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I Want to Marry Ryan Banks (2004 TV Movie)
Definitely watchable - and likable!
26 November 2004
I'm a sucker for romantic comedies so evidently, watching this movie (known under "The Reality of Love"), i couldn't help but like it. It is definitely typical in a sense, more or less predictable - the movie does manage to pull in a twist or two. The amusing thing about this is perhaps the somewhat "realistic" look at reality TV that the movie gives... Really gives you an inside on how "real" these shows are...

Emma Caulfield here is very sweet and natural, very different from her Buffy days. Her character, Charlie, is stereotypically the perfect girl that eventually attracts Bradley Cooper's character... Both actors I thought had some chemistry - perhaps not explosive in the sense but on-screen, these two looked like they had known each other for a long time.

Jason Priestly, I suppose didn't have to stretch too far to play Ryan Banks - its an almost autobiographical mirror self of his old days in BH90210, which I must say is a long long time ago. He has definitely shed the good looking image he once had - I had trouble liking him in the movie, not only because of his egotistical character but for him to supposedly be HOT, i just didn't buy the act.

Overall, I did love the movie - it's really just a sweet TV film, simple, predictable but devilishly charming.
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Waste of much valuable time...
23 April 2004
The concept of the movie itself seems rather ridiculous to say the least. However, every once in a while curiosity takes the better of you - and though you might think it would do no harm to "check out" this movie....don't!

Tim Meadows is completely miscast as Leon a.k.a "The Ladies Man". His role as an 'irresistible lover/dirty mouthed talk show host' is just plain dubious! Instead, throughout the movie you find yourself wincing every time he has to get near a woman, and feeling sorry for them for having to pretend to even be taken by him. His performance lacks charm, good skills and credibility.

The plot is weak - if barely there. There are too many things happening in this movie, and the worst part is - it's not even funny.
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