
16 Reviews
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Hot garbage. Really offensive imo.
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
As someone who knows the real story, and didn't really have to look that far, this movie was despicable.

I mean, why would you ever make evil main characters based on evil monsters, seem sympathetic. What the hell is wrong with the writers and director?

It honestly makes me sick.

First, they don't show or even imply hardly any of the actual horrific things done to her. I mean, besides throwing her down the stairs, kicking her, and burning her with cigarettes. Which wasn't even 1/100th of the things done.

Then they focus on the "branding" part, and have her screaming, when she was already so weak and half dead at that point she didn't even scream. Plus, that was literally one of the least painful injuries she had done to her.

No one in that house gave a flying flip, gave her sympathy, or helped. The eldest daughter was just as evil towards her as the mother, where they have the damn nerve to show her being sympathetic in the movie. They show the middle daughter caring as well, like what?!? THEY WERE ALL SADISTIC TO HER.

Then they showed the neighbor teen, Ricky Hobbs, being sympathetic toward her, though, he was Gerdy's boy toy. He did what Gerde asked him, even using Sylvia as a sparring body for judo.

The rest of the stuff happened, it was just 100x more. So, I find it offensive and a spit in the face of Sylvia to completely twist the story. Not to give her the justice she deserves, and on top, ACTUALLY giving all the main MONSTERS involved, humanity!

Honestly, this movie should not be allowed to use the names and people, or even reference the crime, because it's an abomination. SMDH!

There is a movie about this crime, that actually gives Sylvia some sort of resemblance of justice, and that movie doesn't even use real names!! Not to mention a lower budget, and unknown actors, yet, they could somehow do a little research and TRY. It's called "The Girl Next Door" (2007).
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One of my favorite movies
19 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I really hate how stupid people are. Yeah, stupid. This movie is amazing.

What makes a great movie?

Plot and story? The writers need to write a good story. Well, this is a true story, which a lot of the times is even crazier and better than fiction. I Love Philip Morris is all of the above.

I am not LGBTQ, or a fangirl, I don't care who people love. In saying that, this movie, imo, really makes you connect with gay people. I'm straight, but I could understand the love and turmoil that went on their relationship. I think anyone who doesn't understand gay love and life, should watch this. Yeah, Steven messed up, a lot, but the love and passion from him, was admirable.

Story flow? I love the story flow. The way it bounces back and forth is so well done, it flashes back at the perfect moments, to show why Steven makes the choices he makes in that moment. I have to appreciate some of the camera work, too. Where they start in one scene, like when he jumps into the taxi after release from prison, but then continue panning with no cuts with him pulling up to courthouse.

Great actors? Jim Carrey, doing a serious role but putting just enough of his quirky humor in, to where it's not corny or over the top, but makes the story. Then Ewan McGregor, whom is one my favorite actors, and hot as hell too. Who has a thick Scottish accent but does a perfect, slightly flamboyant, American southern accent. Then Leslie Mann as the zealot ex-wife, really pulls the whole thing together.

Great music? The soundtrack for this movie is just spot on. They have a repeating theme song, that plays and follows Steven Russel (main character) when something is about to go crazy. It's an upbeat song, that makes you chuckle while also shaking your head.

Invested in the characters? That's what I mean when I said the theme song comes along. You tell yourself, why Steven, why did you do that when everything was going so well? The sweet ex-wife. Then poor Philip, just dragged along.

Entertaining? There are some parts where I laughed so hard... when he went to jump into the dumpster, missed and landed on the cement. Then Philip (Ewan), with the Dove chocolate wrappers, among others. There wasn't one moment of the movie that it didn't have my absolute full attention. Russel is a bonafide genius, and the crap he pulls is absolutely amazing

I have seen this movie at least 10x and I never get sick of it. It's just a great movie, and people that gave it less than good reviews, I really can't imagine what movies they do like...

