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Comments on ''Dragon of Pendragon Castle''
9 December 2007
(May contents spoilers, would be seen as a synopsis)

The amazing encounter of some sympathetic children with a poor sick young dragon found on a beach in the night. The children succeeded in their attempt to bring him slowly in the castle of their parents. They took care of him, nourished the poor dragon with oysters, enough to make him recover completely, so he was able to take the place of the fire in the furnace of the central heating of the castle to the great surprise of the parents who did not know the adventure of their children who realized all that out of the knowledge of their parents.

I saw that film when I was thirteen in the early fifties and found it very interesting and amazing to see. Perhaps today it would be considered by modern children as infantile, but in that time it was highly appreciated.
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Atmosphere of that film
12 March 2006
I was thirteen or fourteen when I saw this film. I remember the sympathetic atmosphere it inspired. I and all other school-fellows viewing that film, we were captivated during all the film by the adventures the action was showing to us. Misery and joy already following one to each other without end. Since we were young teenagers in these years, maybe 1953 or 1954, we were profoundly touched by all the adventures that little donkey was obliged to live and suffer. Since I was a pensioner in a school-boarders, a great part of the night which followed the viewing of that film was occupied by the souvenir of the scenes that composed the plot of the film. But since the final scenes were full of happiness, I succeeded pretty well to find sleep and to have happy dreams.
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Homage to Pascale Bussières
5 January 2005
Bravo!! for the beautiful play of Pascale Bussières. For me, when she arrived on the screen, I had goose-flesh on my arms and soon after, tears of emotion in my eyes caused by the great quality of her interpretation. She will merit largely a Jutra prize for that performance. Not surprising, when we consider the international experience as actress of that beautiful young woman. The pure masterpiece of an actress on the large screen!!! Encore Bravo!!!

It's also necessary to say good words about the wonderful text and direction of Denise Filiatrault, who has a long experience of the show-business, as actress and as director of comedy on the TV and on the large screens. But what is adding a great value to that film, "Ma Vie en Cinemascope", is the fact that Denise Filiatrault has personally known Alys Robi by playing with her on the same stages as a young singer in her debut. More, she had Alys Robi besides her on the stage during the making of the film. It reveals a great honesty in saying the truth of what was the life and the suffering of that great artist who was Alys Robi.
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A very pleasant film to see!!
23 February 2004
"La soupe aux choux" is more than all things, the story of the sincere friendship between two old men. Besides and in spite of rough discussions between them, this friendship remains complete and always sincere. It's necessary to precise that these old men are not farmers, but peasants, one was a well-sinker, the other a maker of sabots. It's also a mistake to believe that peasants are some resistant to change; this kind of mentality comes from old age, and it's true for everybody.

The beauty of that film comes before all from the greay quality of the actors and of their interpretation. And it's true not only for Louis de Funès, but also for Jean Carmet and Jacques Villeret. It's surely because of the quality of the direction of Jean Girauld, on the one hand and the dragging of the quality of play of that tremendous actor who was Louis de Funès on the other hand.

I have seen that film about fifty times at least, and I feel the need to see it again about three to four times a year. Each time I like it and never find it vulgar, because it's necessary to be highter than the apparent vulgarity of certain scenes. Never forget that everyone can, at a time in his life do some scenes like these, and we should not feel ashamed to do that, it's all and completely human. It's precisely what the film is, very human, and it explains the attachment we have for it. Even if the film is a little budget one, it's one of the best of that great actor who was Louis de Funès.
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Odissea (1968)
About the quality of that movie...
7 January 2004
It's very simple to qualify that movie: "A PURE MASTERPIECE". This opinion is formulated for the following reasons: the performance of the actors, they seem to be citizens of that epoch, 1100 B.C. They personalize perfectly the characters. A second reason is that the poetry expressed by Homere in his poem is well given by the production. Among others the narrations made by the chorus give a particular atmosphere that makes us party of the artistic rendition. Third reason: the reconstitution of the decor is absolutely perfect, in Mediterranean regions, where the action of the poem occurred. And most of all, the emotion is on the rendezvous. I repeat my appreciation: "A PURE MASTERPIECE".
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