
3 Reviews
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Perry Mason (2020–2023)
Noir that we need.
31 July 2020
I can't believe the hate I'm reading. I heard of Perry Mason from my parents. Its an origin story and it won't always match up with the original and THATS OK. The cinematography is great, the writing is top notch, the story is awesome. This is the Noir that we need. If you want a good show to distract you from the current world, watch this show.
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Midway (2019)
If you want to see a Jonas Brother try..
14 November 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I was pressured to see this by a friend. I soon found out this film is a comedy. I couldn't stop laughing with the terrible acting.... and the Jonas brother.. aka the little engine that tried. I got up and cheered when he died. There's a couple of good scenes, I thought the Pearl Harbor attack was better than the whole film Pearl Harbor by Michael Bay. And I liked the Doolittle Raid... and the fact that my generation doesnt have the bravery of the Greatest Generation. I don't know if I could've done what these pilots did.
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
I had to rewatch this season twice to make sure if it sucked or not.
29 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I started watching this new season expecting the Narcos Mexico to be par or maybe slightly under par of the first 3 seasons. Now I will admit I had two edibles on that Saturday when I binged watched the season... but in the middle of the season I kept asking myself "is this good? why am I watching this? Why do I care about this?" I really enjoyed seeing the Columbian Cartels in the middle of the season. Well done and there are three long tracking shots that made me go "WOW thats good camera work." I was curious if other people where experiencing the same as I was, so I looked on the IMDB reviews and I saw the majority of the reviews were 9s and 10s. I was stunned and I wondered if it was me. So I watched it again, but slower and took my time. Yeah..... This season sucks. Good camera work, but not casted well, the storyline was not well written. I felt I was watching Michael Pena get angry over and over again and watching Diego Luna go through the whole series confused and insecure. The best two things about this Season is 1. 3 good tracking shots and 2. Don Neto. He was the best character with good development, story and just fun.
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