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A nice idea that falls flat
7 July 2015
I was really looking forward to this movie, since I did enjoy The Guild web series. Unfortunately, this movie is made very amateurishly, almost as if it was written by a high school student. I found myself fast forwarding to the LRPG parts after about 45 minutes of boring superfluous exposition. It wastes too much time on the character development. Normally, I do prefer it, but in this instance, it just seems to be used as a means to make the movie longer than it needs to be. The story is basically a revenge of the nerds type movie, with a few funny scenes but overall kind of harsh on the audience it's meant to entertain.
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Plot twist at the end was not thought out...
27 April 2015
Warning: Spoilers
I for one love this series, but the writing suffered at end of season 2. The whole election campaign was slow, monotonous and stupid. Most of all, how could Amdr. Adama not take Pres. Roslin seriously about her claim that Batlar was a traitor? How could Adama just explain away how the nuclear weapon, which he was reluctant to give Baltar in the first place, was just somehow stolen from Baltar's office? That was the dumbest thing in the world! How would Col Tigh, let alone Adama, allow a nuclear weapon to remain unguarded on board the Galactica? How could have Ronald D. Moore approve this stupidity and allow it to go into production? Discuss amongst yourselves please?
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Does Star Trek Next Generation have something against engineers?
4 April 2015
I just bought season 4 on Bluray and come on man! Geordi and Lt. Barkley are both brilliant engineers and they are both made out to be socially awkward and creepy weirdos! They both utilize the holodeck in an inappropriate manners too? In this episode it is revealed that, in a previous season, Geordi created a Holodeck rendition of Dr. Brahms to get through a crisis with the engines. I guess Geordi should have deleted that program, because when she finds his program she goes berserk. I do agree it was a violation of Dr. Brahm's rights and privacy and I was a little put off by that earlier episode, but this one makes it even worse! It's not a fair depiction, especially since a good percentage of Star Trek fans are in the engineering and technology fields. Star Trek influenced me to be a computer programmer. I do admit, most engineers and programmers are a bit nerdy and eccentric, but this goes a bit too far. We are more than just comedy relief. As a major character, Geordi never get's the girl...give a brother a break! There! I just had to say that...carry on.
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Ascension (2014)
Not anywhere near as good as Caprica...
17 December 2014
Warning: Spoilers
...and the ScyFy Channel canceled that show and put a wrestling show in it's place! I'm sure this one won't even make it past the mini-series. The show was hyped as a show about space travel...but it's basically an ant farm Truman type rip off. Who approved this script? The murder mystery 1st episode was dull to say the least. I lost interest after a few minutes. The sex scenes are a cheap attempt to keep the male nerd demographic interested in this show. I was really hoping ScyFy was going to do something as good as ZNation, but this is an epic fail so far. The OK special effects save this show from a 1 rating. Where are the guys who did BSG when you need 'em?!
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A movie made for people who have never been in a real war
6 December 2014
Like it's predecessor, this movie goes too much out of it's way to make the Nazis seem nice and really not the sadistic, racist, war-like psychos they were raised to be. This film even tries to depict the Germans commander who executes French civilians in a sympathetic way....I was like, WTF? The long drawn out shallow exposition in some of the scenes belong more as cut scenes in video games. The characters seem to talk about things, that were not known until after the war, as though they read them in history books. While I do enjoy low budget independent films, but this one and all the others in this series are garbage. Not even close to the low budget HBO series Band of Brothers or The Pacific. If you want a watered down and cheesy look at what war is about then you should watch this.
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There is nothing wrong with this movie
12 March 2013
But be forewarned this is a family friendly movie...not some gritty remake of a classic. Yes there are some kiddish moments and the story is simplistic but it is a wonder to watch and it kept me entertained the entire 2 hours. The story is a timeless and simple ...one between good and evil. I was uneasy with James Franco playing the main character, but he pulls it off! Rachael Weisz and Michelle Wiliams do justice to their roles too. The only questionable person to be cast was Mila Kunis. Though beautiful and sultry, she is hard to taken seriously as a wicked witch.Tth color and cinematography are exceptional! The best way to see this movie is in IMAX 3D!!!
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