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Young sex addicted female cop vs. low in morals Frenchman
3 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I'm not sure where to start with this because I'm not totally sure what was wrong with the movie, short of everything. Alexis Bledel was oh so wrongly cast and from this role is limited in what role she can play. I was hoping she'd be Ana in '50 Shades ...' Now I'm glad she wasn't cast. She doesn't appear to have the range to play that role. I'm also not sure about the writing. It seemed more than a little awkward at times and there were no times it seemed at it's best ... if there was a 'best' to be attained. Scenes were put in that seemed meaningless to the overall story, such as the Frenchman pulling his car to the side of the road to take a picture. I sure didn't get the need for that one, and then there was the stop at the gas station where he's slumped down in the car hiding and when she get's out to get gas at a convenient store he asks for a drink, but in the end she's the one drinking a strawberry milk and he's chewing on something. Was there a director even there? So, all in all I'd have to say her acting was really lacking, the story wasn't well written and overall it was poorly directed leaving nothing left other than my being forced to give it a 1 for (awful)which is really too bad.
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Bliss (1997)
Staggering Movie
29 August 2013
Warning: Spoilers
As difficult as this movie is to watch and an as strange as it many seem in the end what we learn through watching it is that some men are capable of doing the most disturbing things, even when it's to their own female children and that we should be ever vigilant and in the case on the mother in this story not deny what the adult child finally realizes. One of things I learn to value about myself through the story is that we should all accept our bodies as they are and not try to make them into some males ideal. The story is a sad commentary on the male of the species, but I have to believe that the percentage of men that think that way are rare. At least I'd hope so.
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The Host (2013)
A great Sci-Fi Movie
30 July 2013
I never read the book, but even if I had I don't believe in looking at a film as if it has to be the exact adaptation of the book. It simply isn't fair to expect one to mirror the other. If you do then why bother making the film at all. It has to have a general plot, but other than that if it is well filmed and well directed and well acted then that's all it needs. This was a truly different type of Sci-Fi, This film stands on its own very sturdy feet. It was excellent and very different from anything I've ever seen. I didn't expect a whole lot as it never made it to the big screen, but perhaps that was because it was 3D as all films seem to have to be these day, which is ridiculous. And, about all the ending is TRULY amazing, so please watch or buy it and judge for yourself.
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Camelot (1967)
Great adaptations
4 May 2013
I don't wish to do the usual review of the movie as many do, but would rather then just repeat the story once again. I can not imagine for a moment 2/3's of the Broadway stars being in the role. Richard Burton is so opposite Richard Harris. Burton didn't have the unassuming side that Harris did, thus it is difficult to believe that despite the words he says and sings that he is at all surprised that he is king, where as Harris always seems in awe of all that has happened to him. When Julie Andrews played Guinevere granted she could sing, but not at all an actress I could accept, at that age, as having a physical relationship with Lancelot. And, the director, or she, saw fit not to put on a hair extension to allow her to have long hair. No woman in that day would have hair as short as hers other than Joan of Arc perhaps. Robert Goulet was the only actor that past muster and even his appearance was a bit too perfect, but his voice was amazing.

Richard Harris had the vulnerability to be a realistic Arthur. Granted his singing isn't superb, but it also has the same vulnerability. Vanessa Redgrave was an amazing Guinevere and a far superior actress to Julie Andrews. The nuances of her acting are amazing. And, contrary to what most believe, she did sing the role. Finally, what Franco Nero lacked in singing ability, which was dubbed, he made up for in looks. At that age he was truly a beautiful man. He played the arrogant and humble sides of his role with finesse. Even today, in his 70s, he's a very good looking man.

I would most certainly take the film actors over the stage ones anytime, but that is just my opinion.
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Perfection can't be done again.
4 May 2013
This version of The Great Gatsby was perfect. Robert Redford was perfect and oh so handsome in the role. Mia Farrow was a suitable and perfect ditsy Daisy. Bruce Dern played his part with a nasty nature that was true to the book. The sets, the clothing and all else already seemed superior to the latest film. Just from the previews one can see Leonado Decaprio is far too angry, Cary Mulligan is every bit as ditsy as Mia Farrow and her acting isn't as good. However, by far Sam Waterson portrayal of Nick Carroway makes sense where as Toby McGuire's immature voice simple doesn't carry the weight it needs. This version is so like the book written by Hemingway that it is amazing down to every visual. This new version is just a mismashed of what the older version was. I don't believe perfection should be remade.
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