The end, technically the present, is the saddest thing. Steven is still in prison, in solidarity confinement 23 hours a day, and will be until he dies. That should be considered cruel and unusual punishment. Not to mention the amount of time he got for just stupid money crimes. While people get treated better and get less time for sadistic and horrific crimes. He never hurt anyone. He just embarrassed a bunch of clowns in suits, and their system. Makes me sick. 😡
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Monstrous (2022)
No one guessed the twist, they just can't admit it
30 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
People are like "I guessed it", it was "predicable". I'm really good at guessing movies, and I was thrown all over. I mean I had one guess then it would throw me for a loop again. It's hard to find movies I don't guess right away, but the thing with this one is it had so many different loops. It was good.

Im going to discuss the ending because I noticed so many people got it wrong.

For some reason people keep forgetting this part. They give you the clue of her finding the grandmas spell book. Then she talks about the ghost she sees around the house with her grandma. We assume they are clairvoyants in some way. Her gram is a witch.

So, because of the spell she was doing and the ghost talk, it's assumed that she sees her son's spirit and refuses to let him go. At first, her son doesn't fully understand until he talks to the grim reaper, that takes the form of the grandma or is the grandma (not sure on that), and finds out he's truly dead. He tries to get her to talk to her, but she refuses.

Yes, she is delusional, so she creates this world in her head, but she does see him. It's in the 50's because her grandma said her time was better than it is now. It's really the year 2022.

They give us more clues with the birthday invitations and the fact no one else is seeing him, there is always an excuse on her part to herself.

Finally, her delusions start breaking down and she sees the house for what it really is. She walks in to see her son standing in the run down grimy house. The delusion being gone. He tells her that she can't hold his spirit there any longer and that he has to pass on. She finally gives in and the last of the delusion of seeing "death" as a monster, shows that it's not a monster after all and really her grandma ready to take his spirit to the other side.

I thought it was pretty obvious but most people ignored the main clue of the spell book scene.
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I had to look up the year
24 December 2023
I literally had to look up the year, because I was like was this movie made before Anna Kendrick was famous? But she would have been like a young teen if it was as old as the camera footage made it seem.

This is one of those "artsy" films, where it's so much about the "artsy" part, it's just awful. Like I said, camera quality stinks, they probably used some old cell phone? Omg so kool! I know it's improv (I think) but ok? And? Why? No plot, boring as sin. It's one of those movies where they go, I'm going to break the norm and do everything that makes a bad movie. Then slap "artsy" on it, and everyone will oooo and ahhh.

"You just don't understand, man. It's symbolic, and simple because you are supposed to look deep into the characters as if they are you, and people in your life. The baby represents baby you, Anna, represents teen you, and the couple represents who you are and what your future holds if you don't change." I don't freakin know. Lol.
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Girl in the Closet (2023 TV Movie)
It's based on a TRUE STORY...duh
30 November 2023
All the ignorant people that have reviewed this movie plot as not good, or it's dumb because of plot holes, could have had this or that.... HELLO, it's a based on a TRUE STORY. They actually did a really good job at getting super close to the actual events!

I'm confused how the people writing the reviews on here don't do any sort of research before running their mouths?

Besides that the movie was very good, though very sad. They put in, surprisingly, many true details of the real story. If you are watching the movie at any point and think this is too ridiculous, well, the real story is even more horrific. People didn't run away, she did have extreme control, and everything in the movie happened, plus more, but they had to put years of horrors into about 2 hours.

Sadly the real story is even worse than the movie.

If you are curious of the real story, I suggest watching the movie, and then looking into the real story on Linda Ann Weston. Ignore the reviews on here from people who choose to foolishly speak. It's obnoxious.
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Absolutely love it! Unique.
27 November 2023
I love unique stuff. People, I guess, like the same old crap. I love Melissa McCartney, and I think it's great.

Funny as hell. People love Jeff Dunham, but yet, they have an issue with this?

