
23 Reviews
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Love / Hate kind of movie
25 January 2024
Predictably most Americans will hate this movie. There is no begining, a precarious ending, and definitely no plot. There is very little comedy, and no slap stick to keep the masses interested either.

However, it offers a very intimate view into the French psyche, including their love of food, their penchant for enjoying every moment, and the pride they have for their country and culture.

It also delves into their priorities, which Americans can't begin to understand. They will also foregoe money, nice cars, and family in their singular pursuit of life's pleasures. Ultimately they can also be selfish, but they are ok with that. Diane Lane got a taste of all of it on her road trip.

If you approach this movie as "a day in the life" and just enjoy the moments, you might not miss all the knee slappers we are used to seeing.
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Really Bad
12 December 2023
It's not like I was expecting some great movie. I knew it would be following a basic formula, but wow!! This was really really bad. Let's just start with the fact that the 22 yr old is lead actor is supposed to be 17. Add to that, that he's a terrible actor brooding around for 1.5hrs. It's too bad because the movie had potential, but they managed to botch it at every level.

The plot is dumb, the bad guys are weak, the backstory is not compelling, and the execution was terrible.

The kid is so lame, you can't even root for him. His love interest is supposed to be a great surger with family problems and we don't see that either. All the way around a total waste of time and potential.
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I Really Tried But...
6 December 2023
I really tried to like this movie, but it was just really so bad.

Nick Nolte is basically unwatchable.

And I never realized what a bad actor Robert Redford actually is. I grew up hearing how great he was from my parents, but wow! Just terrible line deliveries, unfunny and really just calling it in.

The plot is non existent, and the best part involved 2 women...the annoying one that carried the movie and the inn keeper who had more sincerety than anyone else.

The buddy scenes where it's just the two guys were terrible and had zero depth. At no point does the viewer side with the guys and find them remotely likeable.

I wasn't expecting any big plot turns, but this was simply horrible. I guess I was supposed to think they were in danger on the ledge?? Well I didn't.... I actually didn't feel anything other than relief when it was over.
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Hijack (2023)
Kind of Lame
25 August 2023
Pretty lame, very farfetched and generally amateurish. The initial plot was interesting and somewhat intriguing but the show devolved into a hot mess with way too many unrealistic plot twists.

The hijakers are clueless and dumb, which then in turn spills into the plot line. The main guy, Sam is supposed to be some master negotiator, but really any hijacker worth a damn would have killed him off in the first few minutes of the flight.

There is also some financial motive (which I won't divulge) but it's equally dumb and totally unrealistic for anyone who knows how finance works.

Basically it started strong but fizzled fast. It could have (and should have) been 4 episodes instead of 8.
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Avarice (2022)
Dumb and Predictable But...
25 June 2023
Dumb and predictable but I've seen worse. Definitely a low budget project with less than stellar acting, but something if you're looking for a mindless movie that you can passively watch and know the ending before it starts, then this is the one.

This movie of course only works because people make bad decisions along the way (ie. Give the hero the plot and not kill them when they have the chance to etc)...and also because apparently military grade zip ties do not work on regular civilians as they escape their ties at least 4 to 5 times. Overall it's bad but strangely watchable. PS. Did I already say how bad the acting is, especially from the supporting cast?
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The Rehearsal (2022– )
Unlike Anything Else on TV
30 May 2023
I've watched 4 episodes so far, so here goes:

It's weird, bizarre, intriguing, sometimes funny, sometimes slow and boring, but overall unlike anything I've seen on TV. Nathan definitely has some issues (on the spectrum) unless it's an act. I can't tell.

Mostly though, this show peels away the layers of seemingly normal everyday people with fascinating insights into their thinking (one guy is obsessed with associating numbers to justify his life decisions, one lady believes the devil controls Google Search) etc.

This show blends reality with make believe to the point where you can't even figure what's what. I kind of wish each show was a stand alone episode (like the first episode) rather than a interwoven story over several episodes.

The show also opens up the world of actors trying to break into the business, and what they are expected to do, to make it happen.

Overall, it's kind of heavy and depressing with moments of awkward humor. I guess the premise of the show is to rehearse for all of life's eventualities (like raising a kid) but as we all know there are no rehearsals in real life.
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Mother's Day (2023)
Lame, Unfunny, Waste of Time
26 May 2023
When will I ever learn? The ratings were a huge red flag, but I thought it might be cool anyways. Total waste of time. It was trying to be edgy, funny, and bad ass all at the same time and missed badly. The plot line was ridiculous. The characters stupid. I could go on and on. The main character is actually cool and believable, but she had no script or plot to work with. Overall, very dumb.

It's amazing how Netflix can manipulate their movies by pushing it on us. This was the #2 movie in their charts and I stupidly fell for it.

