
7 Reviews
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Incendies (2010)
18 June 2024
Saw this one in the theater years ago and it has stayed with me. One of the best movies that I have ever seen in my life. I would call it more of an odyssey than a movie. This film is not a happy, go-lucky story and it will not feel you with the warm-fuzzies, but man, is it interesting and thought-provoking. A story full of complex, imperfect characters and the turmoil that they face, some self-inflicted and some life circumstances. And it asks hard questions. How much of life is pure coincidence? Would the outcome have been different if I had only gotten there a little sooner? How will I answer for the choices that I've made?
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Beacon 23 (2023–2024)
Wanted to love
5 December 2023
Have watched 5 episodes so far. Loved the book & wanted to love this show. Finding it to be quite boring.

The book is an interesting character study about a guy who chooses to live in total isolation of deep space. However, even in space, he finds that no man is an island.

I do not know why this show differs so much from the original material or what it is trying to accomplish. Maybe if it focused more on its 2 main stars, it would a much better show. Instead, it jumps around to different times, storylines, & pretty unlikable characters. This show has the talent of the amazing Lena Headey but doesn't know what to do with it.
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25 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had such potential to be great. Oleg Ivenko is a very talented dancer with one of the most beautiful faces I've ever seen. He is looks like someone straight out of a Fellini film. The art and scenes of Paris were breathtaking.

The story just seemed incomplete. I came out of the film still wondering who the White Crow was. Did not understand the childhood flashbacks. How did they shape him as a man? How did art influence him as a dancer? Is he modeling the lines of his body to the lines of the art? Why was he so conflicted on the inside? Under a more experienced director, could have been the story that it deserved to be.
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Captive State (2019)
Smart film
20 March 2019
This movie isn't about special effects, sexy movie stars, or car-chases. It's a thought-provoking story meant to make you think. I think it's getting bad reviews because the movie audience has gotten lazy. I liked it because I had to pay attention. I finally understand everything as I was walking out of the theater.
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Forever changed
3 March 2004
I came out this movie forever changed. I left the theater in shock which turned into sadness and sprang into gratefulness. This movie affected me deep in my soul, like nothing ever has. A brutal, tearful, beautiful, real depiction of the sufferings of Jesus Christ for the world. Unlike most of the other movies made about Jesus, this movie refuses to "sugar-coat" anything. I felt like I was there...seeing everything first-hand.

I never saw the anti-semitism that this movie is being so criticized for (and I was watching it closely.)

I think everyone should experience this film. Mel Gibson has created one of the bravest films of this era.

A true masterpiece!!!
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Charming film
26 October 2003
I saw this movie many years ago and I really enjoyed it. I can't understand all of the negative reviews that this film has gotten. I thought it was very charming and inventive. The casting is great, especially the lovely Diane Franklin...

an interesting, romantic, and original adventure.
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Interesting, fun film
13 August 2003
I caught this movie on a pay channel over 10 years ago. It begins with a very young Keanu Reeves waking up in an alleyway after a night of heavy drinking. He is wearing a dirty prom tuxedo with no memory of what he did with his prom date. The film unfolds in a series of clue searching and memory flashbacks in which Reeves slowly pieces together exactly what happened.

To my pleasant surprise, I found myself totally engrossed in the film within the first 5 minutes! At the time, I had no idea who Keanu Reeves was, so my interest in the movie was totally unbiased by his fame.

I truly enjoyed this movie for just what it was...a fun movie to watch. Nothing too deep or meaningful here.

I especially enjoyed the cameo by George Clinton.
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