
2 Reviews
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Below average effort
29 January 2012
So I just watched this movie. It wasn't particularly great, but I guess the short time Tony Todd is in the movie makes it worth it. Basically these high school kids get stuck on a Saturday morning field trip to make up for a writing assignment that they didn't do. None of them are particularly happy about it, but they don't want to repeat the grade. We're treated to quick introductions as to these "troubled" kids and their plights(Which on the by and by are never really used in the film, or even brought up later). Anyway, the kids end up going to this railroad museum which is where we get a small dose of Tony Todd and his wonderful creepiness, but alas it does not last. After leaving the museum the kid's bus crashes and they are suddenly alone the broken down bus in the middle of nowhere, when they see a carnival. Of course madness follows. The film is pretty predictable, has average to crappy acting, and all the effect budget pretty much goes into one thing(You'll know it when you see it). I have to admit the idea was good, but the lack of budget and poor execution brought the thing as a whole down. If you have nothing else to watch, or just watch pretty much any horror movie that comes out(I'm guilty of this) it may be an all right way to kill some time. Otherwise you may want to skip this one.
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Superbeast (1972)
What was that?
14 June 2003
This whole movie was absolute garbage. Did anyone else catch the hand-grenade being thrown and then the floor of the plane exploding before it actually hit the ground. One other thing I would have to wonder is, what the hell was the last ten minutes of the movie? I mean I even tried watching it after extensive drinking and still didnt understand it. Weird stuff. Just stay away from it...far away...
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