true star, and savior, of this movie is hands down Madeleine Arthur. (Recognized her straight away from now-iconic Supernatural ep About a Boy 10x12, a scene-stealer even opposite JA's adult Dean, no easy feat.) What a gem is she and character Ruby. Without her sublime performance, this would be just another meh HC seasonal entry whose trailer you bought into w/high hopes, only to be disappointed. Well, no worries, this one doesn't disappoint, mainly due to Arthur. Her presence almost single-handedly transforms a typical flawed HC offering into something memorable and fun, despite its lackluster and shallow writing, laughably stereotypical villain (he all but twirls his nonexistent mustache), and nonsensical romantic conflict. (Still unclear what the issue was between the two leads and, IWL, pretty quickly didn't care.) The redeeming aspects include the big energy she brings to the interactions between her ghost character and the realtor played by talented and usually reliable-but-lo-key Julie Gonzalo. Their lively chemistry is palpable, an absolute joy to watch from beginning to end and, in THIS case, far beyond even that of Gonzalo and her hottie talented co-star/IRL partner, Chris McNally. Maybe living together w/new baby has temporarily reduced their sizzle to a fizzle. In any case, it's not a stretch to say that the real love story here is the platonic love that develops between The Ghost and Ms Annie. Have to say, the ending moved even this jaded old bird. I'd love to see a sequel or even a series reuniting these two, perhaps to cement the still uncertain fate of Ruby's historic estate once and for all, and in the process help reconcile another troubled couple. Starting w/Annie's sourpuss, emotionally stunted dad. He's clearly embittered due to some great lost love and needs to learn how to show love again. A series could have a troubled romance of the week. You're welcome.
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Just for the Summer (2020 TV Movie)
DNF'd - OTT Meddling Grannies Ruin This
26 February 2023
I've seen the matchmaking grandmas trope done well before but these two interfere so much and so obnoxiously, relentlessly steamrolling over the MC's wishes, that it's not even remotely charming, just annoying af. The FMC's pushy, self-righteous grandma behaves as if she and her noteworthy achievements of teacher and writer are worthless as long as she lacks the crowning achievements of bf or husband. Who cares if she's on an editor's tight deadline to make revisions to realize her lifelong dream of being signed by a top publisher. She's all stressed out but, nope, scary Granny and her ridic matchmaking plots must come first or else... 🙄

That said, it's worth hanging in there for as long as you can bear it for the stunning scenery and cinematography alone. Seriously top marks for that, so maybe just mute it.
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Terrible Acting, Awful Dialogue
2 June 2022
I wanted to like this movie; was really rooting for it but despite my hopes, it started out bad and just got worse as it plodded along. Too bad, as the implicit message was an important one, but the film couldn't overcome the great deficits of an irredeemably off-putting lead actor playing an unsympathetic character sorely in need of development, the clumsy overacting of all the secondary actors playing her schoolmates, and the embarrassingly nonsensical dialogue, even by street standards, of all of them.
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Connor's Bigger Brat Than Usual, Even Bigger Than His Bratty Nieces in This Ep
13 October 2020
Kevin does the right thing by telling him what he saw Danielle doing and instead of seeing it for what it is - brotherly concern and loyalty - and simply talking to her, insecure baby-man Connor dumps all his fear and displaced anger onto Kevin. Throws his apology (which wasn't even merited) back in his face. Won't even let him explain his thought process; no, he wants Kevin to say only the words he wants to hear, the precise way he wants to hear them, otherwise he's just a terrible person for daring to try to look out for his brother. Wow. If my sister ever saw my boyfriend in a questionable situation with some guy on the street and withheld it from me, we'd have a huge problem. As for Danielle... when Connor finally asks her, was Kevin right? You decide.

Don't get me started on the two entitled little nieces who rudely tell Trace he's not their Dad when he rightly stops them from doing something dangerous. Only to be rewarded by flaky Abby with a kiss on the forehead when they tell her. She's so concerned w/being their besties instead of Mom that she never even mildly corrects them when they've behaved badly. Two future Karens coming right up. Smh.
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Hope at Christmas (2018 TV Movie)
Plot Holes Not So Big, But Very Lame Conflict
25 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
To the reviewer who mentioned "plot faults," in fairness and for accuracy's sake, the realtor said the buyer planned to "tear it down and build condos," not convert the existing store into condos. A typical 6-story could hold 3 duplexes or w/two units per floor 12 luxury condos. But aside from that, looking beyond the clutter plus considering the two closed gray doors and unseen rear space, that store was easily large enough for 3 or 4 650 sq ft units after a gut reno. Don't know where you live but in and around NYC (we see the town is a short MetroNorth ride to Grand Central Station for Mom) these type/size condos are very common... and not inexpensive. So plot wise, unfortunately store-to-condos in that area is all too realistic.

As for mom knowing Ray's wish, Christmas in Paris is pretty specific... Mom would have to be pretty thick not to immediately realize Ray spoke to Mac, upon finding out he was the helper Santa. She even came right out and asked "are you the Santa Ray spoke to... so you're the Santa she asked to help make Mommy happy for Christmas?" We needn't have heard every single conversation between mother & daughter for this to make perfect sense, so no plot hole there either. The bigger problem is the super-lame requisite 11th hour conflict, i.e. her credulity-stretching, over-the-top reaction to what he did. For her to attribute everything he, a red-blooded intelligent male, expressed and did for her, a smart, kind, beyond gorgeous woman, as pity-driven acts for her daughter's sake is just silly and lazy writing. Come on, even being divorced, with the inevitable baggage and trust issues, what sane woman would leap to he was just pretending to want me because he's subbing as the town Santa?? I don't expect film festival caliber writing in these movies, but a plausible conflict whose resolution delivers a satisfying conclusion isn't asking much.

All that said, the two leads had nice chemistry and all of the performances were good. I also really enjoyed all the random little details that convincingly create a festive holiday vibe, eg gingerbread houses, busy foot traffic around the characters, a warmth of an old church and steeple illuminating the wintry night... Enjoyable overall.
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