
11 Reviews
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Northern Exposure (1990–1995)
Just as good Again
1 March 2024
We watched it when it was new on CBS back in the 90's. We were young then. Loved the quirky heart of the show, the community, the characters, the bits of mysticism, and the humor. Always felt like it was a show that made us think as well as laugh. Even the insufferable Fleischman makes us laugh. Not many shows hold it together as well. I think it's the variety of characters, almost all of them have something that's eternally relatable. And now we are watching it again on Amazon Prime. And it's still entertaining and surprising. Quite enjoyable all over again. Some of the best TV then and now... Nothing since matches it.
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Apollo 11 (I) (2019)
14 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
I was 5 years old when men landed on the moon.

Admittedly I'm a life long space geek. That being said... This telling of the first moon landing is exceptional. The original footage never looked so good. The launch was amazing... But the landing was high drama... I could hardly breath during the landing sequence... Wow..
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No cards worth betting on..
24 December 2021
Promises to be decent, turns out dull and pointless. Watched the whole thing hoping it would be worth it... Turns out that was hope wasted. Worst Scorsese film ever? Zzz.
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Yellowstone (2018– )
Two stars for locations an cinematography... The rest is crap
18 August 2021
Feels like I'm watching some cheesy 80's drama. Bad characters with no redeeming qualities, bad writing, bad, unbelievable plot lines at every turn. Wanted to like it, tried 5 episodes... Bad, just bad.
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Over done cliche junk.
4 July 2021
I wondered why this was so bad, formulaic crap. Then I saw the Bruckheimer name in the end credits...that explains it all.

British lead playing with a bad southern accent...again. Predictable characters and storyline. Wow. It's bad.
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My Way (2011)
May be good but unwatchable because of editing and camera work
26 July 2020
I watched this for about 15 minutes. I couldn't finish it. The editing is terrible, no shot lasts more that a couple of seconds, flashing back and forth between characters and background with such rapidity that it's hard to really follow anything but the subtitles. And the camera is in constant motion. Jerking about, sweeping across. I just couldn't watch it. What I could see looks pretty.... but
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Put us to sleep
6 June 2020
Painfully slow, weary of the music after ten minutes, bad Scottish accents. More snow... Zzzz Stopped watching after and hour and ten minutes. Zzzz
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The Public (2018)
Government and the Media wagging the dog.
10 July 2019
Decent movie with many redeeming qualities. Decently acted and we'll filmed.

It certainly shows how the government swamp and the self serving media run things in this country.

Mental illness and humanity are real.
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The First (2018)
Beautiful, thoughtful, boring.
8 February 2019
I really wanted to like this. Hopeful that it would be a smart, engaging show to satisfy the space need in me. Wasn't really expecting sci-fi but, Three episodes in and it's not getting any better. Just family drama with a very slow pace. Nicely filmed, acted well enough, just too slow, dull.
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Galveston (2018)
Interesting characters in a dull yet scary story
30 December 2018
IMBD description is not accurate. Quick start followed by disconnected series of events that lead to a dissapointing ending. I was bored 1/4 of the way in and it never got much better.
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The Michael J. Fox Show (2013–2014)
Bad, just bad.
26 September 2013
Warning: Spoilers
We were quite interested in this new show. MJF is normally quite fun to watch. But after 15 minutes we just had to stop. The jokes are not funny, the characters are flat and vapid. The storyline starts with the characters assuming the audience knows who these people are. Not much in the way of clues other than MJF is a news personality. Who are these people? They come across as jerks with not redeeming social graces. I understand smart edgy material. But this did not have it. Then he political shot at Chick Fil-a? Really? A company all about hate? I'll watch MSNBC or Fox News if I want hard political commentary. Please. All of this add up to a fail. We won't be watching.
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