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Doctor Who: Boom (2024)
Season 1, Episode 3
This is Doctor Who sans Timeless Child
18 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
"Doctor Who: Boom - A Futuristic War Tale by Stephen Moffat

Stephen Moffat's latest Doctor Who episode, 'Boom,' plunges us into the heart of a futuristic battlefield, where the stakes are high and the tension is palpable from start to finish. The episode opens amidst the chaos of war, with landmines ready to explode and HQ buzzing with activity. A beacon scanner glows ominously in the distance, setting the stage for an intense, action-packed narrative.

The Doctor and Ruby find themselves in the thick of it, with the Doctor running into the field then literally standing on a landmine. The sequence is gripping as Ruby, using quick thinking and bravery, attempts to save the Doctor by transferring an object that might diffuse the situation. The tension mounts as the countdown continues, and drones hover overhead, heightening the sense of urgency.

Moffat skillfully weaves in themes of war and loss, illustrated poignantly when Carson is blown up and an ambulance vehicle coldly disposes of a wounded prisoner. The Doctor, always the voice of reason, describes war as a business, offering a sobering reflection on the human condition.

The episode's emotional core is revealed through the character of Splice, the daughter of a deceased soldier, who rushes into the battlefield upon seeing an image of her father. The stakes are raised as a soldier, an ordained Anglican Marine, tries to convince the Doctor that he is standing on a deadly mine. The Doctor's resilience and ability to resist even as the soldier shoots at him is a testament to his indomitable spirit.

Ruby's bravery is tested to the limit when she is shot by another soldier and the ambulance identifies her as someone who supposedly died years earlier. In a heart-wrenching moment, Ruby makes it snow, symbolizing both her fragility and strength. As she lies dying, the Doctor's plea for peace resonates deeply, convincing the AI of the deceased soldier to act.

The climax sees the Doctor successfully off the mine and Ruby miraculously revived. The war ends, bringing peace to a once-beautiful planet ravaged by conflict. The resolution is both satisfying and bittersweet, echoing themes from past episodes like 'The Doctor's Daughter' and 'Time of Angels.'

Overall, 'Boom' is a masterfully crafted episode that combines action, emotion, and profound commentary on war and humanity. Moffat delivers a story that is as thought-provoking as it is thrilling, making it a standout installment in the Doctor Who series."
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Doctor Who: Legend of the Sea Devils (2022)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
The Sea Devils wrecked
17 April 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Not even this new fangled Sea Devil can save this trash.


1807 - China . Enter the Pirate Queen.

Defiance in the Village as a Villager tried to stop a theft of a Sea Devil Statue.

More like a prison for a Sea Devil.

Sea Devil kills human on the spot.

Starting sequence

Centuries off and Dan looks like a pirate.

Doctor hears a sound no on hears.

Rock bounces off and a geomagnetic disturbance sent TARDIS off course.

Villagers being slain by a Sea Devil.

Companions nets a Sea Devil only for the Devil gets a ship?

You are right, that is impossible and implausible.

Goes against The Sea Devils and Warriors of the Deep.

Madme Ching meets The So-called Doctor.

Madame Ching looking for a treasure. Sea Devil - Ocean Demon.

Sea Devils to attack 19th Century Earth. The Warshian - a Sea Devil Sea Creature?

Dan is going to help the son deal with Madame Ching.

This creatures eats a fisherman live. Key Lost Ship of Keyhon.

Doctor going into the past for the Lost Ship.

Ching hangs Dan and friend.

Dan tries to negotiate with Ching.

Ching on a dangerous course with Sea Devils.

1533 South china. The Jihon Ship, A possible crazed mutinty.

Jihon in league with the Sea Devils.

Chibnall - A Stephen King Nightmare.

The TARDIS at bottom of the bottom - oxygen bubble.

Ship wreck not present. Sea Devil creature tries to eat TARDIS.

Ching ship´s no equipment works so use stars.

Ching targets treasure at own risk. Ching´s crew is held hostage. Her mission to take the treasure and free her children.

Sea Devil creature attacking Ching´s Ship.

Canonballls fired but ineffective.

Sea Devils captured the TARDIS. Doctor explores sea Devils lair. Jihon´s ship is now Sea Devil property.

Keystone in Ching ship. Jihan ship in the hands of the Sea Devil.

Jihan in stasis. Keystone a gem of infinite power.

Doctor hijacks Jihon´s ship.

Jihon joins Ching.

Keystone in the hand of the family.

Sea Devils are attempting to destroy the Earth into an aqua world.

Sea Devils and human fight on old ship.

Doctor disarms leads Sea Devil wand Jihon kills leading Sea Devil.

Sea Devils causing geomagnetic instability.

Ship now in Sea Devil´s lair.

Sea Devils taking on Dan and Jihon only to die.

Jihon holds the balance only to die.

Treasure and TARDIS out of the way of the reversal seeing Sea Devils lair into implosion.

Ching lets boy join crew.

Yasmin asks for Beach Time.

Doctor is reflecting.

0/10 ! Why? The Sea Devils are suppose to in alliance with the Silurians. And If you saw the 1970s and 1980s Sea Devils, you will see how farcical this episode is.

Next up even Ace is going down with the Ship?
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Halloween blah
31 October 2021
Warning: Spoilers

Chibnall is trying to legitimise his Timeless Child Arc and the Division.

This bogus arc really needs to be retconned.

A politcal Science paper on Chibnall revising of Doctor Who is requires!

Hanging upside down eh Doctor and Yaz? Earth is under threat. Nitro-9? Trapezium Act ? Just ride the device.

Back to TARDIS.

Not a motivating start.

Liverpool in 1820? What is digging?

Present day Liverpool - John Bishop as Dan a pretend guide for a Liverpool Museum.

Liverpool has no history live Liverpool history - lame line!

TARDIS - The TARDIS is not materialising and the Doctor get a psychic message.

All right why is someone inspecting a prisoner from the Time of Dawn?

Noble service to the Division? That bogus entity. Prisoner escaping. The technicians are eliminated .

Trick or treat. Message ends.

Halloween Today Doctor.

Dan is being shadowed by a creature unknown.

What dog is axing Dan's door? Dog imprisons Dan.

Doctor and Yaz in pursuit.

Doctor finds Dan being taken and now 7000000000 ships heading for Earth.

Flat explodes.

Arctic Circle

Drone warning smashed.

Dan is Dog's prisoner. Why is dog sounding like a scouser?

Doctor takes trap message.

Doctor meets someone from the past.

So many wires loose in a TARDIS. Newman and Hartnall would not approve!

Temporal fields the doctor has to fight?

Weeping angels get abused. Dan's lady friend disappears.

Outpost Rose? How far can Chibnall go? Nothing happens until an anomoly takes it out.

On Earth villain and Sister reunited.

TARDIS go on a Spaceship. Dog is stopped by Doctor ! No invasion of Earth. Yaz rescues Dan.

Dog race is trying to help humanity from the Flux.

Flux destroying Rose.

Dog race not happy with the Doctor. Welcome Dan to Hell.

