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Exo-Man (1977 TV Movie)
Valuable as an obscure classic
29 March 2011
Surprised to find that so many others remember this TV-movie! It's a classic in the sense that it mimics many of the B-grade flicks of the 1950s. I watched this one evening while living and working in Honolulu during the 70s and 80s. What emerged as absolutely hilarious was the scene in which the hero in the suit realizes that he's losing oxygen inside his suit as he presses the status button on his left sleeve. The readout then shows the word: MALFUNTION (the actual spelling). It was certainly the case that perhaps the readout circuitry was also facing oxygen deprivation!! Understandably, though, it was simply never destined to become a weekly series but it was entertaining nonetheless, at least for that era in the 1970s.
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