
8 Reviews
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4 letters: C.R.A.P.
25 June 2022
When are we going to stop with this non sense?? Watched it with my 12 and 13 daughters. It was so ridiculously stupid they, themselves, couldn't take it and started laughing at every line. 4 letters: C. R. A. P.
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Disappointing to say the least
20 December 2021
Low below par on this 3rd installment of the "parodisiac" OSS117. And for his mission on the African continent there was nothing "afrodisiac" either.

OSS 117 Alerte Rouge en Afrique Noire looked like a cheap version of the original episodes. Lack of characters, lack of situation, lack of places, depths, lack of good dialogues and more crucially lack of laughters from the spectators 'seats.

Despite the obvious will of making OSS 117 the object of its own conservative joke the whole movie is étriqué and only consists in the slashing of all what made the French espion an interesting character to laugh with. In this installment we don't even laugh with him, we pity him.

Kuddos to Jean Dujardin's amazing performance despite the curse the writers cast on his character. Dujardin filled the shoes the best he could. A pity he wasn't provided the play one of the rare French stars deserve instead of a costard mal taillé.
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Best adaptation of a Lovecraft novel so far.
20 August 2021
How difficult cosmic horror genre is to film well and to play well. But Die Farbe shows a near perfect understanding of Lovecraft's spirit. How I wish some film makers with more budget could really grasp the concept of Lovecraftian cosmic horror and finally deliver us something worth the amazing works of HPL. I'm still hoping but Die Farbe already did very well.
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25 January 2020
Seriously... when is the exploitation of Lovecraft amazing bibliography is going to stop? This shouldn't be allowed. ANYONE could write a script as bad as this one so why would they need to dig Lovecraft's legacy and violate it??? What a shame.
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Twin Peaks (2017– )
Used to be the Best. Still the Best.
4 January 2020
Love it, love it, LOVE IT. The smartness, the psychology... how good it feels to be outsmarted! Thanks Lynch and Frost for bringing TP back and making it so rich, intense, different, original, weird.
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
So good it's too short
4 January 2020
And here you get 1 star down...

Not much has happened indeed between episode 1 and 8, and that's my only complain. But for the rest Oh Lord... the attention to details, the textures, the photography, the music... wow... I wish the feature movies were that good.
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Dracula (2020)
Truly horrible
4 January 2020
Seriously??? The scariest part was the acting... the story doesn't make any sense, the character don't fit. Don't waste your time on this one, there's much better vampire material around. This one is a big miss.
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Doctor Sleep (2019)
A Massacre...
8 December 2019
I've never understood how most King's movie adaptations could ever been approved and showed...

We're long passed Christine, Carrie, Misery, The Shawshank Redemption and of course the excellent Kubrick's Shining... they are reminiscent masterpieces from a time where art and taste mattered more than profit, and long features movies made for a patient and truly willing audience.

In the late 90's King's movies were never as good but at least they were pleasantly quirky. With the exception of IT 2, production kept going down and down the spiral... and now they all float...

Just like Dark Towers, Doctor Sleep movie killed the magic of the book and made it a lengthy tasteless film that looks more like a late bad 90's TV show than a featured movie.

Stop that massacre please!!!
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