
7 Reviews
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Peninsula (2020)
One big advertisment for KIA Mohave
26 August 2020
Warning: Spoilers
This whole movie was done around the KIA Mohave. Look what this car can do without sustaining damage? I mean seriously this movie has nothing to do with the first one. They just decided to turn an ad for KIA Mohave into a full-blown movie. Cheap. Cheap. Cheap
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Zombie Raid (2015)
Pathetic on all levels
17 February 2020
This movie is so bad I couldn't finish it. Don't believe the other reviews. Very amateurish - acting, props, effects, makeup. The whole movie is cheap. Thankfully I spent on it only 20 minutes.
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Viking movie with cars ahahahahhaha
25 December 2019
This movie is sooooo bad. At 20:10 you can see a red and a black car parked in the forest. For real!? And I found this skipping like crazy. Imagine what the rest will show. The whole move screams amateurs. So I reward it with one star. I feel I've done my share of public service for the day.
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The Predator (2018)
Hollywood spat in its own face
20 September 2018
This movie is trash. A bunch of jokers/losers against the Predator. And what's with the kindergarten? I don't care about the boy. I don't care about those noobs that act tough and mighty. I don't care about their "patriotic" acts of valor. I came to see Predator kick butts. So disappointing. Instead I got bunch of pathetic wannabes, swearing and laughing all the way through the "movie".
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VooDoo (2017)
Pile of crap
25 February 2017
I love found footage. But this is some demented drivel. I watched it because I was tired, and had nothing better to do. Be warned - it's complete crap. The dialogues are forced and rushed. First half of the movie is constant talking, and hammy acting. The second half is screaming and sniveling. The ending is ridiculous. All those 10 ratings this so-called movie received are fake. Probably from all the suckers that were involved in the movie. I'm giving it a generous 1 of 10.
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Warning - movie is full of crap
7 June 2016
There is something really annoying in this movie, beside the sheer fact that it exists. So this guy throws a wild party, but trust me when I say, this is the most boring party ever. Why? No freaking music. The sound manager botched the movie even more by amplifying the noises (kisses, walking sounds, hitting) while the dialogue is toned down. Very unprofessional. Then we come to the acting. I give it a solid F. Effects are non-existent. The guy in charge of killings is obviously very shy cuz all killings happen off-screen. Then they show you the bodies smeared with cheap ketchup. Well, I barely finished watching this movie, and already having trouble remembering much, so I'll draw the line here. If you respect and value your time, skip that floater.
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Complete crap - zero acting
3 March 2014
Yes it's awful, the only reason i watched it, at least the first 30 minutes is because i saw a positive review of the movie here in IMDb. But after i got enough of it, i came here to see all the review and all the good review are written by some people who do it for the first time, which means they just wanted to promote the movie. That pisses me off. And because of that i give it 1 out of 10. And i'll tell all my friends to give it 1 so this movie gets what it deserves. Acting is bad. Special effects are bad, directing is bad. Everything is bad. If there is anything good in this movie, i honestly couldn't find it, because it is buried under a lot of crap. Don't watch unless you want to get depressed!
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