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Spirit of Speed 1937 (1999 Video Game)
A challenging but scenic game
25 September 2024
Racing video games are common in the market. But unlike most racing games, Spirit of Speed features vintage race cars. If you ever wonder what early auto racing was like, this game is a realistic example.

I remember playing this game on PC. Although I did get to play it, I sometimes experienced unwanted stuff like my car stopping permanently due running out of fuel which I knew nothing about because my copy did not come with instructions. I then got another copy, this time a complete set in a box. But by then, my PC, that could play the game, broke down completely, and my new PC at the time was incompatible.

Years later, I got myself a Dreamcast and the console's version of Spirit of Speed. Because my Dreamcast copy has instructions, I gained adequate knowledge of the game. As something a lot of gamers like to fuss about, the Dreamcast version has load times which are common in console games of the time. The load times are probably the main reason gamers judge this game for which is unjust. Well, if you're obsessive compulsive in any way, doing some rituals would help pass the load times.

As for the game, pretty decent. The visuals are standard, and the music fits the period of which the game is set. In most racing games, making sharp turns only requires letting go of the accelerator, and brakes are just for the pits. But in this game, some sharp turns require braking when approached. One bizarre thing about the game is the high difficulty of the AI. The computer opponents may mess up early in a race, but as the race progresses, they become significantly skilled, leaving no room for error for the player. If a computer opponent gets ahead of you, it's hard to tell if you'll ever catch up. Nonetheless, I find the game addicting, and I find riding through the scenic landscapes pleasant.
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Caillou: Rosie the Giant (2022 TV Special)
This TV special got me into the realm of Caillou
30 May 2024
While I've been knowing Caillou for about a decade, I never connected with the character until this year. Caillou is someone whom I came across in ads a number of times, and I even briefly got hooked on about two episodes of the original series because of the vibrant colors. But I did not take the franchise seriously until I read about the five TV specials.

The five TV specials are the first media in the franchise to be in CGI. Each special features the story itself, a story told by a character relating to a scenario in the main story, and a song accompanied with highlights of the special. So far, I saw the first two.

What do I appreciate in the special? Three things: the combination of realism and fantasy, the obvious transition to CGI, and the studio's more natural decision in choosing who gets to be behind the microphones.
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Pupstruction (2023– )
A breath of fresh air
7 November 2023
These days it appears cute animal character are en vogue when it comes to educational shows aim at young audiences.

The show centers on four young dogs (Phinny, Tank, Roxy, and Luna) who are a construction team. Occasionally appearing in the series is their foil Lickety Split, a building group consisting of older cats (Bobby, Scratch, and Sniff) who favor speed over quality, thus resulting in flimsy builds.

What do I appreciate from the show? Two things: the expressive theme song, and the adorable characters.

As a Spectrum user, I must say that I lament the provider's decision to remove Disney Junior from its channel list as a result of their dispute with Disney over financial reasons. But anyway, it wasn't absolute loss as I still get to see the episodes at some first-party site.
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Tunes of Rockoons (2021– )
A treat for raccoon lovers
18 October 2023
While this cute and vibrant animated show never reached Uncle Sam's TV set despite having a dub with North American actors, I got the chance to see a few episodes online.

The show centers on the titular raccoon characters who come in multiple colors, have different passions, and have names that reference the notes of the scale. Faf and Soh are the only boys of the characters. Ti is the youngest raccoon who can only speak her name, but is shown in one instance to have super strength.

What can I say about the series? Like I said earlier, cute and vibrant. I must admit that I am sort of a raccoon fan. I also own a raccoon beanie coming from a theme park in Pennsylvania that seems to be gaining prominence.
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Mother Goose and Grimm (1991–1993)
A fine cartoon series of the 1990s
13 September 2020
I first saw panels of the Mother Goose and Grimm comic strip in a newspaper about two decades ago. Because of its title and I only saw a few panels, I thought the strip was a combination of Mother Goose rhymes and the tales written by the Brothers Grimm. That was what I thought for a long time.

