
2 Reviews
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The Smoking Room (2004–2005)
Not the usual comedy.
28 July 2004
Like some other similar British sitcoms of this type, you may decide to try and plug it to a friend, perhaps by retelling a joke on it, you'll find it wont have the same affect on them as it did on you. Because they are different types of jokes. There are not beautiful people sitting around, glamorous, making jokes about life, they are regular people, talking about life. The characters are ordinary, the situations they are in are ordinary, but it is the way they are portrayed and their outlook on all of this that makes the smoking room so funny.

I will not slander this hilarious show by comparing it with 'the office' or 'the royale family' because, being honest, them shows had there high points, but were never as constantly funny as the smoking room.

Go watch it. NOW!
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Confidence (2003)
If you think you can guess what this movies about, guess again.
1 September 2003
At first it may seem like it's done many times before, and is just following the footsteps of other popular films like Oceans eleven, but you will find that the more you watch it, the more you're drawn in, and before you know it you are in an exciting world with imaginitive characters and a plot line like a roller coaster, it twists and turns, and you never know whats going to happen next.

Go and see Confidence, whether you like it or not, it will always stay in your mind, because it is definitley something new....
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