Enter the Sontarans. Is the Flux a sontaran plot?

TARDIS lands where? In danger! The Doctor sees the flux. Final battle off what?

Doctor seeking help of the Dog race as the flux approaches Earth. And they shield the Earth. Only decent scene.

When is Dan's friend?

Dog create shield. Can the TARDIS outrun the flux?

What is flux is happening in the end?
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Doctor Who: The Timeless Children (2020)
Season 12, Episode 10
And now the nuclear exchange between pro-chibnalls and Anti-chibnalls begin
1 March 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who The Timeless Children by Chris Chibnall

Let's skip the reminders

The Master threatens the Doctor using the TCE. Doctor and Master goes through.

Cybership arrives at the Boundary.

The Master and the Doctor are back on Gallifrey. The Mad Master gives the Doctor a tour.

Graham and Yaz and surviving humans plan to use cyber armour to get out.

The Master reviews Gallifrey with the Doctor . The Master invites the cybermen to Gallifrey. Cybermen prepare to eliminate humans on the boundary. What is the Master really up to? The Doctor is being sent into the Heart of the Matrix. Cybership heads into Gallifrey.

Shebogan scientists? This Contradicts invasion of Time!

The Doctor sees the first ever regeneration, supposedly.

Ryan in fight on the boundary.

Master welcomes the cyberman. Cybermen to ascend to full automation.

Gender bending regenerations. Fan war begins. The Doctor is the Timeless Child? I doubt that !

This really causes major contradictions:

Susan the granddaughter, Omega, Rassilon, The Master wanting to gain the Panopticon, Morbius, and I am getting started! The 5 Doctor - I am the Doctor - The Original!

Ryan and the Guardian have 4 more fighters. The Master TCEs the Lone Cyberman and now sees the cyberium. The cyberium merges with the master .

The Master cyberise the Time Lord Race - His plan.

Graham and the Humans make the jump into Gallifrey, all in.

RuthDoc is back. RuthFaux encouraging 13Faux! Doctor uses matrix to free itself - with faux memories. Doctor to use the Death Particle. And destroy the cybership via chain explosives. A TARDIS is aboard the Cybership.

The Doctor fights the masterâ' legion only to be too weak. Comes the Resistance leader to finish the job, the master and legion. The Doctor escapes.

The Judoon catches up with the Doctor and imprisions it for now.

Chris Chibnall is a hack! Score - (10 to the infinite)/10 .

This is a big low point!
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Doctor Who: Ascension of the Cybermen (2020)
Season 12, Episode 9
The beginning of the boring end
24 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Cybermen vowing a return to terror. Does anyone recall Leonid Brezhnev, Nicolai Ceaucescu, Joseph Stalin, et al . ?

Earth colony - a new baby is born. Brandon is their child.

Huh? The Doctor is not himself is neither are the surroundings.

3 humans running from cybermen? Make it more.

Doctor tries to help but drones come in first. The Doctor sounds the retreat. The Doctor even tells the travelling compantion to leave. Cybermen deletes humans rather unsuccessfully. Graham and Yaz gets to the ship. Doctor and Ryan are still on the planet and uses bomb on cyberarmy. Doctor, Ryan and human steals ship. The Lone Cybermen is becoming like Davros, threatening the end of humanity.

Who is Brandon the surviving officer?

Graham and Yaz on a ship with little energy. Ship find its way into a dead cybermen war zone. Can they successful dock? Yes, but cybership on trail. Doctor makes it to the boundary with few humans surviving. Graham is about to hijack a cyber war ship with 3 more unwanted passengers. Doctor with Ryan comfort human survivor. Graham and friends have a big cyberproblem. The Boundary shows the Master and Gallifrey. And who is Brandon and why is his memory being erased?

0/10 - and with rumours of Chibnall wanting to rewrite the canon - the fan divide is about to grow!
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Doctor Who: The Haunting of Villa Diodati (2020)
Season 12, Episode 8
Just going down hill
16 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
0/10 - The Haunting of Villa diodati - Maxine Alderton Starts with the The Companion of Mary Shelley and company telling a scary tale. Just as the story gets exciting, a knock on the door is heard. Greetings , it is the Doctor and Company . Welcome all parties. Dancing first now Storyboard a ghost stroy. Elsewhere in the mansion a plaster breaks. A bone hand move in the night. Doctor is scanning for irregularities. Ryan makes enemies with a physician but suddenly the boney hand attacks. Shot dead after trying to choke , the Doctor identifies the bones from the 15th Century. There is bones of a 15th Century soldier in a box. Graham sees a man walks through the walls. And Lights out it is. A perception filter is all around the villa. William the baby is replaced by a skeleton. Turn out the lone cyberman, faceplace messed up, is behind all of this, weather included. Lone cyberman breaks through. Doctor chases cyberman alone. Cyberman attacks butler , babysitter. Cyberman takes baby. Incomplete cyberman takes on Doctor. Cybermen harnesses lightning, recharges and in full kill mode. Why is a cyberman in 1816 Lake Geneva? To get the cyberium. Boring human/cyberman confrontation. Mary Shelley inspired to do Frankenstein? The Cyberium is freed of Shelley, then the Doctor then into the Cybermen. Even thought the cyberman disappears, the doctor is left wondering what it did. Lame battle of Wits. Anyone recalls Nightmare in Silver? Much better quality. Are we getting set up for the worst cyber trilogy ever? Chibnall taking Doctor Who down the toilet!
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Doctor Who: Can You Hear Me? (2020)
Season 12, Episode 7
Chibnall fails yet again to be Alfred Hitchcock
10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
0/10 Doctor Who - Can You hear me now? Chibnall and James Starting with 1380 Aleppo (Why there?) A lady thief seeks refuge for being a thief. A creature is coming? Huh? What is this killer of humans? A dinosaur. Cue the start Back to Sheffield with just Yaz. The Doctor is not himself as it kicks out the crew. A psychic message is sent to the crew that sends then to Aleppo. Yaz is back home . Ryan visits a friend. Graham plays poker. The Doctor is in Aleppo 1380. No enthuiasm on arrival. The Doctor arrives moments afte rthe creature attacks only to meet the creature. The Creature dashes quickly away. Graham get a psychic message "Can you see it trapped?" Ryan plays video games. Yaz chatting with the family where she has been. She falls asleep having a nightmare only to see a psychic horror. Next is Ryan. Doctor in Aleppo still investigates. Friends call in . Chaos ensues. How can hairs not exist yet visible? Doctor links Graham to telepathic circuits, shot console and materialises. Doctor and crew find Zelin only to enter a nightmare dimension. Yaz is in a nightmare area. Ryan deals with Dregs. Graham deals with cancer. Zelin and the Doctor confronts each other. Enlightment from the Davison Era recalls. Zelin must be representative of what Chibnall thinks of humanity, no confidence. So Zelin releases an evil female deity. Lame idea of using pain for keeping a Deity alive. The Doctor and company must now stop Zelin and cohort to destroy Earth. First wake everyone up. Now awake all. Zelin and parter decides to nightmare humanity. Only to face The Doctor in Aleppo 1380. Trapped laid and Zelin and cohort now trapped in eternity with a creature of their making. Back in Sheffield , Ryan, Yaz and Graham recalls their worst nightmares. The Doctor socially awkward? and now for horror. Please! Sack Chibnall and Replace him with Chris Carter of X-Files fame!
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Doctor Who: Praxeus (2020)
Season 12, Episode 6
What a bad mix
3 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
0/10 - Doctor Who Praxeus - Chibnall and McTighe. Chibnall tries to mix Hitchcock The Birds and Orphan 55 and add Power of Three lameness for good . Back to regular styled preachiness Measure. And now for your plot breakdown.

