
3 Reviews
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The Creator (2023)
Netflix, take notes!
2 January 2024
Of all the epic sci-fis we've been fed, this one is, by far, the most satisfying. It won't beat the OG Star Wars trilogy or the new Dune installement, but it will, for sure, beat movies like Netflix's Rebel Moon or others in the like. It's a classic father figure taking care of, and leading, a child but set in a beautiful world that, to a point, could almost be ours one day. It starts with the feeling of another Terminor story but leads into something quite different, something of its own. Liked it more than I first expected and woukd definately watch it again for sure. Don't go in with any expectations and enjoy!
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This is not a ghost story...
24 October 2020
...Its different love stories gone wrong with ghosts in them. Its all about managing expectations, right ? If you think that you're getting a second Haunting of House Hill, forget it. You will not jump, you will not listen to a ghost story and go OMG (bent neck lady) and you will sleep quite nicely. Don't get me wrong, its a lovely serie, nicely shot, loved the characters (its perfectly splendid!)...but it was advertised as scary ghost story. And so, I was disapointed and finished the series with a feeling of let down. So, not a ghost story.
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Gotta love Joss Whedon
25 November 2018
Funny, sarcastic and everything Joss can give us. Love!
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