
2 Reviews
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At the Mercy of a Stranger (1999 TV Movie)
Great movie
4 August 2003
A while ago, my cousin and I became completely obsessed with the Lifetime Movie Network. And every night at nine o'clock, there would be a Lifetime movie. There were so many of them, there would be a new one everynight. So one night, At the Mercy of a Stranger came on. I really don't think you can judge a Lifetime movie as you would a really high quality movie. Lifetime movies are movies where big actors started. They're not the greatest, but they're very fun to watch when you're relaxed and looking for a good time. I personally love them.
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Deadly Vows (1994 TV Movie)
Great movie, Great memories
27 July 2003
WOW! This was the first movie Î had ever seen on Lifetime Movie Network with my cousin a few years ago, and it was wonderful. Sure, it probably has a horrible plot, bad actors, and a terrible ending, but it's the memories that count. Anyway, I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to have fun with a lot of friends.
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