Uninspiring Doctor speech that makes you go to sleep. Spaceship in trouble. Jake tries to Stop thief In an English shop. Youths exploring Peru on a junky river edge with birds flying about. Birds attack one youth at night. Astronaut missing in Hong Kong texts Jake in UK. Peru - Dead birds and why does Ryan make an appearance? Hong Kong -" Missing astronaut hunt. Graham and Yasmin come to help. Madagascar - Doctor find a missing missing naval person. Peru - one girl looking for missing friend Jemilla. Ryan trying to figure out dead birds. Hong Kong- looking for missing astronauts while being watched. Madagasar - British naval officer disintegrates in front of Doctor and 2 witnesses. Peru - Hospital for Ryan and friend to see what is going on. Jemilla in quarantine and then disintegrates with Doctor as added witness. Hong Kong - Rescue of Adam by Jake , Graham and Jaz. Under attack, Jake takes a weapon and deal the attackers. Doctor comes to the scene. Ryan and new friend in Hong Kong in TARDIS. Jaz and Peru Traveler looking for something valuable. Inside TARDIS , Jake is confused about the TARDIS and Adam gets an examination. Madagascar - Mad birds hover Hong Kong- creature in NBC suit transports out in front of Yaz and friend Madagascar - discovery of alien pathogen killing humans. Hong Kong - Yaz and friend transmat to where? Madagascar - Emotional talk between Jake and Graham Jaz and friend are where? And what is a submarine doing there? Madagascar - Doctor trying to determine what is going on and figure out microplastic using microplastics to attack - Praxeus. Suki who not human. Birds in mad attack mode. TARDIS retreat to Yaz. Turns on this place Yaz is in is in the middle of the Indian ocean full of plastic junk. Adam is healed by Doctor's antidote. Suki is an alien . She dies of Praxeus. The Doctor and crew uses ship to cure Earth. Alien ship launches with Jake on board. The rest are safe on the TARDIS. Jake releases the antidote with Suki's ship. The Ship breaks up and TARDIS to the rescue. Cheesy ending with 2 gays and a girl traveling the world . Bad memories of Power of Three to boot.

Snoozer- The Doctor will not be himself at this rate. Save Doctor Who! Chibnall Out! Whittaker out!!
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Doctor Who: Fugitive of the Judoon (2020)
Season 12, Episode 5
This is the worst game changer ever!
27 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
-10/10 - Fugitive of the Judoon what a miserable discontunity issue! Opening is interesting. Ruth, Black tour guide of Gloucester, having her fun. Judoon's arrive arrive Earth looking for a fugitive. TARDIS Doctor is definitely no himself, over the Master destroying Gallifrey issue. Judoon alert and off Earth we go. This forks in 3 plots. Captain Jack looked as if he has a lobotomy. Too much innuedo! REcall Torchwood Season 1 under Chibnall's influence? He is trying to pick the Doctor up only to get the companions saying Beware the Lone Cybermen - Do not give into him.

The Judoon plot - They are looking for a fugitive. Lee is killed. The Doctor and Ruth are surrounded by the Judoon in the cathedral, only for Ruth to attack the Judoon. Ruth somehow knows The Judoon. Both the Doctor and Ruth go to the lighthouse, where the lighthouse is in fact housing a Chameleon Arch. The Doctor Digs up a TARDIS! Turn out Ruth is an incarantion of the Doctor - From where? A parallel universe? Chibnall does a major fail here! Episode 2 of Doctor Who An Unearthly Child clearly states the Chameleon Circuit! Susan even describes what the TARDIS was before becoming fixed in the form of a Police Box! The TARDIS looks like an older type 40. Where does this Ruth Doctor come from and how is it the Doctor. Clearly the old doctor who kidnapped Barbara and Ian is the original. What is Gat to the Doctor? Yet another Gallifreyan. So who is working for whom? What a mess! Faux Ruth set the gun to backfire and the Ruth Doctor is really nuts. Faux Ruth returns the Doctor near the TARDIS! What is coming for the Doctor? Companions on the ready. 3 alerts on Earth and away we go!

Overall this makes Timelash look like a classic. Chibnall is wrecking everything. Not Even Patrick Steward as the doctor could save this. In fact I can see Patrick Steward slapping Chibnall to the ground and spitting on him! Jodie must be embarassed already. Capaldi must be fully embarassed by this development. This is not a happy day for the purist Doctor Who fan!
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Doctor Who: Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror (2020)
Season 12, Episode 4
Chibnall revisionism fails again
20 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Yet again another REign of Error from Chibnall!

Telsa is from Continental Europe. Already the accent is screwed up! Niagara Falls you say? Night to see Telsa as a futurist but he looks like a bungler.

Assassins come in the night to try to kill Telsa, but where did the Doctor come from?

Time to escape to a train and face your enemy.

Battle scene New York City.

The Edison / Telsa rivalry heats up.

Tesla looks like a paperweight. Edison looks like a baffoon for not understanding England. Graham AC/DC line is the best on the scipt.

Dead be electrical aliens. Please!!

Tesla is captures from a 'shifta' , something that's looks like a Failed Alien from Runaway Bride.

Doctor recsues Tesla and Yaz from the Aliens only to figure out it and the crew is in the middle of a battlefield.

The Battle is to get rid of a 'scorpion' alien present.

Edison and Yaz clears the streets. GRaham and Ryan gets all the supplies needed. Doctor and Tesla powers the tower.

In effect, the Doctor wants to exile the alien of Earth so that no hram can come and minimise the damage.

The Doctor is not himself. Since when are historical figures allowed? The Doctor wins the day with the help of everyone using the TARDIS as a weapon.

Telsa and Edison goes on fighting.

Yawn! Whittaker is just a cosplayer in the role. Chibnall cannot write for the audience. The sooner these 2 are sacked, the better!!
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Doctor Who: Orphan 55 (2020)
Season 12, Episode 3
what a dump!
13 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who - Orphan 55 by Ed Hime. 0/10

Cleaning up after mating season? - Yawn!

Graham finds a transport cube to Tranquility Spa. Who is the greeter?

Red Alert - creature warning.

A couple is celebrating 46 years of wedding bliss.

Ryan is getting cured by the Doctor after spitting out a virus.

A spa with an ionic membrane? Too keep out the local dregs.