Later in 2020, I was doing a brief research on the fictional author Mother Goose on Wikipedia. As I scrolled to the bottom of the article, I found a link to the Mother Goose comic strip. Upon entering the link, it was there I found out the strip does not at all reference the Mother Goose author or the Brothers Grimm. Instead the strip is about a silly dog owned by an elderly anthropomorphic goose. And when I scroll to the bottom of the strip's article, I discover that the strip has an animated adaptation. I would go on to watch one episode of the series online a few days later.

What can I say about this series? I would say its a fine animated show of the 1990s. Fine in terms of graphics, humor, and acting. I also have a feeling Grimmy's personality probably inspired that of Courage the Cowardly Dog who would debut several years later.
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Spyro the Dragon (1998 Video Game)
The Best Rival To Crash Bandicoot
7 September 2019
Warning: Spoilers
When Crash Bandicoot debuted in a PlayStation game, he became (albeit temporarily) Sony's mascot just as Sonic is for Sega, and Mario is for Nintendo. But if there's a character who rivaled Crash's popularity in the PlayStation scene better than anyone else, it's Spyro the Dragon.

Despite appearing in numerous games like Crash, I honestly can't say Spyro is at Crash's level of star power. I mean I've been knowing Crash since the late 1990s. As for Spyro, I didn't know the dragon was a thing until I saw a cover of his first game at a website just a year ago. So why is that? Perhaps Crash's adventurous yet goofy personality made the bandicoot more appealing to game fans than Spyro who is daring, serious, and a little sadistic.

When stores began retailing Spyro plushes and a compilation of the character's first three games, that was when my curiosity for Spyro grew. Thus I ask my sis to find a PS1 copy of this game which I played in my PS3.

Spyro is a 3D platform game released during the 3D craze of the 1990s kickstarted by games like Super Mario 64, Crash Bandicoot, and a PS1 game featuring an orange tabby which was lackluster but involved some respectable effort. Although the character can be controlled with the analog stick, I decided to stick with the d-pad. Why? Because analog sticks were new at the time of the game's release, I bet a lot of gamers who played this game only had the original controller which only had a d-pad. Therefore, I got interested in getting a more authentic feel of what those gamers of the day experienced.

Spyro attacks his enemies by letting out flames which spread but are short-ranged. With this, playing this game is like playing a third-person shooter with a soldier armed with a shotgun.

In most games, the character has a life bar which tells the player how much damage the character sustains before dying. But in this game, Spyro has a firefly that flies around him. Each time Spyro gets hit, the firefly changes its color until it disappears. If Spyro is struck without the firefly around, he'll lose a life.

To move to the next world in most games, you have to defeat the boss of the world you're in. While there are bosses in Spyro, defeating them is for other purposes, and they are not the keys to the later worlds. To reach the later worlds, the player has to collect a certain number jewels or free a number of dragons trapped in statues.

When it comes to taking on the final boss, this act is more of a game of tag rather than a boss fight. I mean the boss is often running away from Spyro in the fortress. Yes, the boss would stop sometimes and shoot projectiles at Spyro. But as Spyro comes close, the boss would start running. I imagined a lot of players getting frustrated and giving up because of how difficult it is to land a hit on the boss. But in my case, I just kept trying until I figured how to have a better chance scoring a hit. Once Spyro lands that first hit, the boss runs into multiple passageways in the fortress where Spyro has to jump on several platforms and avoid falling into the lava below. After the chase, the boss will stop to fight the approaching Spyro. And once Spyro lands that second hit, the boss is down for good. With this, I understand why the final boss was running a lot.

What can I say about this game? Well, the graphics are detailed, the controls are fine as in any decent 3D platformer, and the voices fit the characters. Fun fact, Spyro is voiced by Carlos Alazraqui who would later voiced Lazlo, the monkey in the Cartoon Network series Camp Lazlo.

While he may remain being second fiddle to Crash in the list of famous mascots in the PS1 scene, Spyro is certainly a household name in video games.
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A short-lived but decent show from HB
6 May 2019
In the 1950s, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera first made a name of themselves in the production of the theatrical Tom and Jerry cartoons. After a few years, they, for some reason, decided to go independent and make cheap television cartoons of which the duo became most famous for.

