
8 Reviews
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The title should have been "Jason Takes A Cruise"
26 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The majority of the movie takes place on a boat filled with teenagers who get killed by Jason who is a stowaway. The NYC sequences happen toward the end of the film and only a few moments are worth seeing: Jason being punched in the face by one of the characters, Jason kicks a gangster's boombox, and Jason enters a diner chasing the characters.

Only the teaser trailer was worth watching - for something that could have been great. I can picture how the movie could have been so much better.

At least the director agreed with audiences that this film could have been better if the studio didn't restrict the NYC locations originally planned.
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A great stand-alone sequel
26 December 2020
Obviously, the first Wonder Woman film was a lot better, but this film was definitely entertaining. You'll see other reviews saying that the film was boring due to its slow pace that are just human drama and less action. But if you understand the story itself and what Diana has to go through, you'll find it worth watching.
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Se7en (1995)
You Will Be Thinking About This For Days (Really, you do)
4 July 2016
The 7 Deadly Sins: Gluttony. Greed. Sloth. Envy. Wrath. Pride. Lust.

"Se7en" is definitely a movie no one will forget after watching it. The story follows two detectives: Somerset (Morgan Freeman) and Mills (Brad Pitt) tracking down a serial killer who murders his victims according to the seven deadly sins. Seriously, this movie kept me at the edge of my seat the first time watching it. I was too young to see the movie when it came out in 1995, but I managed to watch this on DVD just recently. This movie is told from the point of view from the detectives, trying to find the motives and reasons why the killer is taking out random victims. We see them in a frustrated situation (Brad Pitt's character is a fine example of this along with his F bomb dialogue).

The performances from the cast are superb. The majority of the film focuses on Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt's chemistry - how their relationship builds up as the two are desperately trying to solve the case. Gwyneth Paltrow is placed third in the top billing as Detective Mill's wife - a woman who loves her husband but has a dislike for living in the terrible city they live in. Her performance sells, but I feel she did not have enough screen time.

There is one other actor's performance I really want to talk about. But I can't. You'll have to see the movie for yourself and you'll know who I am referring to.

The movie never fails to lose your interest. You are invested in these characters solving a murder mystery that is (to them) not common, yet very disturbing. Each kill has been done off screen, and we are left to our imagination of how each murder went down. What we don't see is much more effective than if we do see...And I believe director David Fincher has done a great job at this. There are plenty of twists and turns throughout, and it's executed unexpectedly which works for this kind of film.

"Se7en" was a movie ahead of its time. I can't imagine what would it be like had the film been made in let's say 1989-90. Definitely recommend this thriller if you're into surprises. Even on repeated viewings it's still a thrill to watch and look out for things you may have missed in the first time viewing.
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Had its flaws, but still a good movie
23 June 2016
A friend and I watched this movie in the theater a week ago. To be honest, neither of us are up to date with the X-Men film franchise. Example, for me I've only seen the original trilogy and the Origins: Wolverine. I've seen parts of First Class on a friend's computer.

As an viewer watching X-Men: Apocalypse, I was "introduced" to younger versions of the classic characters we all know. I am actually surprised to see the younger versions of these characters portrayed well. I'm really impressed with Sophie Turner's take on the character Jean Grey, originally portrayed by Famke Janssen. I can clearly tell Sophie has studied Famke's performance in order to keep the character consistent in what we've already know about Jean Grey's personality.

The only thing I had concern was that there were so many main characters it was difficult to identify with each character. I felt I really didn't care about the other characters with the exception of Michael Fassbender's character Magneto. Spending so much time with the characters I felt that it slowed the movie down. I personally like slow movies, but for a movie like X-Men: Apocalypse (or any superhero action movie for that matter), I felt the pacing could be picked up. However, at least it was done by director Bryan Singer. Watching his films featuring an ensemble cast I felt overall he handled them well, giving each of his characters enough screen time even though at times like I've mentioned above it slowed the pacing down.

The action scenes in the last part of the movie were done well overall. There's a sequence involving the antagonist and Professor Xavier battling each other both, but not in a physical sense exactly. You'll see when you watch.

Overall, X-Men: Apocalypse is not a bad movie. It just that it could have been better.
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Cutting Class (1989)
Could Be A Lot Better....
29 July 2012
When I wanted to go to the store to buy the DVD for a very cheap price, I searched this movie up on youtube and someone uploaded it in parts. Thank goodness I didn't spend my money. I'm not much of a Brad Pitt fan, but I was curious to see his first major role in this low budget film. He was listed third in the top billing but he gets a lot of screen time being the boyfriend acting like a jerk.

