
3 Reviews
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Fringe (2008–2013)
I like this show!
4 February 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Seems like I am in the minority of the people posting here, but I really enjoy this show. Some of the scenes are delightfully creepy, particularly in the lab of the "on the edge of sane" scientist.

Last night's show was particularly fun (episode that aired on 2/3) --- loved when the guy on the plane mutated into a giant porcupine and went ballistic.

I think the show is well written and well directed (and I teach film history and editing classes). The characters all play these scenes for real and there is enough of a level of plausibility to make watching this series enjoyable.

Just my two cents.
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Extremely Disappointing
27 January 2009
Warning: Spoilers
I enjoyed reading Raymond Khoury's novel, except for the ending, which always felt to me like it was added by an insistent editor.

The film version is a major disappointment, for all of the reasons I have read in user comments here and more, including ludicrous dialog, totally inane jumps in logic (digging in the middle of the desert and just immediately finding a buried city), finding the long lost sunken ship in the middle of a horrible storm, and on and on.

But the most offensive deviation from the novel was the part about the Templars having just "invented" the Gospel of Jesus, rather than discovering it in the rubble underneath the Temple in Jerusalem -- and then also turning the character of the older male archaeologist who had been seeking the truth of the Templars into a raving lunatic determined to bring down Christianity. This is the same kind of argument I have found over the years from people who insist that one cannot believe both in God and Evolution --- e.g. that it was not possible for God or a creative force to have created the evolutionary process. Here, the theology is somehow that the transforming message of Jesus is somehow totally irrelevant if one does not believe that Jesus was God, which I find offensive. This was and is the great debate that was central to the struggles in early Christianity between the followers of Peter and the Gnostics, the outcome of which was what determined what gospels made it into the New Testament and which gospels were banned (some of which were discovered in the desert in 1945 or so at Nag Hammadi).
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Syriana (2005)
A Major League Disappointment
22 December 2005
I went to see this movie last night, fully expecting to see one of the best films of 2005. What I got was a major league disappointment.

There were way too many subplots. I teach both video production and History of Cinema classes, and constantly tell my students that they simply must put themselves in the place of an audience seeing a film for the first time---they may know the motivations of their characters, but you've simply got to let the audience in on what you know.

I would have eliminated the subplots with the young Muslim man and the madras completely, and I probably would have eliminated the subplot with Matt Damon also. I would love to have seen the character of George Clooney expanded, particularly with some added scenes of what had happened in Lebanon 20 years ago (I'm sure they are referring to the bombing of the Marine barracks, but still.....this would have helped connect some of the dots that others have referred to.

I will say that one scene had me on the floor laughing....the "Oilman of the Year" banquet where the CEO gushes about how his company employs just the "best people" in the industry, replete with almost tearful emotions. Reminded me of the dozens of corporate videos I have been a part of over the years, where we always had these voice-over lines about how the difference in this company is "it's people"...
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