
3 Reviews
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Sweet enough
23 May 2004
So this film made me cry - but when you consider that I cried when the villain died in 'Beauty & The Beast', this is no great feat.

For a 'romantic comedy', this film is almost dramatically unfunny. I barely even sniggered. But I still liked it - this is possibly due to the fact I'm a sucker for romance (and awwwww Jay Mohr's character is soooo sweet!) and I like Jennifer Aniston (but what is going on with her clothes and make-up in this film?!). The acting is pretty solid, with all the cast quite likable, but hmmmm... plot-wise - well, where was it really?! And as for the ending!

After all that build-up, it is such an anti-climax!

Still, it's one of those films that's hard to dislike with any real vigour because there's so little to it. Instantly forgettable, yet sweet all the same.
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A little dated...?
23 May 2004
When I saw this film, my instant thought was 'oh my god, this is so overrated'. But, when thinking about it more, I think that it's just not aged particularly well and maybe I'd have appreciated it more if I'd the age I am now in 1989.

Despite this, I thought the script still sparkled - there are some genuinely funny (and strikingly truthful) lines sprinkled about. I was surprised that the fake orgasm scene, even though it has been played SO often, remained laugh-out-loud funny. Thought Billy Crystal was great but I wasn't all that taken with Meg Ryan - possibly because all that wide-eyed innocence doesn't wash with me having seen her surly and quite frankly, rude appearance on Parkinson. And I wasn't all too sure about the 'real-life couples' bits.

However, come the end, I was crying - it was genuinely touching, after all, and as a romantic comedy, is a lot funnier, smarter and more salient than many of its modern-day counterparts.
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23 May 2004
Maybe the reason why I love this film so much is because I remember it from when I was really little but I'll stand by saying I think that this film is quality. For sheer drama, Care Bears Movie II is probably better but this film is lighter, more comical and more colourful!

I LOVE the songs! I mean, Natalie Cole sings the opener for heaven's sake! And the Cheshire Cat, rapping, is just genius (as is Grumpy Bear rapping at the end). Alice, to be honest, annoyed me after a while but I still find Dim and Dum funny to this day (though I think few share my opinion but the scene where they think they've caught Alice in a big sack still cracks me up).

But anyway, give it a go, you might just be converted (or maybe not...!)
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