
12 Reviews
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The Muppets (2011)
20 January 2013
Now, I love the Muppets, as my username clearly implies, and was hyped when I heard there was going to be a new theatrical release two years ago. All I can say is that I'm glad I waited until I could see it on HBO to finally see it.

Now, as a movie, it's not horrible. But my problem with it is that it doesn't feel like an actual Muppet movie. It seems more like an ascended fanfiction. I guess that was sort of the point, but it's supposed to be a movie first. The songs are forgettable, most of the human actors range from overly cutesy to completely wooden, the story is cliché, to say the least, the humor falls flat, and it lacks the general wackiness that makes the Muppets what they are. Several other reviewers have commented on how emotionally manipulative the movie is, and they're all correct. The very premise operates under the assumption that the Muppets are some forgotten entity ("not famous anymore") that no one cares about anymore. The older Muppet films (both those before and after Jim Henson's death) were much more subtle than this.

Bottom line, fans, skip this film. Or watch it once. ONCE. Otherwise, go watch any of the three Henson-era films, or Christmas Carol or Treasure Island.
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Victorious (2010–2013)
Oy Vey....
4 June 2011
This is yet another teen show put out by Nickelodeon, which seems to be trying to do nothing short of making itself Disney Channel Lite. Seriously, does every actress on every Nick show need a singing career? What's next, giving the VAs for Penguins of Madagascar and Fairly Oddparents recording contracts?!

But anyway, this show is about a girl named Tori who comes to a performing arts high school. She and her classmates, of course, are beyond stereotypical (the "nice girl", the ditz, the token black kid, the girl who is b!tchy for no real reason, the nerd, etc.). Of course, stereotypical teen characters don't have to be a bad thing, as long as they also develop as characters (Saved By the Bell, of all things, actually did this okay), but this show makes no attempt to do that at all.

Furthermore, the writing for this show is horrible, it has that same annoyingly overused laugh track that iCarly (with which Victorious is having a crossover this month; God help us all...) uses, the characters literally sing in every episode (what do you think you are, Glee?), the characters are as flat as the computer screen you're reading from right now, it just plain sucks.
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T.U.F.F. Puppy (2010–2015)
14 May 2011
Seriously, I used to think Fairly Odd Parents was annoying, but that at least grew on me. This show is just, annoying. I'm serious, the characters are annoying, the voice work is annoying, the humor (in the loosest sense of the word) is annoying. And dumb. The animation is okay, and some of the ideas are clever, but that's nowhere near saving the show. I couldn't imagine it growing on me the way FOP did. No one on this show is likable in the least. Even the villains are annoying as anything.

My advice to viewers, don't watch this or anything else on Nickelodeon; it'll make your IQ drop ten points. And my advice to Nickelodeon, start treating your viewers like they have brains.
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iCarly (2007–2012)
Do people even know what comedy is anymore?
26 April 2010
This show is....awful. The acting is awful, the jokes aren't funny, the characters are horribly unlikeable, the premise, while a creative idea, is botched, jeez.

So this abomination is about a girl named Carly (didn't you always want to see that annoying brat from Drake and Josh in a starring role?), who seems to be blessed without the burden of having a personality. She lives with her older, adult-child brother who happens to be an artist (yeah, because all artists have a fear of growing up, I guess), and even though their parents are nowhere to be seen, and her brother seems to have no semblance of any kind of day job, they seem to live in a relatively nice apartment. Together with her two friends Freddie (who, while easily the most tolerable character on the show, seems to have the similar problem of no personality) and Sam (who may be one of the most throughly unlikable characters I've ever seen period, but for some reason, makes this shows fanboys and fangirls wet themselves with laughter), she produces a web show that's supposedly extremely popular, although I have yet to see anything remotely amusing about it. It's just the two girls doing idiotic things as any astute viewer scratches their head trying to fathom what's funny about it and an annoying laugh tracks blares every couple of milliseconds.

Bottom line, this show is horrible. No one in his or her right mind should, would, or could possibly like it.
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Not the worst show that Nick has put out this decade, but is that really saying much?
19 April 2010
I know a lot of people, even people who grew up with Nickelodeon in the '90s like this show, but I really don't. It's not the worst show that they've put in this network in the past decade, but seeing some of these shows (iCarly, Barnyard, etc.), that really isn't saying much. Try as I might, I cannot think of a single thing I like about this show. The characters (especially the main character) are unlikeable, the CGI is ugly, the plot has been done (really, if you want to do the "child prodigy" formula, at least try something different), the jokes are corny and predictable (if you aren't a fan of one-liners, this isn't your show), the voice acting is grating, it's just really a pain to sit through.
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The Muppets' Wizard of Oz (2005 TV Movie)
I Think I'm Going to Hurl.....
15 April 2010
Let me make three things perfectly clear:

1) I adore the Muppets (does it show with my user name?) 2) I'm not a prude, so sex jokes and even some toilet humor don't offend me. 3) I don't mind re-imaginings, even modern takes, on classic stories like the Wizard of Oz.

