9 Reviews
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Outpost (2022)
13 November 2023
Filled with completely unnecessary lingering close-up shots of maggots and insects wriggling around on corpses and food. It absolutely ruined the movie for me. Which is very unfortunate because I was really drawn into the premise of the film.

The characters seemed interesting. The setting felt different and unique.

But the damn BUGS just RUINED it.

If there was an edit that removed all those disgusting and unnecessary scenes, that would be awesome.

Seriously it's very misleading and should come with a trigger warning or something.

Now if you'll excuse me, I feel like I have to go throw up now.
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All buildup with no payoff
2 August 2022
This movie has the most disappointing and underwhelming ending I have ever seen.

Also the description is horribly misleading. There is no "horrific turn" when the filmmakers uncover a secret society.

A lot is alluded to, but never developed.

Also it does not qualify as a "horror" movie at all.
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Into the Night (II) (2020–2021)
Horrible characters ruin a cool concept
19 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
A sci-fi thriller about having to constantly outrun the sun to stay alive sounded like a refreshingly original and exciting plot.

Unfortunately, there is not a single likable character in this whole entire show. They're all terrible people with annoying personalities who keep making a bad situation worse by arguing, making blatantly stupid decisions, being stubborn, and having mental breakdowns at the worst possible times.

The dialogue is a repeating pattern of "What's going on", "We need to have a word", "What's the plan now", "We need to bury the bodies", and "We need a blowtorch" interwoven between bashing doors and screaming.

Season Two changed the setting and introduced even MORE unlikeable characters.

Also Sylvie, the one halfway decent character, shaved her head and apparently lost a few dozen IQ points.
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The Last Duel (2021)
A little *too* real for me.
2 January 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I purposely avoid trailers for spoilers, but in this case, I wish I hadn't. I was foolishly excited about this movie, under the impression it'd be similar to Ridley Scott's 1977 "The Duelists", which is still possibly the best cinematic depiction of realistic sword fighting ever made.

Not so much. This two and a half hour movie is more focused on the subject of rape. Personally I try avoid such a subject matter, and it was extremely uncomfortable for me, considering the lengths they went to accurately portray the subject matter.

The breaking point for me was the way the actress who played Marguerite delivered an incredible performance portraying the dead-inside, feeling powerless, physically and mentally tortured woman.

Again, it was a little too real.

Excellent production.

Amazing acting and direction.

But it's something I wish I hadn't seen, and never wish to see again.
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It's like a YouTube fanfic film
28 December 2021
This movie would've been awesome if it was a low-budget fanfic production on YouTube or something.

But sadly, this obscenity had a budget of... hang on let me pull up Wikipedia... 190 million dollars.

Wow. That is just SAD.

They LITERALLY replayed cut and pasted scenes from the original trilogy into this thing.

WTF did these people do with that 190 million dollars???

One of the few redeeming moments was NuSmith yelling "MISTER ANDERSON"

*sigh* My disappointment is disappointed.
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I didn't think it was possible
15 November 2021
Michael Bay has accomplished something I had previously thought impossible in the world of big budget cinema: he somehow managed to make fighting giant robots boring.
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Take Shelter (2011)
Complete scam
18 June 2021
This movie was a painfully obvious attempt to cash in on the doomsday preppers and widespread fears of a 2012 apocalypse that never happened.

The minimal story is dragged out into a feature length film the same way a high school student drags out their essays to meet 1000 worf requirements.
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A classic story made into hot garbage
28 November 2020
Nick Cage ruins this film with his obnoxious acting and makes the whole thing unwatchable.
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It's Bruno! (2019)
Everybody on the block knows this is the best show on Netflix!
4 November 2020
Hilarious and a must see for dog lovers! Love that Bruno and Angie are listed in the credits.
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