10 Reviews
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Cold Pursuit (2019)
This is literal perfection and I will be hearing no arguments
4 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Right off the bat, this movie has one of the best villains I have seen onscreen in a very, VERY long time. His mannerisms resemble those of someone on the spectrum (which I also am, before anyone gets upset) and his choices always keep you on your toes.

The humor in this is... truly, top notch. From joking with the man you're about to shoot in the head, the excellent use of irony throughout the entire movie, and the deadpan wit that almost every character exhibits; absolutely a masterpiece.

I love that it's unexpected. The story takes something that has been made a million times before (your basic revenge plot; even more specific, the "parent goes on a rampage for their children" trope) and just keeps shuffling expectations with every move. There's not too much focus on the emotional, deeply personal stories, which I particularly enjoy. I have no problem with movies about grief; I just don't want grief and emotional scenes to overwhelm a classic revenge action flick. And this film does an excellent job with that. There's some minor melancholy moments, mainly when Laura Dern is onscreen; but, other than that, the score and editing keep the otherwise heartbreaking events of the story remarkably upbeat.

Speaking of the editing and the score - wow. The "in memoriam" bits that come up after each death; the use of music to create suspense or, more often, humor; the beautiful cinematography in more scenes than i could even list; it was all fabulous.

I really don't understand why this has such a low rating. I think y'all are haters. This movie rocks. Honestly, for the cast ALONE.


As a pansexual autistic person who is obsessed with action, pew pew movies (especially those with Mr. Neeson), I give this movie two thumbs up, 5/5, 10/10. Rave reviews all around for this little gem.
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Law & Order: Battle Lines (2022)
Season 22, Episode 2
Art Imitates Life
21 October 2022
I am in awe. Literally just finished the episode and I rushed over here to give my thoughts. I also, having been on here for awhile, could already smell the other reviews for an episode like this.

I could drone on and on about how television and movies have always reflected what's going on in society. But i'm not. I'm going to thank the writers and producers. Thank them for writing and producing an episode like this, a story like this. There are real life consequences to the moral playground that the government has become and, unfortunately, you start playing with lives when you make decisions based on feelings and emotions like that.

The importance of the volunteer worker? There are real life people doing that. Right now. And a simple Google search will show that multiple have been threatened and, yes, even killed. So if you're marking off points for inaccuracy, you're either blind to the point of the show or blind to the world around you. Not a single bit was inaccurate. Except maybe in real life, the governor might've been able to buy his son's path out of trouble.

But the message. The message is so important. Lives are going to end but it's not the lives pro-lifers are worried about. It's the lives of the people with uteruses, the lives of the activists trying to help and protect them. This episode shows that. It tears the rose colored glasses off your face and forces you to confront the reality of what's going on.

All in all, the writers did an incredible job - showing the pain of growing up in a conservative family in a conservative state and needing to color outside their lines, showing everyone the kind of people that will stop at anything to help those struggling since Roe was overturned, highlighting the dangers and struggles that the people within the system face when they try to push back against the hatred filling our world.

As a Texan woman who is drowning in our REAL governor's REAL policies and laws that are affecting REAL women, I absolutely adored this episode. No notes, no critiques.

I implore those that were bothered by the message - please ask yourself why. Women and others with uteruses are in real danger. Why does a show bringing light to real issues bother you so much? And I ask you to think of the real people that are going through real, horrible things. Right now. And then, thank the writers.
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NCIS: Hawai'i: Prisoners' Dilemma (2022)
Season 2, Episode 1
the gays are WINNING y'all
23 September 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I am.... still gathering my thoughts because I literally just finished the episode. But, I wanted to rush right over and get my fresh review down as quick as I could.

I love NCIS: Hawaii. To be fair, I am sure I might love the original as well; however, I started from the beginning awhile back, got overwhelmed with how much of an undertaking it would be, and quickly shuffled to the next thing on my watch list (the next, much shorter, thing). Not being caught up, obviously, on the original did make me bummed initially when I read that the premiere of this one was another crossover. I'm already deep in the trenches with One Chicago, the Law & Order franchise, and the FBI franchise, all of which constantly have crossovers. And then I was double bummed when I realized I would have to watch the season finale of the previous season of NCIS to at least semi-understand what was going on the in the first part of the crossover. So, two episodes of background in and I was extremely grateful to finally be at my destination.

AND WE STARTED WITH THE GAYS. AND WE ENDED WITH THE GAYS. AND THEY GAVE US THE GAYS THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE EPISODE. I know we've had their storyline for a long time; but, something about their scenes in the premiere already feel different than when they were a couple onscreen the first time around. I realize some people may dislike it for the same reason I can't sit still right now but i'm too happy to mind. They're both so beautiful and amazing and ethereal and together? Multiple it by a million.

I mean the story was super good too, don't get me wrong. Well worth the background episode and first part of the crossover (for anyone who may be second guessing watching it, though I don't know why). Ideally, you're caught up on the original (and maybe the other spin-offs too) and didn't even have the nuisance of muddling through the episodes. Huzzah to you if that is the case; unfortunately, for me, it was not. There are still some parts of the entire crossover that maybe are a tiny confusing, me having not seen the entirety of the original. But, like I said, they're pretty easy to muddle through. And, as you're muddling through, you get.... the gays.
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FBI: Most Wanted: Iron Pipeline (2022)
Season 4, Episode 1
y'all are tired of hearing about guns; so are we
23 September 2022
Tv reflects society. Period. End of sentence. It always has and it always will. So when society (aka the united states of america) is having constant and dangerous issues with firearms, television (especially COP television) IS GOING TO REFLECT THAT. I am so so sick and tired of going to read reviews these days and everything is a complaint about the "left" or "being woke". Frankly, if your "review" is spouting nonsense like this, it shouldn't even make it through the process to actually be posted. It has NO BEARING on the actual piece of entertainment. Complain about inaccuracies, absolutely. Whine about writing, totally. But stop victimizing yourself. People don't wanna hear a soap box; they wanna know if what they're about to watch is worth watching or not. Grow up. Or, maybe, just don't watch cop shows if you don't wanna hear how we have a law enforcement and gun problem in this country. Or a race problem. Matter of fact, just don't watch tv if you don't want to hear about what's going on in the world. I would say watch Sesame Street but even they are getting political these days so who knows?