It's suppose to be ridiculous and dumb as hell. I don't know what people were expecting. It's not suppose to be an Oscar winner.

I love the fact that sugar is the drug and she has a puppet liver. The little details were so great.

I can't believe I hadn't heard anything about it, but came across it accidentally on Netflix.

It reminds me of Who Framed Roger Rabbit and Cool World, cuz it's raunchy. Which I love both those movies.

I would definitely tell people to watch it. Those who talk crap about it, just have no sense of humor, and just can't handle something unique. If you like Roger Rabbit and stuff like that, then you will like it. 👍
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Look Away (2018)
Nice cinematography but...
20 November 2023
The biggest thing I can't stand is when they make a gorgeous girl somehow unpopular and bullied. What a laugh.

Besides that, it's an obviously predictable storyline, but of course, they kind of told us what was to come by the first frame. There are definitely some twists and turns, though.

I liked the cinematography and the settings. The snow and winter was a nice touch.

Everyone died super easy though. One of them happened to someone I know, and coming from an underweight teen girl, kind of a little ridiculous.

There was a twist towards the end, and the last 20 minutes had me on edge for sure. I actually wasn't sure what would happen.

But then you realize you are in the last minute of the film, and that's it.... They built so much up for the ending to feel really rushed. Like they just ran out of patience, money, or both and just said screw it.

It's got a few twists, and is definitely worth a watch as an independent lower budget horror movie. The acting was very good too. But that dang ending, what a letdown.
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14 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, once again, HORRIBLE writers.

It was ok, until the part with the medication. ARE YOU SERIOUS? She's prescribed steroids for a condition that causes inflammation.

She called her doctor for a refill, but then the doctor says that someone called saying she's selling her steroids to high school athletes.

"Steroids, also called corticosteroids, are anti-inflammatory medicines used to treat a range of conditions. They're different from anabolic steroids, which are often used illegally by some people to increase their muscle mass."

I mean I guess some people may take corticosteroids for sports recovery, but really?

Also, some random person calling in saying you're selling your meds, wouldn't cause a doctor to hang up on you and refuse you life saving medications.

Lazy writing is the worst.
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Dirty Teacher (2013 TV Movie)
14 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I pretty much came to rant because as soon as I started this movie I got irritated.

Her parents are struggling financially, and had to use the college fund they made her, THAT MOST PEOPLE DON'T GET, and she throws a tantrum.

"How will I go to college if you guys don't have the money?" What is this? Like seriously Lifetime, make everyone in the real world feel like crap much? It's called loans and grants you spoiled little brat. Welcome to the real world.

I just got done watching a good lifetime movie, with real life hardships, "A Boy I Met Online", to this crap. So, maybe that's why I was really thrown for a loop.

Other than that, she's a stage 5 clinger. She didn't want to put out so he went to someone else. Not saying girls should put out, but if the guy doesn't want to wait, move on. It's high school, you have your whole life ahead of you. But don't stalk people, move the heck on, psycho.

Also, he's 18, there is nothing wrong with what they are doing, legally. Yes, a teacher messing around with a legal student, is morally messed up, but that's it.

It gets ridiculous as it goes on though... Jaime gets arrested, even they can see her phone pinged at her house all night, they would have seen she moved around inside her house.

They could see she was calling Danny from her house at that time. Then her dad walked up.

A car wouldn't just have blood on a bumper, if a car ran someone down to the point of killing them, without any sort of breakage.

The teacher took her phone to the park, it would have pinged there.

The movie ticket would have had the exact time bought on it, not to mention cameras at the theater, this wasn't the 80's. The movie ticket they used was pathetic.

Then the parents bond her out, and she's out in an hour? That doesn't happen, once you spend the night in jail, it can take another night to be released on bond.

Usually, I love Lifetime movies cuz they are easy, simple, and you don't have to think much. But I mean, I would have to be half dead to ignore all the issues with this one.