The story is about students who are being murdered one by one, and as an audience we keep on guessing who the killer is until the finale in this "whoduit" concept. Although I hate the fact the viewers already know who the killer is from the very start.

While this movie is in the horror genre, there really isn't much gore as a horror fan might expect nor does it have any suspense like the movie "Scream." The movie also has a bit of a love triangle between our three main characters and some humor, but overall the movie fails to do so; we aren't given much about the characters so we don't really care what happens to them. The dialogue and acting could be a lot better since many of the lines sounded campy, and as if the writer may have written the script in one night and didn't have it proofread enough.

I didn't mind this movie made on a low budget, but the story could've been better especially the acting. If you want to watch slasher film that you don't need to take seriously or need something to watch while doing something else or if you're just curious about seeing Brad in his first major role before he became a star, then this movie may be for you.

After watching this movie, I even said to myself that I should remake this film. lol
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Curse of the Zodiac (2007 Video)
Curse = Wasted
3 July 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Watched this online and couldn't stand its weird camera angels, editing, and its repetitive montages that add nothing to the plot. The way the final film is put together just makes the viewer feel nauseated- at least for me. The film is supposed to take place in the 1970s but with its low budget, it might be easy to forget we're in the present day since you can clearly see modern day cars. I seen student films that are better than this!

Also, the memorable (in a very bad way) part of this film is the portrayal of the Zodiac killer. Sure, the killer was actually around back then in real life. But in this film, all he keeps saying to his victims are "fat f*ck" literally every few seconds whenever he talks!!!!!!! It's like the filmmaker allowed improvisation, and it wasn't done right. Also, the Zodiac killer wears clothing that makes him look like mercenary guy who stands out in the open. They could've made the character blend in more!!

The events in this film have nothing to do with the real life events; it is all fiction. The acting is terrible and the plot is ridiculous.

Wrapping this up, DO NOT WATCH THIS FILM!! Especially if you have some sort of motion sickness when it comes to tilted camera shots and speed up images..
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Yes, Madam! (1985)
Fun but could've been better
21 January 2012
In this '80s Hong Kong action film, Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock team up to find a microfilm containing group of villains' illegal activities after a British diplomat has been killed. Unfortunately three thieves have the microfilm and the police need to find it in order to have evidence to make an arrest.

Although the film stars Michelle Yeoh and Cynthia Rothrock as kick-ass ladies working as police officers, the story seems to focus more on the three thieves who have the microfilm, which bothered me in a way. The main reason is because I was looking forward to see the chemistry between Yeoh and Rothrock. But instead they are presented as if they are secondary characters. And not only that all of the characters here are one dimensional, which leaves the audience asking themselves questions such as why would Rothrock's character beat up a suspect for answers or why one of the villains is wearing a U.S military- like uniform.

Regardless of the film's plot there are some great action sequences, especially the fight in the finale. The stunts shown will make you say out loud "that's gotta hurt!" Remember, we're talking about no CGI, green screen, or wire work!!!!!!

Overall I think the film could've been better if the filmmakers worked on character development, a better ending, and focused more on our two female leads' chemistry!!
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Slow thriller but still a good movie!
22 December 2011
Jake Martin (Walter Mattau) investigates massacre that took the lives of eight people on a city bus. One of those victims was Jake's partner, Detective Evans, who was supposed to be called in sick. The question is: what was Detective Evans doing on the bus when the shooting occurred? Jake's colleagues: Leo Larsen (Bruce Dern), James Larrimore (Lou Goessett Jr.) help him on the cast leading to various places throughout San Francisco

"The Laughing Policeman" is a police procedural film that runs at a slow pace, which made it difficult to follow sometimes especially with the leads the characters have on the case. This bothered me a bit - maybe it has something to do with my generation's attention span? But the slow pace allowed us as viewers to see police procedural of the early 70s. While today's police procedural films (and TV shows) rely on technology to aid on a case, back then it seem that the police will take anything necessary to get the bad guy in; relying on gut feeling. We also get to know about the characters' lives in their police work - how they hate their job while going after the killer.

"The Laughing Policeman" is worth watching despite of the slow pacing. The actors who play their roles have done a great job getting the audiences' attention to the scene. The plot will keep you guessing until the end.
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