Hotel shielded and Orphan 55 'locals' are being encountered by human aliens. Doctor finds out where on Russia everything happened.

The Locals are mutated humans and this is Earth after devastation.

Hotel blown up by disgruntled employee.

Hotel blows up and crew back on the TARDIS. Can the crew stop the Orphan 55 Earth? Boring Speech. Uninspiring! And really no logic nor coherency. Cop-out!

And the Doctor is not himself!
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Doctor Who: Spyfall: Part Two (2020)
Season 12, Episode 2
SpyFlop - The Gallifrey nightmare is back
6 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Overall 0/10

I wonder if Russell T Davies and Chris Chibnall will put on the boxing gloves.

Graham is left behind with Ryan and Yaz on the Plane

and The Doctor is in an unknown dimension.

Talk about ripping off Sounds of Drums and End of Time all in one go!! Not impressed.

The Master thinks everything is under control until the Doctor enters the alien dimension where she finds Ada . The Master will deal with The doctor and Ada while Barton deals with Graham, Ryan and Jas.

The plot in the 21st Century plot. The Doctor somehow instruct Ryan how to guide the plane to its destination. The fight is on in Britain for Barton. Barton kiils his mum in to process. Graham uses his tools, the laser shoes, to keep the bad guys at bay.

The Doctor has to fight a mad Master. Ada and the Doctor return to Victorian England with a skeptical doctor. In Victorian England The Doctor and the Master goes head to head. The Master TCEs 3 people and is somehow relegated by the Doctor. The Doctor meets Charles Babbage and Ada in their lab.

The Doctor tries to use the Silver Lady to get back to 21st Century only to be grabbed by Ada and reach Paris 1943. The Doctor, and Ada are aided by a French resistance fighter to combat the Master and The Nazis. Using Morse code , The Doctor flushes out the Master and meets at the Eiffel Tower. There they confront over the Master's plan. The Doctor did gives instructions to get the Master set up as a double agent. Once on the street The Doctor and friends finds the Master's TARDIS.

There the Doctor gets 90% of the plan. So back to the present day where the Doctor and crew confronts the Master and his plan to erase humanity via technology and DNA. Using the Master's TARDIS, the Doctor creates a virus wall to prevent these Kasavians from taking over. The Master ends up in their demension.

The Doctor goes back in time to drop off the historical figures and correct their memories.

Here is the big fail: Gallifrey. The master claims to have destroyed Gallifrey. Welcome to the Angellide contradiction. Gallifrey is dead. Yet in Day of the Doctor and Time of the Doctor, The Time Cracks are due to Gallifrey in a pocket Universe. And there is Hell Bent where Gallifrey is functioning. This Timeless Child Concept, is this Chibnall Answer to the Time Wars and the undoing of Doctor Who. The Doctor is certainly not himslef when it came to seeing Gallifrey destroyed. Even in End of Time and Sounds of Drum, the Master is not that vicious.

Chibnall out before furthur damage is done! Why do I have feeling in 7 weeks time, this theme is coming to bite us yet again!
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Doctor Who: Resolution (2019)
Season Unknown, Episode Unknown
Sack Whittaker and Chibnall now!!
1 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
No intro sequence

10th Century Earth what impossible foe mankind face that has to be split in 3?

3 custodians of what? One of which fell in Yorkshire.

Archeology site New Year's Day in Yorkshire, what dangers lurk?

A dig with 2 romantics, Lynn and Midge. Suddenly, something is activating a life form.

TARDIS and company view a 'fireworks' display in space. Danger alert suddenly triggered. At the Yorkshire dig , something is noted as missed. A mutant Kaled out of its shell? The Doctor arrives at the dig and notices some mucus. What is it? Quarantine time!

Back to Graham's and while trying to track the creature, Ryan's dad, Allen, turns up. Ryan goes with dad.

Lynn, the Female archeologist has been kaledised and she is fighting the kaled. TARDIS identifies Dalek DNA.

Dalek will merge with female Lynn to become lethal warrior.

Lynn is now driving like a maniac under Dalek control and kill 2 police officers. (What ever happened to shoot first then ask questions later).

Ryan and Dad, Allen not exactly bonding.

Yaz contacts Midge, the male archeology, takes him into the TARDIS and querying him about the dig. Target Lynn for TARDIS. Lynn and Dalek tracked and TARDIS is shorted out. Lynn gets into MDZ kills guard and access archive. Lynn raids archive. Doctor gets in contact -" Yawn, same old Dalek story about conquest. TARDIS on it way, Graham and son-in-law Allen left behind. Lynn uses dalek gun as weapon to end tracing. Doctor tries to call a high level emergency into 999 and UNIT is financially suspended - no power.

Graham and son-in-law Allen discussing Grace.

Lynn Dalek kills a land owner and now is rebuilding a Dalek case. Lynn fight Dalek.

Doctor and team arrives.a Team spilts! Doctor goes Daleks hunting while the others treat Lynn. Daleks in casing but not in sync so Doctor can jam the Dalek. Dalek identifies the Doctor and is on the kill. Dalek takes off and is of to call for fleet.

The Doctor picks up Graham and Alan on their way to stop a Dalek.

Dalek attacks a military base. And wipes the soldiers out. Tank exchange and the Dalek wins. TARDIS en route with a plan to stop the Dalek. The Dalek is on its way to GCHQ. Dalek exterminate GCHQ operative and sending a signal to the Dalek Fleet bringing down the Internet.

(Have to have a conversation)

TARDIS arrives . Doctor declares itself protector of Earth. Plan to melt the shell and it works.

The mutant is now inhabiting Allen.

Mutant demands to taken to Dalek fleet.

The Doctor is now delivering the Dalek mutant into a star! Hang on everything, strong gravitational pull. Ryan saves father. Allen win and the mutant is sent flying. The TARDIS breaks free . Back to the dig with everything in place.

1/10 . Allen and the fight for being (Kaled vs humanity) are the only 2 good elements. Chibnall is not qualified and the same with Jodie Whittaker. The sooner they are fired the better for all fans!
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Doctor Who: The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (2018)
Season 11, Episode 10
Chibnall fails at mixing The Pirate Planet and 42
10 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Recommendation of the Week - The Pirate Planet.

Summary: Chibnall fails at remastering the Pirate Planet.


Opens on a planetary battlefield. Who are the contestants?

One soldier's eyes lights up and rocks are moved telepathically. 3407 years the Doctor and party arrives with the Doctor giving a briefing. Will we ever see the inside of the TARDIS?

The TARDIS materialises and the crew comes to inspect the environs. The Doctor is not himself. Answering a distress signal, they are looking for the source only to find someone holding a gun at them. This soldier is suffering from forgetfulness.

The ship is fully functional and the name of the soldier is Peltracking. The Doctor recalls the monster from Earth when it first regenerated. Oh great, one of the worst monsters ever to come on to Doctor Who.

This monster is killing hostages. Ship is ready according to the Doctor a nd the monster has the ship's crew. The Doctor lifts a crystal it should not be able to lift. How?