In the mid-1980s, a toy company by the name of Hasbro released the first of their G.I. Joe series, a high-tech military themed animated TV adaptation of the company's action figures. The series was probably successful that it would have three later incarnations over the decades. And because of the series' success, Hanna Barbera decided to create a G.I. Joe style series which would be Sky Commanders.

Sky Commanders is a show about two opposing teams, the Sky Commanders and the Raiders, who battle each other on a new continent. The leader of the Raiders wants to obtain and exploit a powerful new element from the continent to rule the planet, but the Sky Commanders are determined to prevent that. I best remember the show for the backpacks used by the characters which shoots a cable that connects between two mountains, and allows them to travel on them like a zip line. Like those G.I. Joe shows, the characters shoots lasers instead of bullets, and they also have other high-tech equipment. Anyway, this show still has some originality. Although it's been decades since I last saw this show on television, I was able to see all the episodes online recently.
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Cute And Cool
12 June 2017
The show centers on two cats, Ollie and Moon, who are best friends. On each episode, they travel to a certain country by plane. I sometimes wonder where they get money for their air fares. I guess air fares are more affordable in the show than in real life. Anyway, let's go with this review.

Ollie is the boy cat who prefers a peaceful environment with no hassle. He's also quite reasonable and at times would come up with the smarter decisions.

Moon is the girl cat with a more upbeat and adventurous personality. Sometimes, she would do something foolish, thus getting her and Ollie into some trouble. She can also be stubborn in trying to do something that can't be done which would prompt Ollie to make her think otherwise. However, she also comes up with ideas called "brain storms" which leads them to wild adventures that would either result in trouble or a solution to a problem.

Whenever things between them get uneasy, Ollie and Moon would sing their cool theme song to remind them that they are friends, and that they could deal with any situation.
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Blinx: The Time Sweeper (2002 Video Game)
Microsoft Could Have Had A Fine Mascot
4 May 2017
When I was reading about fictional cats in Wikipedia, I came across this game, and it got my attention. Because production and retailing of this game ended years ago, I had to get this game through eBay which I did a year ago. While only a little over half of Xbox games are compatible with Xbox 360, Blinx: The Time Sweeper is fortunate to be part of the compatible club. Thus I played it on my Xbox 360.

The game focuses on a cat named Blinx. Blinx uses a vacuum cleaner which sucks up objects. His vacuum can also shoot out those objects like a gun firing bullets to attack enemies. In each level except boss stages, there's a circular platform where if you jump on it, you complete the level, but you need to defeat all enemies in that level to activate it.

Game sources have often described the game as very challenging. I too find it a little challenging but I was able to get through the stages and finished the game which lasted almost a year.

Nintendo has Mario, Sega has Sonic, and Sony has Crash Bandicoot (albeit for a short period). But Microsoft never had a mascot. Well, a certain game magazine came up with a suggestion of making Blinx the mascot for Microsoft. Microsoft, however, declined the suggestion, believing the character isn't popular enough. Anyway, I do think Blinx should be Microsoft's mascot, considering the character is a package of coolness and decency.
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Punky Skunk (1998 Video Game)
This Game Should Have A Sequel
3 May 2017
I saw clips of this game in one of those Game Sack episodes on YouTube. When I noticed how cute the character is as well as the game's decency, I would later ask my sis to buy me the game online.

As 3d video games were already sweeping the planet at the time, side-scrolling games such as this one still had a great deal of popularity. I still have a liking to side-scrollers as I grew up playing games in that era.

The game centers on a Skunk named Punky. As a skunk, he attacks foes with a puff of his skunk spray. When going on certain adventures, Punky would either use a pogo stick, a paraglider, roller skates, a snowboard, or special claws to dig tunnels.

After playing and finishing the game, I sometimes wish this game had a sequel. If I were the one to design the sequel, the new game will be in 3d. Also, Punky will have cuter yet cool makeover, and Kelly will be a playable character.
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Aero the Acro-Bat (1993 Video Game)
The Best Circus Video Game
1 September 2016
The first circus-themed video game I played was Circus Charlie. I first saw that game in an arcade, and first played it on a later incarnation of the NES console. After playing it a few times, I didn't think there would be another game with a similar theme.