The supposed "witch" was nothing but a fat slob walking around and also missed badly as a character. Basically don't waste your time. So bad!!
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Lame, Laborious and Boring - (some spoilers but who cares??)
24 May 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This starts out ok, but just ends but lame and boring. It reminds me of the later John Grisham books when he was no longer writing them. Rather he has a team of ghost writers that follow a formula and include (good guy - check; stupid mystery that needs to be solved - check; the mob - check; make a deal with the mob - check).

And Jennifer Gardner who has perfected the "empathy look" makes it even more unwatchable.

All the way round, this was just a collosal waste of time, with a completely not believeable plot line, terrible script and amateur execution.

The grandfather's driver telling him he took the long way to avoid traffic (lol)...The most powerful mob in the US (ooooh, scary)...the closing scene looking like a hobo, long beard and packback?? (really, if you ever wanted to get caught then wear this outfit!!)

This is Apple TVs #2 show, and Lasso is #1?? I'm definitely canceling!!

Don't waste your time on this like I did.
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Ted Lasso (2020–2023)
From great to tedious and boring
11 May 2023
This show has dropped like a rock since season 1. What was once a fun and lighthearted comedy about a goofy coach in England is now long, tedious and boring. Starting with season 2 this show has become a repetitive unfunny bore with basically no plot line and no direction. It's like Ted Lasso is desperately trying to be more Ted Lassso and none of it is working. It's like I'm really supposed to like this show, so I keep trying but at the end of each episode I ask myself why I went through that. Although it's now supposed to appear layered and nuanced (as in Ted is also a human being with feelings etc) and not just some idiot savant from the US, none of it is working. The whole Zlatan plot line missed badly too, but that's a whole other story. Basically went from funny and original, to totally sucks...and since this is the ONLY reason I was paying for Apple TV, I'll be canceling that too.
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Incredibly Powerful
15 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This movie, in 14 minutes, said more than any movie could in 2 hours. It was incredibly well acted and portrayed. The feeling of helplessness is perfectly portrayed.

I am not a gun nut, although I own and occasionally carry one, and the only thing going on thru my mind was how the teachers MIGHT have a chance if they were able to shoot back. I'm not saying they would but at least a maybe.

This movie is disturbing, thought provoking and can be triggering. I usually scoff at trigger warnings, but this movie definitely warrants one.

It's also easy to second guess what you would do in this situation, but that's the point. The teacher even says it: I've never practiced for this.

The ending is also exceptionally well done. There are no sirens and no help on the way. Just silnce and the unknown. Very powerful movie!!
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13 March 2023
Disclaimer: I only got thru an hour of this mess before I said: enough! What the hell am I doing??

Just because someone else thought this up doesn't make it good. This movie is a combination of the Joy Luck Club with Tron and the final result is horrible! Trying to follow the plot is not only impossible (maybe after 2:20hrs it makes sense but I wasn't going to find out) but also migraine inducing. There are tons of Kung Fu fighting scenes woven into "seize the day" life lessons with a horrible looking Jaime Lee Curtis playing a zombie apocalypse / terminator type killer while three people in a control room try to make life changing decisions for a mid fifties lady on the fly. If what I just wrote makes no sense, it's because it doesn't. And neither does this movie. Definitely the worst supposed plot and execution I've tried to watch in years, maybe ever.
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Hit & Run (2021)
Total Waste of Time
26 February 2023
I slogged through the entire season hoping for some sort of resolution only to find out that there is going to be another season. It was hard to enough to get into, follow and care about the characters and plot as it was but I figured I was already committed and I might as well finish it. Big mistake! The store is dragged out, not believable, and pretty boring at times.

The main character (Segev) although great in Fauda, is a one man wrecking crew here, basically ruining the lives of anyone he comes in contact with.

The story really dragged out already and to think they're gonna do it all over again sounds like torture. Do yourself a favor and pass on this. You'll thank me for it.
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Downhill (I) (2020)
Excellent Movie On So Many Levels
29 January 2023
Disclaimer: I haven't seen the original (Force Majeur) and I wasn't expecting a slapstick comedy. And apparently that's a good thing based on all the negative reviews. I'm just judging this movie for what it is, not for what it's not.

...And it was excellent. It so perfectly captured so much of the angst felt by many couples that are trying their best to keep it together, rekindle their previous magic, or try all over. Unlike other reviewers, I didn't think that the "snow incident" was the catalyst, but rather a confirmation of what Julia already knew. That she is with a selfish and self centered husband who can't see beyond his own desires. However the movie doesn't spare her either as she's portrayed as an over bearing and somewhat annoying mom that the family puts up with (ie. Helmet stickers, regimented lunch plans, and inability to just relax and meet others).