That said, this movie is AWFUL. Just AWFUL. Ashanti cannot act at all, the other celebrity cameos are wasted, the songs are horrible, the lines are corny (to be fair, corny lines are a pretty standard Muppet thing, but at least they're usually humorous), Pepe/Toto, contrary to everyone gassing on about him, is horrendously unfunny and annoying (don't you miss the old days when there was more to being funny than just spewing random sex jokes and pop culture references?), I could go on and on.

Bottom line, horrible movie, not worth it, rent the Great Muppet Caper.
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Space Jam (1996)
Just Take It For What It is
27 May 2008
Honestly, I just think many people who hate this movie take their favorite cartoon characters a bit too seriously and need to chill. This has been favorite of mine since I first saw it at age 9. It was just a fun movie to lose yourself in. Just take it for what it is; don't whine about how Michael Jordan can't act (yeah, and Marlon Brando probably couldn't dunk; what's your point?), how it ruins the Tunes' personalities (they're freaking ink and paint; get over it), the "PC-ness" of Lola Bunny (yeah, because God forbid they try to add a female touch to the all-male Looney Tunes crowd), and all of the other related complaints. Just take Space Jam for what it is: a fun escape.
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Doogal (2006)
Really Cute Movie for kids
11 March 2006
I heard all the reviews, calling this movie the worst thing ever. Today I saw it for myself, and I was pleasantly surprised. Doogal turned out to be an adorable, enjoyable movie, reminiscent of movies I enjoyed as a little girl. Yes, the dubbing was pretty bad, and there were a load of pop culture references, and recasting it with American actors was kind of pointless. However, many anime movies that are considered the best ever have horrible dubbing, you can find pop culture references in any movie, and well, OK, the recast was inexcusable, but I think the actors, especially Jimmy Fallon (who I usually despise) and Jon Stewart, did a great job and seemed to be enjoying they're respective roles. My personal favorite character was Dylan, the hippie rabbit. Give it a rest, people, and take this for what it is: a nice little movie for young kids. If you want a horrible kids' movie, watch any of the million Pokemon movies. Now that's real crap.
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Best Cartoon Currently on Nickelodeon!
28 December 2003
Spongebob Squarepants is the best show on Nick right now. It's got a colorful cast, decent animation and character designs, and witty jokes that little kids would never get. A lot of people complain that it's unrealistic, but it's a cartoon and isn't meant to be taken seriously. I hope that Spongebob stays on the air for a long time, and that awful Fairly Oddparents show gets canned.

10/10 stars-Great for kids of all ages!
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Not the best Muppet Movie, but certainly not the worst
19 December 2003
The Merry Muppet Christmas movie is really a cute movie. It's nice to have more Muppet characters speaking again, there are very witty parodies, and there is a villain you just love to hate. As for complaints, I don't have many. It would have been better with much, much less of that awful Pepe character, and some of the heaven scenes could have been shorter.

8.5/10 stars A cute movie that deserves a chance.
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The Fairly OddParents (2001–2017)
Stupid trash
18 December 2003
This show is pathetic, one of the worst cartoons I've ever seen. What makes this show so bad? Let's count the ways:

-Character designs-they're just plain ugly.Timmy looks (and sounds) more like a toddler than a 10-year-old, for instance, and all of the characters always look like they're facing sideways -The personalities- Everyone on this show is either a completely unlikable jerk (Vicky, Mr. Crocker, and Timmy himself), or a moron with the IQ of a grape (Cosmo, Timmy's parents). -The plot- the same thing happens in almost every episode (Timmy is miserable about something, he makes a stupid wish to change it, it goes wrong. the fairies save the day, the end).

The fact that this show is one of the most popular cartoons on television makes me sick. Spongebob is much better than this show. 0/10 stars. Avoid at all costs.
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This made the bottom 100?
14 December 2003
This may not be the best movie ever made, but I wouldn't consider it one of the worst.It's actually one of my favorites. It's a fun movie that's not meant to be taken seriously, and it has a happy ending.

9/10 stars- a nice way to kill two hours. If you want a bad movie, watch the 3rd Problem Child.
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