Graham is ready to kill a creature it met in Sheffield.

The Doctor is still trying to under what happened. Looks like a ship is in suspended animation just above the surface. The Doctor is carrying a bag of weapons. Excuse me?

Ryan and Graham to rescue the crew. Jaz and the Doctor to stay wirh Paltrack.

The Doctor is tractor beamed into a ship with the crew.

Cyber bots appear from both sides forcing Ryan and Graham to duck. Gone are the cybes.

The Doctor meets another warrior. The Doctor decides to negotiate. The Doctor finds out the name of the warrior and finds out she is from the Ux. The Doctor wants to see the creator.

Jaz is talking with Peltracking. As they talking 2 hostiles approaches and Peltracking shoots.

The Doctor is with the Ux. How does it know the Ux?

Jaz with Peltracking is hearing Peltracking's story of the battle as he recalls.

Ryan and Graham find frozen prisoners.

The Doctor finds the creator, the same creature from Sheffield, a Stenza. In fact the same one .

Ryan and Graham trying to free prisoners and still thinking of taking on the creature. More bot creatures coming.

The Stenza is wanting vengeance on the Doctor. The Doctor is definitely not himself.

Peltracking and Jaz sees the Ux, worshiping the Stenza.

The Shrine is the Timshaw weapon and the Doctor is aiming to stop this. Back to the old Doctor is the warrior. 5 planets stolen ! Does the Pirate Planet come to mind?

The Ux is creating a Space Time hole via the 'Creator'. The target is Earth.

Graham revives the warriors .

Earth is still feeling the weapon's fury. Ryan and a liberates Peltrackings crew.

The Doctor has to block the signal using neuroblockers. Jaz and The Doctor on the same wavelength. Get your priorities right Doctor!

Ship crew liberated.

The neuroblockers work via sonic screwdriver. Chibnall yet again mocks Faith without understanding. The Doctor needs to see the planets returned corrected. Come the TARDIS to the rescue.

Graham the Warrior? Blows up the robots and faces the Creature from Sheffield.

Doctor and UX uses TARDIS to return planet to rightful place.

Graham and Ryan stop the creature from war!

TARDIS and Ux on high energy and returns the Planets into the correct points of origin.

Graham and Ryan 'freezes' the creature. All is resolved and apologies are given.

The Ux and Peltracking goes with the ship and the TARDIS crew departs.

0.5/10 . Chibnall gets worst as we go along. Trying to cross 42 with the Pirate Planet is horrid. And Hew Year's Day will come another bad episode. Whittaker and Chibnall out with most of the BBC 1 apologists. This is the worst season ever! Storytelling poor and disastrous and so are the production ideas. Go back to Twice Upon a Time and fix the errors!!
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Doctor Who: It Takes You Away (2018)
Season 11, Episode 9
Timelash is better viewing
3 December 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The worst Doctor Who ever ! Timelash is more bearable to watch!


Landing occur in Norway 2018, Definitely!

The crew goes exploring a cabin that is odd. 2 upstairs and 2 on the main floor.

Ryan finds someone in the cabin . Someone is found and she is talking to the crew. This is Hona In the sunglasses.

Her father is missing and something is hunting from the forest. Loud enough to be heard. Time to block the house. A noise in the mirror. Love your sonic? The Doctor is not himself, especially when it walks through the mirror .

Hona and Ryan stays behind. Ryan to protect. The Doctor, Jaz, and Graham walk through the mirror.

No charity only trade says a creature in the mirror world. A world of dark commerce?

Back on Earth, Hona and Ryan try to have a conversation. And still creature is hunting.

Mirror world a flesh moth- ugly creature.

Norway, Ryan find a speaker causing trouble. Fake monster! Hona knocks Ryan unconscious. Hmm...

The Doctor hears a loud sound with a warning. Fleshmoths eats creature but where are they?

Hanna now in the mirror world.

Eric is gone where, in an alternative world? His dead wife and Grace are there. What?

Hona and Ryan are caught in the mirror world.

7 grandmothers? Give me a break. Ridiclulous!!!

Solitrap? More goggledigook! The Doctor is certainly not himself. And scared.

Grace and Graham are catching up however it is not Grace. Jaz: 'Reverse the polarity' The Doctor 'you speak my language.' What is the point?

Eric and Hona reuntied, with Ryan left in the anti-zone. Hona and Erik and the Doctor in the false world. The Doctor trying for drama. Yawn!!

Erik in the mirror world and where is The Doctor? Fog? Solitrap in takes the form of a frog ? Please! the Doctor convinces the solitrap to send it back.

Solitrap releases the Doctor . Time to go back! The Doctor breaks mirror and portal, and laments having to say goodbye to new friend.

Erik faces up to reality and lives beyond the Death of his wife. Graham still recalls Grace. Time to leave? Graham looking back at Norway looking weak about Grace.

0/10. Just absolute trash. Dimensional threat. Trying to rehash old stuff. 7 grandmothers? This is gotten beyond ridiculous. Chibnall's leadership holds no water! Whitaker and Chibnall are in major breach of contract. The BBC should just termnate Chibnall and company's terms and conditions . Abnoxious crew the whole lot. Series 11 will generate low sales. What a disaster! Wenger out! Chibnall Out! Whittaker out! And nothing should air in 2019 until a proper independent production crew is properly auditioned. And when this new crew is in place, go back to Twice Upon A Time and correct the regeneration scene.
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Doctor Who: The Witchfinders (2018)
Season 11, Episode 8
Even the Royal Family would be insulted!
26 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers

Starts off with the Doctor and co in the middle of 17th Century England. Where is the TARDIS?

A ceremony is called. A ceremony of what? And who is in the crow face mask?

The Doctor is telling the crew not to interfere with history yet they look out of place. The Doctor is not himself.

Satan stalks this land. Everyday Joy and Chris. A which trial in the 17th Century of England. Do I sense mocking voices?

The Doctor is not himself and definitely interferes with the trial and gets arrested, almost. Psychic paper pulls out a trump card.

Mistress - The Doctor, ugh? A woman with difficult leadership and on the edge. Even Ryan and Jaz look out of place. The leader, Becca, quotes the Old Testament.

The King James I in the crow makes an appearance incignito and yet has enemies. Sorry but in the times The leader would be male and Graham is in charge. The King seems jovial. The Doctor not being himself is put is in place for being out of place.

So Joy and Chris what do you know about God, Jesus , Holy Spirit and Satan? What the communists tell you?

Jaz fights off an alien creature!!

Hey Doctor, women being patronised? What century did you said you were in?

Plan: The Doctor and Jaz finds the creature and the men to keep the King company.

The king trusts no one. Hmm ... Ever heard of the Gunpowder plot or those whose oppose the King James Bible like the Roman Catholic Pope/Papists, Satanists, Secularists, Humanists, Stalinist, Communists, Hitler Lovers and Fascists / Nazis, Revisionists? Wht a familar insane bunch! The king's tool for find a witch which might work better than drowning. The King declares the death of all witches.