The only reason the teacher got caught was cuz Jaime violated her ankle monitor and the cops came. But no, they don't come in 10 minutes. It would be considered a violation, and they would issue a warrant, and it could take hours to days for an officer to follow-up.
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Great message about how society treats felons.
14 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
It's not the highest of budgets since its Lifetime, but it deserves a way way high rating for its moral.

At first I thought this was going to be one of those, met guy online, he turns out to be abusive, mom saves perfect daughter.

I'm a mother of two daughters, and I had my eldest when I was young, so I actually still remember what it's like to be young. This shows a good story about parents who smother their kids, and don't expect their teen daughter that's 17 to be into boys.

BUT THE BIGGEST POINT THAT IS VERY MUCH REAL, is showing what it's like for people when they get out of prison. He makes a dumb mistake, as a 19 year old kid, getting caught in some easy money with the wrong crowd.

He gets out of prison after 3 years, after getting his electrician certification in prison. He does his time, he wants to go out and get a real job, get married, settle down with a good girl, and have a family. But the first place he goes, they don't even give in the time of day when he tells them he's a felon.

Society has people do their time, then slaps this label on them for the next 10 years so they can't get a job, a decent place, nothing. That's only if they get the money together, and haven't been in any trouble for that 10 years, to hire a lawyer to get the charge quashed.

As someone who was with a felon for many years, I saw the struggles. He had to start by not even making enough to live on for years, and we were stuck living in the worst neighborhoods. Even though he's been good for over 10 years now, he still has to come up with $1,000's to get the label of felon off.

If I wasn't there as the main breadwinner, and he didn't have supportive parents, which the guy in the movie doesn't, he wouldn't have got where he is now.

People wonder why "felons" go back to reoffending when they are forced in jobs they can't live on, and back into the crime and drug infested neighborhoods?
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House of Chains (2022 TV Movie)
14 November 2023
I cannot believe this story has become so sensationalized. It's like every time you turn around they make it sound worse and more dramatic.

I remember reading an article about the story, and it talked of one of the girls, "she never even walked on a sidewalk", then showing an image right after of all of them at Disneyland, and Vegas.

The movie by itself was good. It actually came up with a good explanation for the phones, and how the girls had their own YouTube channels (even though they "didn't know" what anything was) Funny, it's kind a b**** to load a video to YT.

The movie, I guess, for drama, showed the kids never leaving the house, ever, when it's known the family took multiple vacations a year. Staying in hotels, riding rides, seeing other people, walking on sidewalks.

It's funny in a way that people just like to loosely roll over that fact they left the house multiple times per year. They weren't completely blind to the outside world.

I think these kids were neglected, and treated badly based on religion, but the media and this movie sensationalized it for sure. The movie was good, but just make you take it with a grain of salt for being nothing but very very loosely based on the Turpins..
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Stalker (II) (2020)
Worst movie I've seen in awhile
23 November 2022
Have no idea what this movie was about. I hate when movies have to use huge plot holes to keep a plot going. Like the fact if someone texts someone they can't just call them? over If he did that I guess.

I'm trying to figure out still what the movie is about because the ending made literally 0 sense.

Skip this one. Go watch the cable guy for the 100th time and at least enjoy 1.5 hours of your life.

If anyone can explain the ending that would be great because I either missed a point of dialogue or it really is the worst movie I've seen in a long long long time.

The acting is ok, and the scenes, but omg. The only good was the dog being named Juicebox.
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Wish Upon (2017)
13 November 2022
I gave 5 stars because it was entertaining but I just can't understand why everyone in movies is always stupid. Like why don't people think about their wishes.

I mean you get 7 wishes.

How about for a wish you wish that you and everyone in your life that you like have only good luck, nothing bad or unlucky ever happens to you or anyone in your life that you care about.

Therefore you win the lottery, you get the guy you like, I mean nothing in your life can ever go wrong. The end .

