
2 Reviews
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Egads! It's Bad!
13 August 2020
Snow Gets In Your Eyes is cover-your-eyes awful! However, it's the kind of awful that still manages to retain a tiny bit of charm and curiosity for the viewer. From the ridiculousness of the premise to the flat acting to the uneven direction, there's not much to warrant a recommendation. But "not much" does not mean nothing. With the way traditional gender roles are treated, as well as the portrayal of minorities, a good deal of this short film is unintentionally hilarious! If you watch it during a lazy day, it's worth 20 minutes of your time.
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BH90210 (2019)
Very Funny nostalgic comfort food!
20 September 2019
I've always really liked the show-within-a-show format, and BH90210 does it as well as it's ever been done! The stories and character arcs are very well done and not hard to follow. But the BEST thing about the show is the humor. The writers did a terrific job getting the actors to make fun of themselves. This show's a winner! Season 2, please.
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