
2 Reviews
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An epic???
28 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Netflix calls this movie 'an epic', but it makes no sense at all.

People have learned to build hyperdrives and teleport themselves across the galaxies, but kill each other over several bags of corn, and a galactic empire dreadnought can be destroyed by breaking her window with a stick and pushing her joystick really hard. And by the way the flying eagle-wolf shouldn't fly - her center of gravity is way off.

Almost no-one can shoot properly, they miss even at short range. And their fancy blasters can't penetrate through a wooden coffee table.

And these are just some funny technical details.

I watched it to the end, though, as I think it will become famous, ... 'plan 9 from outer space' famous.
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waste of time
9 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie makes no sense. Several interesting historic facts which can be squeezed into 30 minutes, but the remaining 3 hours - pure and boring non-sense and non-science.
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