Now, so I am not like all the others that I complain about, I am going to include an ACTUAL review:

The episode was actually pretty well put together. We are shown the grief and worry of a new (again) mother. We get Dylan in a tank top (thank you to whoever had that idea). We get a girl power vibe from the team with the three ladies kicking butt (though, it should make some of you happy to know we will be getting another boy on the team. Relax).

I will say, and the only part of me that agrees with my fellow reviews, that my only issue (and it's one i've had for awhile) is the constant turnover on this show. There's turnover on all shows, I get that. But for a show with only 4 seasons (just starting the 4th), we've already dropped so many main characters, mostly men. It's like the opposite problem that One Chicago shows have (constantly losing women). I know that Julian (Jess) started the show by saying he has no plans of staying long; but to lose so many in such a short amount of time is not only heartbreaking but also frustrating for continuity. Let's just hope that this season, most of the episodes will actually have every member of the team present instead of the pattern of "so and so is off helping family for such and such time" or just a randomly missing team member for an episode or two. Again, my only issue.

One last thing, if an ACAB anarchist like me can get enjoyment (and a lot of it) out of cop shows (many, many cop shows) then so can the self-professed fans of law enforcement that the right purports themselves to be. Just enjoy tv. A lot of people spend a lot of time and money to tell stories that they feel are important - the least we can do is actually listen to what they are saying instead of interrupting them or putting words in their mouth. Be blessed. Watch more tv. Or don't and leave your mean reviews to yourself so good shows like this don't get canceled because of your nay-saying.
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Pivoting (2022)
I have personal beef with fox
18 September 2022
This show is incredible. Heartwarming. Endearing. Hilarious. And it was canceled. So I have personal beef with anyone involved in that decision and would like to see them post haste.

But seriously! So, so, so good! Poignant and relatable. Honestly, in my opinion, one of the best sitcoms to grace television in a really long while. The three women soared in their roles and told a story of grief, friendship, love, and figuring out who you truly are when you strip away all your relationships and responsibilities. Super solid writing and comedic timing. Life is hard and love is hard but they're more manageable when you have good friends and a silly outlook on life. Genuinely disappointed in the decision to cancel one of the best, and most promising, shows to come along in years.
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Law & Order: Free Speech (2022)
Season 21, Episode 5
do y'all understand tv bc evidence suggests no
15 September 2022
Tv has quite literally always been a commentary on current societal and political issues. All the way back to original Doctor Who in the 60's. If you don't want to be confronted with the things that need to be changed in the world, may I suggest Cocomelon? Also, and this might be news to y'all, but Dick Wolf is, and has been, bff's with the NYPD. Y'all are barking up the wrong tree if you're gonna start to accuse that man of being against the police or "woke".

I, for one, LOVE the new season. As an avid watcher of all the Dick Wolf shows available to me, I wasn't disappointed with the reboot. I especially love Mr. Anthony Anderson (though I tend to love him in pretty much anything he's in, back to Kangaroo Jack and Transformers) and the dynamic he has with his new partner. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to watch all of the original Law & Order because it's not all on Peacock so I might not be completely aware of all the past relationships and issues; however, the reboot is presented in a way that someone who hasn't seen a minute of any Wolf show would be able to enjoy. Props to the writers. I'm excited to see where it goes (and about upcoming crossovers with the two current Law & Order shows running).
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Our Kind of People (2021–2022)
Give it a chance
26 September 2021
This show has so much potential to be amazing. Blindly hating a show or giving it low rankings or believing that it is anti-white just because it is black led is.... problematic. Also, having a black led show is not something that creates division. It achieves representation and hope. I, for one, am excited to see where it goes.
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The Wonder Years (2021–2023)
Watch every show like it's a brand new show. Also, representation is not elimination.
24 September 2021
Take this show for what it is. Enjoy it for what it is. Don't compare it to something else. Just let what it is, not how it stands up to similar things, be enough or not enough. And what this show is is absolutely amazing. There's great humor, great (and so far, accurate) history, great emotion. The show does a really good job at depicting history and context, while also making us care about the characters and the struggles they're going through. I am happy I have never seen the original. Speaking as a white person, I am sure that it means a lot to poc, especially black people, to see themselves on a show like this.

Also, Don Cheadle. Hello.
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9-1-1: Lone Star: Yee-Haw (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
29 April 2021
All the people in these reviews saying things like "too many gay scenes" or "the gays being shoved down our throat" - do you also keep that same energy when there's constant straight couples or straight scenes in tv shows? Just say you're homophobic and go. It's not Rob Lowe's fault you're intolerant.
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The Ranch: When It All Goes South (2018)
Season 3, Episode 11
5 June 2019
Call me crazy but I actually think the show is so much better without a perpetrator of sexual assault. Y'all call us whiny but all of these reviews are a bunch of crybabies who can't get over the fact that women's lives were ruined as a result of his actions. Get over it and appreciate the fact that somebody is listening to victims. Guess what? There are other amazing characters. Don't like it? Don't watch it. I don't agree with all of the right-wing nonsense but I still enjoy the show. We're not the problem. You are.
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