Note to self (from a parent who has skied all his life): ski vacations are not relaxing. They can bring tons of stress and tension (lost gloves, hurting boots, expensive) especially with kids, so probably not the best way to recapture the magic.

Some of the best scenes were where Julia threatens legal action against the ski patrol (this is not America) and where Will realizes he has no game, even if he were single.

The closing scene is also so telling, where the reality is that despite all the big talk, at the end of the day, each person is looking out for themselves.

Please don't listen to the negative reviews. Judge for yourself. I think this movie explores and exposes so many human traits, but have never been exposed quite like this movie does it.
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Echo 3 (2022–2023)
Lame, over drawn and non-sensical.
14 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
They are desperatly trying to humanize these characters but completely miss the mark with with actions that are simply not believable.

There is no way the brother, a highly trained Delta operative would just become a drunk fisherman in Columbia.

There is no way the brother would just abandon his wife just because she didn't tell him she works for the CIA. He's a Delta guy as well and would totally understand the need for secrecy.

The wife's acting, throughout, but especially after the rescue is terrible. I know she's supposed to have a blank stare but overall badly fails.

The CIA guy helping out on his own is also a silly character. The whole kidnapping of the brother was dumb. Honestly I could go on and on. The movie had so much promise but had terrible writing and poor acting. It's a shame.

PS. This is Apple TVs top show....time to cancel!!
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Close (I) (2019)
It's really bad!
30 October 2022
This movie started out with so much promise. The opening scene was awesome showing some bad ass female bodyguard with a ton of skill. Then it moves on to her next assignment in Morocco which sounds equally cool, but then it slowly falls apart. Terrible acting, and a bad plot were basically impossible to fix. Her female protege is all over the place and the supposed plot twists are so bad that we don't even care. Some of the scenery is cool, but the plot, editing, stakes, and everything else is really bad. There is no real bad guy to root against and you basically know they will be fine at the end. Don't waste your time on this one like I did.
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Extremely Timely and Frightening
10 October 2022
The premise of this series is that when you create enough lies then nothing is believed so the biggest lier wins. With the proliferation of today's social media, with fake news everywhere, with bots, fake social media accounts, fake outrage etc. This series has perfectly captured what is happening around us, as well as what could potentially happen.

The show is cerebral, and very well acted. It captures many aspects of how governments can manipulate the masses for their own gains as well as how easily the public can fall for it, as the lines between reality and fake news have been completely blurred. This series is a cautionary tale, but it's likely too late.
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Palmer (2021)
Good Movie, Timberlake is Amazing
22 August 2022
It's a good story with a very good twist of Sam in a small town. Sam did a great job, but Timberlake was amazing. He really captured the angst and challenges of getting out of prison and trying to adjust. He was often on edge, tough, but also struggled to change. Overall a very good movie that really took you into the struggles faced by all.
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Excellent Movie
12 August 2022
It was incredible to see the efforts and sacrifices made not only from the actual rescuers but also from all the volunteers, especially those diverting the water. Also, watching the evolution of the Navy Seal's attitude and respect towards the rescuers was perfectly captured.
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It Got Cringy
10 August 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This story took such a weird turn. The young ranch owner kept saying how the old man reminded her of her deceased dad. I thought surely, with a 35 yr age difference, they're not gonna get together! The fabric store owner would have been a perfect match... so yes, I thought the romance was quite cringy due to the obvious age difference. Basically Jesse was either totally miscast, or the writers should have found another romantic interst for him.
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1998 Called and they want their movie back
19 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This wasn't bad but was a formulaic and predictable as can possible be. You already know who will die, who will resurrect while left for dead etc. This absolutely reminds me of many many 1990s movies...I guess it's fitting since it takes place in the 1999 but that doesn't mean the plot and filming need to as well. Anyways somewhat entertaining, but extremely predictable.
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Cry Macho (2021)
Time to Hang 'em Up
12 October 2021
I love Clint, but this is soooo bad. Clint is on his last leg as an actor and the kid is horribly cast. The plot made no sense either.

On the plus side, Clint can still land a lady 40 years younger than him, so there's that....
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Without Remorse (II) (2021)
Horrible Waste of Time
4 May 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Ridiculous plot, terrible execution and completely stupid plot holes. Apparently being a Seal protects you from your airplane being shot down in the ocean and allows you to kidnap someone from a bathroom while they are protected by at least 10 bodyguards. This movie was so stupid, it hurts. No wonder it went straight to video. Please don't waste your time like I did.
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Drunk Parents (2019)
Worst Movie Ever - No Exaggeration
31 May 2019
So so so so bad. Do not get tempted to watch this movie for any reason. You will waste two hours of your life.
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