This was until I played Aero the Acro-Bat which was released on the Sega Genesis. Like Circus Charlie, the game is set in a circus but with more essence. The game centers on Aero, a red bat who performs stunts. Enemies in the game include clowns which Aero defeats by doing corkscrew moves or hurling stars at them.

Besides a circus, the game can also take place in an open carnival or in the wild. Those levels are either during the day, sunset, or even at night.

The best circus game.
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Boj (2014– )
One Of The Cutest Shows From The UK
24 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
The United Kingdom has produced a lot of animated TV series over the decades. And this series is one of their cutest and well-made.

The show centers on a young bilby named Boj who lives with his parents. He also has friends who are a mouse, a goat, and a dog. All characters in the show wear garments but Boj is an exception.

Each story starts with Boj and the other characters in a fine situation until a problem occurs. And when a problem occurs, Boj will dig into the ground, tunnel underneath, and reach his home where he'll get props to solve the problem.

The graphics of the show are well done. The characters are cute, and are voiced by the appropriate people.

When voicing a boy character, a child actor is always best. Ziggy Badans did a good job in playing Boj.
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One Of The Trickiest Characters To Control But Getting Familiar Shouldn't Take Long
15 May 2016
Warning: Spoilers
In this game, the player controls a possum who's vocal and kinda cute. In fact his cuteness make me wonder how he'd look if he use some sneakers. Anyway, the possum in on a quest to take on a nefarious scientist whose activates are causing environmental problems.

Before we go further in this stuff, I'd like you to know that certain parts of the game will be mentioned. So unless you seen the game completely, I so don't recommend you read this review.

I can never imagine a character trickier to control than Awesome Possum. When I say tricky, I mean he's a little slippery, and therefore overshooting enemies and platforms is likely for inexperienced players. Because I'm accustomed to these type of games, I only had little problems. If you start out slowly in orienting yourself to how the character does, getting adept shouldn't take long.

If you complete the game, like what the title says, Awesome Possum will literally kick the scientist in the rear, sending that villain flying away. Best of all, Awesome will have a face on Mt. Rushmore, alongside those presidents.

As with the game itself, music and graphics are as good as any fine Genesis game. Because of how the game's outcome goes, I would say it's worth playing.
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A Final Farewell To The Tiny Toon Characters
18 April 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Following the successes of the Looney Tunes cartoons from the 1940s to the 1960s, Steven Spielberg in 1990s decided to create a TV series featuring younger and more colorful characters based on the ones from those short animated films. As a result, Tiny Toon Adventures was born. The series had a good run as it lasted from 1990 to 1995. Video games based on the series were also made.

Although the TV series' run ended in 1995, the video game adaptations continue to be created for a few more years. And in this game Tiny Toon Adventures: Scary Dreams, which was released in 2002 for the Game Boy Advanced, we say one final farewell to those cute colorful critters.

As with a lot of Tiny Toons video games, the player controls that blue rabbit Buster Bunny. Buster goes through perilous levels where has to defeat enemies by punching them. Buster is also accompanied by a partner which the player gets to choose before playing the game. That partner could either attack enemies also or assist Buster somehow. The game itself is fine to play.
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A Well Made Mini Series
4 March 2016
We all know that some protagonists from certain Disney feature films have pets. But whoever thought those pets would get to have a show of their own? Anyway, whoever came up with the idea certainly had such a decent one made.

The mini series centers on the young pets and their activities in the kingdom. They even have a blue bird who gives them advise in their acts. The comical stuff in this lighthearted show is adequate. And the acting is done properly.

When seeing it one way or another, the show is, in some aspects, not just for girls. If there's a character whom boys can embrace, it's that little tiger Sultan.

So far, ten episodes have been made. I just hope they make more.
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Sonic Heroes (2003 Video Game)
A One-Of-A-Kind Sonic Game
6 February 2016
When the Dreamcast was discontinued in 2001, I wasn't much into video games or consoles like I was years earlier. This was until I read game articles in Wikipedia, and later bought an Xbox 360. Because the Sonic Heroes game is created for an original Xbox, my Xbox 360 needed a special hard drive to play it.