But no, just waste a bunch of wishes on superficial crap that doesn't last. 🙄

I mean I'm tired of movies these days using ridiculous plot points and character flaws to move the plot along. It's like are there any good writers anymore or do people just get paid to come up with shallow crap.
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Give me a break
2 November 2022
Warning: Spoilers
It was mildly entertaining so it gets a couple stars. But the fact that the one chick ran upstairs to frantically upload a video to the computer before the 75 year old lady made her way slowly up them with her arthritic knees 10 minutes later was ridiculous to say the least. Then she stood there and just let herself get stabbed, because an old lady with a knife is definitely the scariest and hardest thing to fight off.

I mean are you joking? All you have to do is drop kick the witch in the knee cap and she's going down on her hip, the end. There is a reason why there isn't elderly lady slashers. There is a reason why most women throughout history use poison or guns to kill....

Give the old lady a poison blow dart gun or something....
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Webcam Cheerleaders (2021 TV Movie)
20 October 2022
College girls doing web camming? No way!! How insane! We have to keep this a secret and kill to keep it! If anyone finds out that college girls are webcamming for extra money it would definitely be all over the media! Politics?? Foreign affairs? War? No! College cheerleaders webcamming! And if hits the news all involved will be ruined! So, we have to kill any girl involved if they are discovered! I mean they are legal age, and doing something totally legal, but it will still completely ruin everyone involved! No one makes extra money camming while in college! If this gets out..... So, we must kill any girl that's discovered, that is definitely much better than anyone finding out that girls are webcamming to get through college.

The premise is completely ridiculous. 😪 One part where they try to get the sister kicked out of college, they switch her essay for a plagiarized one. When she is confronted with this, why doesn't she open her computer and show her real essay and have them search her computer, including printer history for the supposed one she turned in. Why would she write a completely original essay and then turn in a plagiarized one? But no of course everyone in lifetime movies never defends their self with anything rational, they just go with it. It's like come up with a better plot ffs.
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11 October 2017
So, minimalists making fun of people who wait for Black Friday. I'm sorry that some of us don't get rich off of a blog. You know you are only making money because I waited in line on Black Friday to get a TV and then saved for an Xbox so I could order Netflix and watch your damn documentary. As you run your mouth and pretend you were poor with pictures of 5 cars in your driveway of your house. We got 4 people in a 1 bedroom apartments, that is poor.... ugh everything about these guys is just awful!!!

You guys choose to be minimal. I am a minimalist not by choice and I will tell you what, it's not fun. Seeing 2 guys who live a very privileged life, living as if they are poor, and then making it seem as if it's some sort of life choice, makes me sick.

Trying to scrape together food for dinner, from a pantry full of a canned food, because we need to keep food stocked up when we can get it, means I'm not being minimal, according to you.

You have a dining room table I don't. I have a tiny fold of coffee table. The place I moved into had awful bedbugs so we have a mattress on the floor, no bed frame because they are too expensive . You don't know anything about real minimalism.... I use all the space in my home because I can barely move when it's empty.

I can't afford to even buy a tiny house. So stop acting like that's cheaper.... I am so sick of this tiny house crap. Like you can afford to live in some huge beautiful home, but HEY LOOK EVERYONE, I CHOOSE TO LIVE LIKE YOU WHEN I DONT HAVE TO, so YOU should be happy living like that too. The whole thing couldn't be anymore pretentious.

There are so many real "minimalists" out there that live a simple life because that is all they can afford. They live out of a bag. They have nothing, and they wish they had more. Yet we have people over here that can afford what they want when they want, throwing it in their faces.

You literally aren't minimalists at all. If you want something or need something you buy it. The only difference is you just toss it after because if you want or need to you can just buy it again.

Seriously... dumbest crap I've ever seen. You wanna be a real minimalist? Don't use a toilet or toilet paper, eat with your hands, don't wash your clothes or shower, don't have a car, donate almost all your money. Then come back and talk to me about your enlightened bull.
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