The Doctor and Jaz checks on the executed witch which turns out to be a medicine woman. Graham is trying to rationalise with the village leader Becca. Doctor uses sonic screwdriver for searching. The Doctor recommends fight or run.

King James and Ryan are telling about surviving their environs. Nice scene and I mean it. The Doctor discovers and alien in the body of the executed. Suddenly the executed is coming alive!

One of the king's executioner is executed while attacking the dead.

Alien invasion from where? Doctor babbles yet again.

Suddenly the Doctor is getting accused by the King as a witch and arrested. Seriously, the Doctor is not even correct for the time against King James I. Terrible dialogue of the Doctor! And King James looking weak? Historical Research seriously lacking!

Try viewing a Lamp in the Dark!

Trial of Doctor Witch? Ryan Graham and Jaz to the rescue. But the Doctor is ducked in the Water and does a Houdini.

Becca is infected by a root!

The Morax on Earth as prisoners! Real enemy! And the Doctor and party are knocked out. Where is the king? The Doctor found alien technology holding the Morax, and uses it against them. Torched technology to return prisoners back to prison. wow.

Back to the TARDIS! The King is in the gratitude but yet again the King threatens silence. Queen Victoria from Tooth and Claw. Ryan is King's protector? Declined.


Grade 1/10

This team of revisionists producing Doctor Who should have her majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the whole Royal Family so upset they should all be ashamed to show their faces, Whittaker included! Jonathan Powell must be applauding the Whittaker Chibnall Team to no end! This is the worst crisis for Doctor Who since 1989! BBC give us a Christmas present and Sack Whittaker , Chibnall and coherts now and terminate the contract and find a new production team that does justice to Doctor Who! Go back to Twice upon a Twice and Correct the Regeneration scene!
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Doctor Who: Kerblam! (2018)
Season 11, Episode 7
Automation revolution recycled
19 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
TARDIS is still not stable and the Doctor is not himself.

Post via Space / Time and a Kerb!am delivery box occurs.

Doctor has a fez in the pack. Nice try and now a help me.

Doctor lands on Kerblam's warehouse planet. Nice official greeting party. Where have I seen this before?

Two ladies that sounds awful. 10000 employees 6 000 000 products. Amazon!!

Automated Team leaders. Egad!! Automation fight in labour? All right.

Yaz is police mode could get herself into trouble.

999 section for the sack? Hmm.. 999 is for emergency calls not termination.

The Doctor and Ryan befreinds Kira. The Doctor is being nice to Kyra when the boss comes knocking defends Kira. The Doctor getting a warning for insubordination. Are we trying to rewrite the Sunmakers?

Dan Cooper is killed and Yaz almost joined him. Robots are acting creepy.

Graham is in cleaning / maintenance and finds a new friend Charlie.

Rest time but not for the Doctor.

The Doctor and team files a complaint to the bosses. They hide in a panel (Wasp and the Unicorn references).

Graham gets plans for Kerblam and triggers alarms. amongst the guards.

Doctor is caught breaking into the head office and find people are going missing.

Total blackout time. And Error correction robot is in action tries to kill Chralie. Time to revert the system to Kerblam 1.0 . It was The Automated system send the help me message to the Doctor!

Kira is employee or the day. Really? Getting dispatched. Yaz , Ryan and Charlie to the rescue. Down the chutes everyone goes.

The Bosses were wondering what to do - missing people , unexplained incidences.

Charlie the maintenance man is responsible for deaths and missing. The fact is Charlie is some sort of anti-automation radical. He plans to use Kerblam's automation system for mass murder. Where have I seen this before.

Doctor is trying to reverse Charlie's plan.

The automated delivery blows up taking Charlie with them. The company is now on hold until a thorough investigation takes place. And well do not trust bubble pack from Kerblam.

Sort of like the rest of this season: poor storytelling, poor plot, poor action. 1/10 The BBC has a disaster on its hands for the 55th Anniversary of doctor. BBC, give the DW fans a Christmas present and Sack Chibnall and Whittaker for sake of Dcotor Who and go back to Twice upon A Time and fix the erroneous regeneration. Time for an Anniversary protest Party!! Hopefully no one participates in 23 Nov 2018 puzzle challange
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Doctor Who: Demons of the Punjab (2018)
Season 11, Episode 6
SJW Interefernce in Indian sub-continental history
11 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Doctor Who Demons of the Punjab by Vinay Patel

Nice- for once Chibnall is not writing it.

Yaz is with her grandmother celebrating her birthday. Nice tea party. Yaz is given a watch that should not be fixed. Why? And why are the stories?

Yaz takes watch ot the TARDIS where the Doctor makes an examination. Punjab in the 1950s is where the TARDIS lands we think. The Doctor is not himself. Why is the Doctor seeing things?

Ox transport in the Indian subcontinent? What evil is watching?

Can Yaz lie well?? Yawn!

Announcement of? Hindu Muslim tension noted.

Is the Doctor too nice? The Doctor is not himself. And they end up in 17 August 1947.


Mystic demons now attack the Doctor and party. Prem shoots at the demons and the mystic is dead.

Aliens and an alien ship? Doorway to what? A ship?

Doctor steals forecfield technology and escapes.

Ryan and Prem on the run.

Doctor exiles aliens using their own technology. Doctor investigates what in the vial and blows the Sonic Screwdriver.

Henna tattooing and yet again The Doctor is not himself! Could not do it while a man?

The Doctor to officiate a wedding? New traditions? A bit over the top!

Aliens break through and take The Doctor! The Aliens, the Prejarians explain who they are and how they lost their civilisaton and their mission.

The Doctor return announcing Prem dies today.

Border skirmishes continue.

Let the wedding start for Yaz's grandmother.

Manish killed the Holy Man and is leading thugs to the home. Hindu Muslim prejudices played up in this ! The Prejarins get in the way. The Doctor and team walks to preserve history.

Yaz reurns home. Too much SJW in this 0.5/10 . Please BBC give the Doctor Who Fan Base a Christmas present by firing Piers Wenger, Jodie Whittaker, Chris Chibnall and crew
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Doctor Who: The Tsuranga Conundrum (2018)
Season 11, Episode 5
Chris 'Guy Fawkes' Chibnall and his accomplices!!
5 November 2018
Warning: Spoilers
This week I recommend any 5th Doctor stuff to cure yourself from this latest travesty.


Junkyard in space? Looks like the TARDIS just realised what sort of season we are having.

The Doctor is not himself. The Doctor set off a booby trap and is rescued by a medical crew.

Is the Doctor in a virtual world of real world?

Thought they all were until The Doctor and crew wakes up on a medical ship.

Note the Chibnall contribution - a female general.

A pregnant man? Please!!

The TARDIS crew is on a medical rescue ship - Tsuranaga .

Automated ship and 2 medicals and the Doctor want its TARDIS back. The Doctor is more like his past self.

Ship is breached and the Doctor is in action.

Boring fillers

Breach from the life pods. The med is dead and the sonic screwdriver is eaten by an invader.

Putine / Pting a villain - interesting - Ultimate Foe?