When I began playing the game, one thing unique about it is that, I get to control a team of three characters instead of a single character. I find this a little unusual at first but I still enjoy the game. Like good Sonic games, it has nice graphics and music.

Although various other Sonic games have been available when I got Sonic Heroes, I prefer this one for a reason. Sonic Heroes is the last Sonic game where Tails is voiced by a boy (William Corkery). In games released after this, Tails would be voiced by three whatever they are which is kinda sad. So here is perhaps the last game of the series where things are done the appropriate way.
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Bubsy II (1994 Video Game)
An Expansion To Bubsy's World
28 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
After his video game debut was considerably successful, the fanciful bobcat returns to another showing in this game. In this game, Bubsy encounters a house that's divided in two parts. In each part, Bubsy can choose a difficulty which have three settings. Once he enters the house, Bubsy has five stages to play and complete.

Because Bubsy is a slightly slippery character, moving one pace at a time and planning how defeat enemies is very crucial. One of the improvements made in the game is eliminating the way Bubsy says a line every time he loses a life and starts the stage again. Here, he'll only say something once when you begin something.

Whenever I finish the game, the video sequence is okay but the music is the same as when I completed a regular stage. It would be more entertaining if the outcome used a different music.

As an expansion to Bubsy's world, the developers made a nice touch by giving the bobcat a pet armadillo and two younger relatives.
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Bonkers: Do Toons Dream of Animated Sheep? (1993)
Season 1, Episode 27
If Bonkers Has Shoes
26 January 2016
Warning: Spoilers
Bonkers started out as a movie star. But when his film career ended somehow, Bonkers turned to being a cop as a new profession, and still going in wacky adventures.

As a cop, Bonkers wears a police hat and uniform but no shoes. Because of that, how he appears sometimes makes me wonder how he'd look if he used some footwear. If you do, this episode gives a good illustration. In the cartoon, Bonkers has a number of dream sequences (which are being disrupted by some mysterious sheep). In one of his dreams, he is a bull fighter who tries to impress his love-interest Fawn Deer. In that event, he wears a bull fighter uniform and some black ballet flats. I guess that was a good illustration even though I have imagined other things. I sometimes imagine, and even thought about making them real.
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Bubsy: An American Icon
10 January 2016
There was a time when the U.S. once lead the video game industry, particularly during 1970s and early 1980s. Some time after that, Japan overtook the U.S. in the industry, and it has been that way ever since.

As Japan ruled the gaming scene from then on, they conceived characters that we all know and adore: Mario and Sonic.

Although the U.S. no longer rules the industry like it used to, the country still comes up with decent games and characters. And one of those characters is Bubsy. Bubsy is a character built on the essence that make up well-known characters of the 1930s. Truly American. And this game was well-received initially.

Years after the release of this game, Bubsy has been branded by some reviewers as a Mario- clone or a Sonic-clone which I believe is unjustified. Other characters like Megaman or Rayman are both played in games that involved moving and jumping from one platform to another but why aren't they being given similar bashing? Perhaps all that negative stuff Bubsy has been receiving might be a reference to his last game (Bubsy 3D) which was poorly constructed and therefore produced a lot sour notes from gamers and reviewers. Again, this is unjustified, and games should be judged separately. What's wrong with one game doesn't apply with the others.

What can I say about this game? Me and my nephew played it on a burnt CD which was played on a Dreamcast. And we liked it. The things I enjoyed in this game are the cute character, the catchy music, and the colorful backgrounds.
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A Challenging Game Based On A TV Series
7 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
While reading an online encyclopedia about stuff related to the Rocky and Bullwinkle show, I came across video games featuring the characters. Some time later, I went on to play one of them online.

In the game, Rocky and Bullwinkle are on a quest to find three treasures: one in each of the three themed levels. In the first two levels, the players controls Bullwinkle. In the third level, the player controls Rocky. Talk about saving the more likable character for last. While Rocky is seen flying in the video sequences, I wonder why they didn't make him fly in the game?

