
13 Reviews
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Call Me Kat (2021–2023)
I wanted to like this =(
6 January 2021
I really wanted to see this succeed - but everything from the constant "breaking the 4th wall" to the character acting was overly done and not enjoyable.

I usually give a show three episodes, I won't be able to do that with this show.
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Beyond Oak Island: The Lost Dutchman Curse (2020)
Season 1, Episode 4
Josh and Jesse Feldman are a joke
9 December 2020
As much as I like Oak Island, I cannot stand those Feldman Fakes... they're like watching scripted reality - there's no REAL about them. If you see them coming, run away - bad theater
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The Mandalorian (2019– )
Wonderful!! The downside = short episodes
22 November 2019
Wonderful, store episodes in and there's so much potential to go several seasons.

The biggest downside for me is struggling with about 30 minute episodes and having them a week apart.

My suggestion / wish would be full-length episodes (43-60 min) and maybe doing like AppleTV+ did by releasing a few (3) at the beginning of the season then roll them out weekly. It "seems" to be a good balance for the "binge" minded and those who like to pace themselves.

The above said, Thank you Disney - great show. I literally bought a year of Disney* just for this one show (I own all the movies already) - though, I am looking forward to some of your other upcoming series' too.
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Ballers: Players Only (2019)
Season 5, Episode 8
Spinning sequence - arrrgghh
14 October 2019
About 20 minutes in the Director shoots a spinning montage that goes on WAY too long. Does this Director not realize many people watch shows that fill the vast majority of their fields of view? I started feeling nauseous... I should not need a motion sickness patch to watch this show :(

Otherwise, this episode would get 9-stars. I love the show, I hope someone who makes a decision takes this feedback in and gives it fair thought. I'm quite confident I'm not alone in the "feeling."
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Good after-story... like getting 3 more episodes
11 October 2019
This was a neat continuation with a mix of flashbacks.

Note - while there are flashbacks these are "new" (like additional scenes on movie extras) - El Camino does not recap Breaking Bad so I recommend watching the last season first.

I also thought they did a good job on what seems like a "slow" reveal of Todd & Jesse's faces. I'm not 100% sure it was intentional but they didn't really reveal either actors full faces at once - so you sort of get used to that the actors have put on sobs pounds and are noticeable older. Well done here if intentional!
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Goliath: The Subsidence Adventure (2019)
Season 3, Episode 1
Prime Released this. Day early - Yay!!
4 October 2019
The first episode starts off very odd... witchcraft? Memory loss? Drug effects? I'm not sure where this will go but there are some holes to fill in that should be exciting. No sleep for me tonight!!
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The I-Land (2019)
NetFlix Fail - Why produce poor product?!
13 September 2019
I get it, lots of providers are competing for our digital dollar. However, it feels like many of these services think quantity is better than quality. I am not a fan of that direction. I'd rather have less shows with more quality.

This series is yet another of countless NetFlix invested in for what feels like quantity over quality. And, I say that with full understanding they're likely trying for variety too. To that last piece I reply I'd rather have a couple quality items than a variety of bad items.

I'd rather see providers invest in follow ups to their successful series (eg Ozark, Narcos or even Lost in Space). I may have to just sign up for Netflix one month a year versus waiting weeks for poor new content.
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Wu Assassins (2019)
Cheesy but enjoyable
8 August 2019
Predictable, cheesy bit fun... like crossing the movie "Bullet Proof Monk" with the TV Series "Kung Fu."

It was binge worthy on a night I couldn't sleep as it doesn't require a whole lot of focus to follow the in-surprising story line.
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Fast n' Loud (2012– )
New guy, Russell... so annoying I can't watch :(
11 July 2019
Okay, I get it... Aaron moves on, wants to be "Talent" instead of a shop-guy... but at least replace him with someone I can watch.

Aaron by no means Is worth watching in his own (I tried, but he doesn't have the "it factor"), but at least he wasn't so annoying that I can't watch like this Russell guy.

I already cancelled Garage Rehab due to this loud obnoxious character (I hope that's not his real attitude)... it looks like I'm going to have to stop Fast-n-loud now unless they bring on another reasonable character (heck, promote Mike or see if you can sign Dennis for bigger pieces).

Please, I really like the show overall... tone down this guy in some fashion or put him behind the scenes / a guest character so I can watch the show. 3-4 min of him tops or I need to check out.
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Deadwood: The Movie (2019 TV Movie)
Sequel!?!? Yes I want the fries too
3 June 2019
THIS is how to wrap an HBO series. Well done. Asking for a sequel feels like someone just gave me a free burger and soda and then I ask for some fries. I mean, I'm super grateful and happy, but I really would like some fries too HBO. One more please?!?
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Game of Thrones: The Iron Throne (2019)
Season 8, Episode 6
It would be hard to write an ending to do justice to the overall story
20 May 2019
It would be hard to write an ending to do justice to the overall story. Sure, there were disappointments... who wouldn't have wanted a better end for a couple of those that died (no spoiler, but I'm sure those who saw the last episodes can guess who we mean).

There's a period on the end of this story, no real cliffhanger to elude to another season. However, there is obviously room to continue the story if desired as well.

Thank you for eight wonderful seasons - I look forward to "The Movie" set 10 years in the future (I'm just guessing here, but that's my guess).
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Narcos: Mexico (2018–2021)
Binged on it like potato chips and want more!
17 November 2018
Well worth my spending all day Friday... the only downside is the long wait for another season (please!).

Everything from Scoot McNairy as the Narrator to some former "Narcos" guest appearances was enjoyable.

The only downsides for me was a bit of trouble telling some cast members apart from one another and that I'd like more (or longer) episodes.

Well done Netflix, this alone gave value to my monthly subscription.
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Adam Sandler - what did you do. . . . lose a bet?
27 June 2003
Oh my god, this movie was terrible - I rented it and nearly turned it off. The best part was the last 15 minutes . . . the rest was the worst movie I've seen since "Do the Right Thing." This movie made no since at all, and had nothing to do with reality. What was the premise/plot??? I've still no clue. His character should be in a "nut house" and this movie should be counted as one of the 100 worst of all time (and the worst Sandler movie). I thought I was Sandler's biggest fan too - absolutely love the Waterboy, Wedding Singer and Anger Management - - - don't watch this if you're looking for any of that type of a Sandler movie.
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