Pregnant man scene - I wonder if Chibnall wants to be one.

Ryan recalling finding his mother dead at 13. A nice touch.

Doctor trying to be inspiring - really boring.

Doctor now facing a doomsday scenario.

All hands on deck to battle while the pregnant man delivers. So 2 parties are formed. The nurse , the pregnant man are helped by Graham and Ryan

Terrible scripting now obvious with a lot of role reversals.

General will manually navigate the ship.

One captured putting and Jaz punts the creature in a shielded blanket.

Clever sonic recharging?

Does the Doctor have a Ptinig bomb? Yes , it eats the trap and it is blown out into space.

Baby delivered and General Eve in trouble medically. Ship is safe and the General is dead.

New age burial. 0/10

Fix this whole trainwreck!!

What Chibnall and crew with Whittaker are to Doctor Who is what Guy Fawkes was to the English parliament during the Gunpowder plot.

Sack Chibnall and production crew now! Sack Whittaker as well!!

Go back to Twice Upon a Time and correct the regeneration! Correct the 13th Doctor!!
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Doctor Who: Arachnids in the UK (2018)
Season 11, Episode 4
Chibnall can't get a satire correct
29 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Yet another Chibnall Script. UGH! Recommendations of the Week, Planet of the Spiders and Green Death!

Someone is hiding something. Fired for what?

Doctor is still not himself and still manages to get the 'passengers' back to Sheffield.

Doctor might leave but decides to stay.

Yaz brings friends home . Junk all over the place and stinks. Sounds like Chibnall season all right.

Yaz gets a call to help a friend

Graham goes home to an empty house with a cobweb.

Yaz and Ryan explores only to find cobwebs in a flat next to Yaz.

Anna , Yaz's neighbour is spider mummified. And a big spider is discovered.

Time for a repellent.

Jane MacIntyre is about to say spiders are getting big.

Big spider in a research area!!

Yaz is coming! Hotel?? I winder what is the real reason for this hotel.

Spider research - what is happening to the irregular spiders? Hotel manager Jack Robinson is an idiot! Typical Chibnall characterisation. A big spider comes his way. Nadia is Yaz's mum.

Personal guard is gone via big spider.

The doctor see the big Spider. Run!! And Spiders trap Doctor and friends .

Jack Robinson, a Donald Trump clone a la Chibnall.

Chibnall satire, sorry get Jon Culshaw! The Doctor is in charge accordingly to its friends!! Graham and Ryan tries to trap a spider and whoops and here comes and army of arachnids.

Big arachnid, big mystery. Time to check to joint out including keep out zones. Spider victims in the restricted zone. Landfill on top of a hotel! Chibnall version of business!

Chibnall your writing and your politics just is outright terrible. You must be disappointed that Hillary Clinton is not the US President and Theresa May is a paper thin leader. May is not Thatcher!

JLR companies. Chibnall you are disaster of a writer. You cannot satirise Donald Trump with accuracy. Doctor overracts and blah time. Panic room / lockdown area. Lure spiders by rock vibration, bad!! Jack shoots the spider and he looks mad, thank you Chibnall!! Graham sees a ghost back home.

Adventure over, and Graham, Ryan and Jaz wants to travel with the Doctor. Lever on.

Mix Green Death and Planet of the Spiders and what a failure!! Whittaker is definitely the wrong choice for lead and Chibnall is an abysmal disaster as showrunner. Save Doctor Who. Go back to Twice Upon a Time and correct the Regeneration scene,

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Doctor Who: Rosa (2018)
Season 11, Episode 3
No inspirartion
21 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Back to the 50s. Whatever.

Showrunner Chibnall.

Another writer.

You got Montgomery correct. Racism in action with a lip.

1967 then back to 1955.

Doctor gets it wrong as usual and the Doctor curxsses the TARDIS.

Elvis in NY!

Ryan is slaaped by a racist. Genuine racist incident.

Rosa makes peace but what a tongue lashing. Egads Rosa attacks Ryan verbally. Interference time.

Another time traveller interferes with the TARDIS.

So who would not notice a strange bunch of travellers?

Doctor and co encounters nasty aliens .

Well the Doctor is not himself. Just not getting into it. Threat vesus intelligence.

Doctor trying to explain the situation. A TARDIS with a mind of its own!

Police now searching. Ryan in trouble? Does Remembrance of the Daleks come to mind?

Who is messing with history?

The team has a hard time in Montgomery.

Some decent Doctor / Rosa dialogue.

Ryan follows a suspicious Rosa, tense.

Oops on what Doctor? Just interfere! Nice traditional diagolue between the Doctor and the Enemy. Just does not cut it!

Ryan and Graham does a job.

Las Vegas Prize? Yawn.

Bus time!!

Ryan crashes into every form of racism.

Ryn faces an enemy of big proportion.

The Doctor will certain history will happen. Rosa is on the bus.

Yaz in the white section.

Bus driver on about the seats!

The historic moment about Rosa Parks. Not happened that big.

Just an arrest. Nice music. Yawn!!

Back to the TARDIS. The history lesson. Sorry, but does not cut it.

2/10 Really Mediocre and Boring like last week.

Nothing really inspiring.
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Doctor Who: The Ghost Monument (2018)
Season 11, Episode 2
14 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
The captain is complaining about evening to rescuing the Doctor and companions. Typical Chibnall, weak male characters. And the Doctor is not himself. Looking for The TARDIS. Messing ships up. BAD!

Tent Hologramme! Looks like everything is all over the place. No consistency. The Doctor is promising to keep everyone alive. TheTARDIS is on the planet but an a space-time anomoly is occurring.

The chase is on on a planet without logic? Wrecked ships. Cowardly Captain. Crazy Planet. Stepgranddad and stepgrandson not looking all the greatest.

The planet certain does not make sense Doctor. Set sail! Everyone is debating. Same old mistrust. Cigar smoking man! Move on Chibnall!

Building without people. Sun setting quickly and killer robots are coming out of nowhere. The whole planet is a target range. Nice one Chibnall!! Ryan goes gun crazy . Hide behind the pillars! Use an EMP!! Nice. NOT!!

Doctor thing scolds mr Captain and help Miss number 2. Right to the centre! Let's climb down. Catastrophic event - should you stay around?

A planet for war development - really want to stay around? The captain is sacrificed. Tunnels are full of mad creatures!! And the planet in the night! Even the Doctor is not spared - why not the gender going wrong? Doctor and team kill creature.

The Doctor and team arrives at a null reward. The challenge is won? Fighting yet another ghost! Well the Doctor and 3 are around with the Doctor looks guilty as charged. Weak looking Doctor and the companions to comfort it.

Sonic the TARDIS and magic! In we go and into a repaired interior. Very liittle next time.

Poorly written and atrocious. 0.5/10
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Doctor Who: The Woman Who Fell to Earth (2018)
Season 11, Episode 1
7 October 2018
Warning: Spoilers
Chibnall is not the right showrunner!


Starts of with Ryan and a special woman on Youtube? You are looking incoherent.

