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Lost dog makes his way thru harsh life to get back to his master
29 April 2013
I am only rating this due to how the cover shown IS NOT the right dog to go with the movie in the description. POCO is a BENJI type moppy dog. I have no idea which story included on the disc that dog belongs to.

As for Poco, such a sweet and hilarious movie. My mom and I saw it in theater in 77. The only reason it would be considered awful nowadays is because of all the garbage that people have adapted to watching and thinking is good. My mom and I noticed that as well as ourselves, quite a few of the other movie goer's were bawling within the first 5 minutes!!! That is always a funny memory to reflect on.

Nothing from the 80's and back is going to seem anything but cheesy as I said due to what people have become adapted to watching.
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