
11 Reviews
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No Escape (2023– )
Uggggg ....
15 June 2023
Or "How to ruin an idyllic life by allowing total strangers onto your yacht" ... like we all would, right? Completely implausible story involving a bunch of totally unlikeable characters. No rhyme or reason to what they do, apart from prolonging the agony of this show. Cannot recommend, unless you really have nothing better to do with your time.

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Inside Man (II) (2022)
Not a thriller
1 December 2022
It's a black comedy, and It's funny how most of the reviewers seem to have missed that.

It starts of looking like a typical serial killer dark thriller, with Stanley Tucci as a wife murderer and his creepy but strangely amusing mass-murderer mate, but that is just the start of a real rollercoaster fun ride where everything that can go wrong, does go wrong. The story may be implausible, but it has a point and it never gets boring.

Don't believe the bad ratings, relax and enjoy the ride. Tennant in particular is very good as the "sexy vicar," LOL and the rest of the cast do a good job.

Wouldn't mind a S2.
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I think I'll read the book
9 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Am I the only one who found the character of Merry amusing? From stuttering beautiful child to insufferable teen, onto violent demonstrator and finally to repentant down-and-out, every aspect of her life becomes a complete caricature. Then there are the weird scenes that seem to have no connection to the story - Merry wanting to be kissed, the girl the hotel room, the bad teeth, and the mother doesn't warrant much attention until she suddenly descends into madness. No real explanation for any of it either. Overall, I felt it was a bit of a comical shambles BUT the concept behind it was interesting, after all, the novel is an award-winner. So I'm going to read that now ... I suggest it would be time better spent than watching this.
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She's so awful!
27 June 2022
Liked the book, and then the movie ... but this is just SO bad. Rose Leslie reprising her GoT character as another totally unlikeable bossy female. She is constantly arguing with and demeaning young Henry; it's impossible to see why he would want to spend time with her. Left out important parts of the book, and added some nonsense. And, IMO, is totally lacking in any romantic feel. Best avoided.
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Could've been a contender
26 May 2022
Great idea but the execution was a little lacking and. At times, confusing. The senior detective seemed a bit of a caricature, the storyline was a rather far fetched and that last scene was just plain bizarre. OK if you have time to kill, but not a priority.
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The Ledge (2022)
Absolute rubbish
24 March 2022
Don't know why this movie is getting so many undeserved highish ratings. Any potential this may have had was squandered with a lazy script and a lot of misogynistic rantings. Poor visual effects, poor script. Only watch if you can't be bothered looking for something else ... then again, maybe not even then!
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Dirty John (2018–2020)
Dirty Betty - sad, true story
7 March 2022
Warning: Spoilers
How she was convicted, after decades of psych abuse from her husband, is beyond me. He tool everything from her, including the children. Very sad story, probably happening every day. Worth a watch. She should have been paroled.
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Ragnarok (2020–2023)
Fort kids
2 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Story is about a bunch of school kids who seem to be Norse Gods or something. Turned off after 2 eps ... it's slow and predictable, definitely for the youngsters.
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Why all the negative reviews?
8 April 2020
Not sure why this series has garnered so many negative comments ... seems to be a concerted effort from Chrisitie fans to bring down the rankings. Anyhow, I found the story to be interesting, a little creepy at times (the scene with the parade), well acted and with great visuals. The only thing I didn't like was the ending (took one mark off) ... inscrutable, to me at least. Well worth a watch if you're not hung-up on the book. :D
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Incomprehensible and dull.
9 January 2020
The series start out with a 70 yr old Catherine (she died at 69) lusting after men who are seemingly half her age. We are introduced to other main characters, usually while they're having sex. When a youngish Potemkin enters the story, you start to realise there is something very wrong - Catherine at 35 is being played by Helen at 70! I just couldn't get my head around this, since the series seems to focus on Catherine's love-life (at the expense of the far more interesting historical aspects), yet the visuals make no sense at all! Add to that gaudy and dark sets, and disjointed historical events, and you have an awful mess of a show. We had to turn off after the first episode and will look for the Russian-made version instead.
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Confronting realism.
7 October 2011
French guy Alex gets stuck in the middle of nowhere in some French African colony when his car breaks down. The isolated desert township offers little hope for finding a battery for his car, so Alex must wait for a passer-by to help - unfortunately for him, these are few-and-far between! Alex suffers from a white-superiority complex and treats the people of the village with disdain. The film realistically portrays the variety of responses from the small number of villagers who come into contact with Alex - their indifference, desperation, hope, opportunism. This is not a pleasant movie, Alex is not a likable character and, indeed, there are few likable characters at all in this film. It is, however, very well crafted, confronting, realistic, and definitely worth watching.
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