So Ryan and his father will share adventure. Love he mixed couple. Hate the tempter.

Ryan encounters tree and and alien life form.

2 women fighting about a scratch and police have to be called in? Pathetic. And Policewoman complains about her job!

Yasmin Khan and Ryan Sinclair meets since Primary? Come one!

Mixed marriage , Ryan's stepdad and Grace new yawn and the alien that hit Sheffield and the thing that fell to Earth.

The leaked madame seen. Scotsman?

You violated the Gallifrey / alien bit. Especially when you are an alien!

Last train .

Look for a doctor / yourself?!

Doctor / good friend. The result of overacting!

Doctor missing TARDIS and definitely not himself in a big way!

Exciting then worrying . Writing pathetic!

Alien objective moved. Why?

Doctor as Whittaker makes Colin Baker like like a genius in the fainting scene.

Fails at the Tennant in bed recovering scene.

Doctor still healing? Chibnall you really fail!

Doctor discovers DNA bomb and trying to resolve? Terrible!

Alien now hatched and a human is killed. Doctor chases alien and explosions and Graham is last to follow line. Get a new line! Ryan describes incident. Oh my!

I forgot who I am overdone! I should be able to build something.

Ryan faults himself and Jas and Ryan believes this woman thing is an alien. Nothing creative. Doctor Who is dying with Chibnall in charge when the Doctor looks clueless. And that sonic device looks like an X-rated prop.

Video recording and the thief is recording. Hate the description of the Sonic Screwdrive. Bad start! Alien war with Sheffield as a batlleground. Whatever! So get them out of Earth range. Sontarans and Rutons come to mind. Weaponised biotech. All right one for Chibnall.

Finally see a toothy alien? Yawn!

Alien so cold you can kill a human.

Alien hunt still on.

Construction site new battle scene.

I got a plan when I get there. Please! Enough of the old hat!

The Doctor needing someone to work a crane? I thought The Dcotor knew how?!

Jump and fight. Longer legs needed? More brains please.

The Doctor thing has the alien recall circuit. Bargain chip time.

Speech making? Poor scripting. Nannystating!!

Clever Doctor plants everything backs. Ryan's nan Grace dies killing a weaponised creatures.

Ryan back on the bike.

Ryna's dad not reliable. Fear Her comes to mind.

Graham 3 years with Grace and he looks weak!

Doctor lost his family a long time ago. Chibnall you really have no vision for anything!

Women's clothe line and costume no!! Earrings TARDIS MIA ...

And 4 of them at the end are beamed into outer space missing the TARDIS target. The TARDIS does not want a faux Doctor.

Chibnall fail!

Pathetic!! Chibnall must move on! Lousy everything, plot, premise, ideas ...

Whittaker looks like a bumbling fool.

Bradley Walsh as Graham , no spine! It is time to clean house! Just glimpses of upcoming stars. Chibnall and Whittaker out now! You do not deserve to be renewed in 2019! Got back to the regeneration scene and correct the error from Twice Upon A time. 1/10
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Doctor Who: Twice Upon a Time (2017)
Season 11, Episode 0
Apres nous le deluge
25 December 2017
Warning: Spoilers

I have really had it with this pantomime anti-British, anti-Society anti-religious anti-family-values brought on by Russell T. Davies, Stephen Moffat and Chris Chibnall!!

This really is a mockery. And Thank for AGAmemnon and MP for showing this to me.

Peter Capaldi did well as the Doctor! He is splendid. Loved it that he and Rusty can solve this issue of glass people and frozen time.

David Bradley made a mockery of William Hartnell and this is because of their views of the 1960s which reflects the above three's nihilism!

The Lethbridge-Stewart mention was bad enough! The mockery of the 1914 Christmas Armistice was even worst, especially when both units had to be shipped back home after they refuse to fight each other.

The nihilistic battlefield. The slippery slope to the downward abyss.

The plot is so riddled is insults that the whole story can be considered lost! Lost due to anti-Christian nihilism that now infests Doctor Who.

Peter as I said is great. Bradley calling him the nurse ... ARGH!!!!! NOT really funny.

Women - fairer sex -glass? My blood is boiling.

And the Doctor of War from New Earth 5 000 000 012 AD! To paraphrase TimeFlight - What has happened to the UK as a WHOLE?~!

The regeneration scene is a pale imitation of Caves of Androzni. This insult to British is so bad that tributes are lost.

Chaghe, love and hate work conceptually in the correct context. Nihilism and Hegelianism destroys those concepts that you RTD, Moffat and Chibnall!

For those who remember my review of Gridlock for being anti-Christian, the same critique apply!

Regeneration scene. Volcanic and mumble girl takes overs and fall out. Apres nous le deluge.

Keep the regeneration scene. You will need to correct the faux pas from Capaldi to the real successor!!

When Whittaker and Chibnall makes this show unrecognisable, they will have to go back to Capaldi's regeneration scene to make the correction!

I hope to give a correct rendition of Twice Upon a Time on my Youtube Channel
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Doctor Who: The Eaters of Light (2017)
Season 10, Episode 10
Who is out of their league?
2 July 2017
Warning: Spoilers
And welcome back Roma Munro who wrote Survival in 1989.

Started with a mystery, near modern day Aberdeen ,a hill with known music and a rock formation with a TARDIS inscribed on it. Wait, A TARDIS?

The Doctor investigates 2nd Century AD where Aberdeen will be with the disappearance of a Roman Legion.

Nice start but how will this flow?

A bit rough.

Bill is split up from the Doctor and Nardole and is attacked by a Pict only to fall into a pit with a Roman Soldier.

The Doctor and Nardole investigates wondering why a corpse of a Roman Soldier is in advanced decay.

Bill is not aware of the ability of the TARDIS to translate everything telepathically.

Nardole and the Doctor are captured by the Picts only to briefly escape.

The Doctor visits the temple which he discovers is a portal to another dimension where these eaters of lights come from.

Bill's Roman friend is kill only to meet up with the rest of the Legion.

The Doctor stays with the Picts whom he discovers are the gatekeepers.

The eater is getting stronger to the point where it might devour the universe.

Scary, eh?

The Doctor is working with the Picts while the Romans and Bill are trying to escape via a cave network.

The Romans and Bill encountered the eaters of light and escape up a ladder to be reunited with the Doctor and Nardole and the Picts.

Initially, Picts and Romans have a standoff.

The Doctor negotiates a peace so that the bigger enemy can be confronted.

Credit Roma for this one!!

The Doctor and all forces the creature back to the portal. The big argument breaks of on who is suppose to guard the entrance.

The Doctor, I can outlive you all and fight this.

Picts and Romans gather together to fight the eaters.

This is a Pict/Roman battle not a Doctor Battle.

Great resolution.

So back to the TARDIS and surprise Missy is there doing maintenance.

Any nitpicks?

A Black Roman soldier? All right Rome did conquer north Africa.

Homosexuals and Lesbians in the 2nd century? Yes there were some.

Overall I enjoyed his.

Looking forward to the next thrillogy.
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