Although the video sequences are primitive nowadays as this is a 16-bit game, the colors and adequate graphics still makes them entertaining.
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Mr. Nutz (1993 Video Game)
One Of The Most Challenging Cutesy Video Games
6 December 2015
Warning: Spoilers
For most gamers, cute video games are too easy, and the player wouldn't break a sweat. But Mr. Nutz is definitely a cute game for experienced players. It is a game that really puts a test to a player's reaction, timing, and planning.

In the game, the player controls a squirrel who dons a cap, a coat, a pair of gloves, and a pair of sneakers. The squirrel defeats foes by pouncing on them, striking them with his tail, or hurling nuts at them.

Certain levels can be challenging at times, and could require expert maneuvering. Thankfully the game uses passwords so the player can continue the level he/she is on.

Besides the challenges featured, the game also uses artistic graphics and suitable music.

I just hope this game would have sequels, especially in 3D.
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SegaSonic the Hedgehog (1993 Video Game)
I Look Forward To Ray's Next Game Appearance
30 August 2015
The Sonic games date back to 1991 but this one is the first where the characters each have a voice. Originally an arcade game, SegaSonic the Hedgehog never reach consoles because the game involves a trackball. Perhaps trackball games are difficult to convert to standard console games.

While Sonic and Mighty continue to show up in later games after this point, Ray hasn't made any game appearances for more than two decades now. Nevertheless, Ray is slowly gaining some popularity. I mean I see some online videos of him running in scenes that appear to be from 3D Sonic games. Some fans even released a modified version of the first Sonic game featuring Ray as the playable character.

Well, I certainly look forward to Ray's next official game appearance. And when he does, I hope a guy would be selected to provide his voice.
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Adventures in Wonderland: On a Roll (1992)
Season 2, Episode 18
A Big Treat For Dormouse Fans
28 August 2014
Warning: Spoilers
According to Wikipedia, the 1951 Alice in Wonderland film wasn't well received initially. But decades later, moviegoers somehow learned to like it. And since then, Disney came up with this live-action TV series loosely based on the film.

In the episode, we get to see the Mad Hatter's cousin who happens to be on a wheel chair. Because of her disability, the Hatter advised his friends to be sympathetic toward her. She subsequently doesn't find the sympathy appealing and therefore wishes to treated like a regular person. She then enters a marathon to prove that someone like her can do as good as someone who isn't disabled.

If you are a Dormouse fan, then this is definitely an episode for you. In most episodes, the Dormouse stays in his teapot, only coming out to say something. But in here, he serves as the announcer of the marathon event.
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Peter Rabbit (2012–2016)
Not Bad
31 January 2014
I recently saw some media related to the show a few hours ago. Yes, the characters are cute which is common for a show directed to children. However, I have other thoughts as well. Just like the original books, Peter has his trademarked blue jacket and brown fur. But unlike the books, this version of Peter lacks shoes. In other adaptations, the rabbit is seen wearing mary janes or sneakers. I can only wonder why he's barefoot here. Anyway, everything else about the show (such as the stories and setting) is fine if not excellent. Eversince making a debut many decades ago, Beatrix Potter's most famous character has appeared in various media adaptations.
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Beautiful Music
25 October 2013
Warning: Spoilers
I seen a video of this cartoon online some weeks ago. This silent short is one of the early cartoons of the "Aesop's Fables" started by Paul Terry. Only a handful of shorts in the series are based on the original fables themselves because Paul Terry said he never heard of Aesop at the time.

The cartoon shows a cat and mouse who are good team in losing the cop that goes after them on the highway. But when they take the job of window washing at Farmer Al's home is where they have a fallout. The cat does clean the window but uses the mouse to clean it instead of a sponge. The mouse doesn't take it too kindly, and therefore hurls a pail at the cat, prompting them to go into a chase.

What I really like about the short is the beautiful melody that plays at the opening scene. I cannot imagine a melody more beautiful than that. As for the gags and the story, it's entertaining enough.

Because Krazy Kat shorts were a hit at the time, there's also some influence from those shorts in this. Some time after the fallout, the mouse tosses a brick on the cat's head. Pretty reminiscent.
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