
2 Reviews
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Martyrs (2008)
Best I ever Seen
15 November 2011
Wow! This movie really blew me off my feet! As I am recalling it now I cannot think of anything about the movie I didn't like (not that I liked what was being displayed, because that was just sickening at times, but because there where only a few small details where I could see it wasn't real). We'll actually the only thing I didn't liked is that they do not answer the final question of the movie, but this is kinda obvious because that question is unanswerable..

The acting was really good, sometimes even too good (I could swear the actress got some pretty good real hits) and I really had empathy for some characters. The visual effects were astounding, and I think there wasn't any CGI (maybe some small effects, but no monsters or things) Near the ending I was really happy with a scene where I could see that it was fake more clearly because I was beginning to wonder if it wasn't.. The movie really caught me and set a pretty good startled mood.

The way the story is told is also really good, it starts with a short police film about what happened. Some small flashbacks for explaining some things and further just normal telling with very much tension.

But the story itself is just amazing. A young girl escapes from being tortured, 15 years later she finally finds the family who tortured her all those years ago. So she heads out to the family to get her revenge. But from here the story escalates further and further with every scene. At first I thought that something in the first half of the movie(I won't spoil what) didn't belong in such a quality horror (and thank god it wasn't made of CGI) but once you get it, it makes perfect sense. When this gets explained later in the movie, you will start to understand the disturbed nature of both the main character of the first half, the thing I just talked about and just the story itself..

After all this you feel like you've seen enough for a whole movie, but you better prepare for a whole lot more!! Because the next day dawns and the whole story goes over the top 4 times!! You will start to get things you previously didn't even noticed in the movie and when you finally know what it's all about you'll be more than satisfied. Although at times you might want to look away but I guess this shows you're human.. The movie ends with a bang and leaves you with the main question unanswered(but that's OK because that would be impossible, although the movie is about finding the answer).. But the final words offer a nice room for both a good and evil interpretation, which is worthy of a discussion.

This is one of the best movies I have seen so far. Not that I have seen a whole lot, but quite a few horror movies and I always search for the one with the best story.
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Apollo 18 (2011)
Bit weird but still nice
11 September 2011
This movie (is made to) look like a montage of retrieved tapes from the camera's brought to the moon in 1972. This means that the camera isn't always steady (like in Cloverfield) and that the quality is a bit bad with static sometimes but it is made to look that way. I think it only help's in getting into the old feeling of the movie.

The first part of the movie looks pretty much like a documentary about going to the moon, but hey, what would you expect. I thought it actually was a bit educating. After that some unexpected things (for the astronauts) start to happen and then the weird things begin. The camera quality and way of filming really helps in feeling the fear of the astronauts.

I read somewhere the last 10 minutes of this movie would be really shocking. Well this actually started the last 15 minutes of the film, with in the beginning the scene's of terror really build op good, then it dies out (probably because I don't thought of the inhumane but necessary message the astronauts get as really shocking, it just seemed logic to me:) ) and then the last 8 minutes the terror gets back but unlike in the beginning of the last 15 minutes, now the scene's last a bit to long, but they are still very nice and frightening.

Overall: a bit weird but nice movie, although i think you must be into the "going to the moon in the 70's" theme to really like it.(like I did)
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