5 Reviews
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Could have been so much better.
10 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The actors, at least, we're on the ball, but most of the rest of this was a huge disappointment. The sound was awful - loud does not mean scary, folks. The flashback images didn't add to the narrative. The spirits were underutilized, and when they were used, it wasn't effective. The ghost of Daniel's mother was intended to be frightening and somewhat sympathetic, I think, but instead I was distracted by how bad her hair was and the overall cheesiness of the scene. The "party" everyone was so excited about had maybe three people. . .where was everyone else? The exposition would have been much better as an actual scene. I didn't care at all about the characters that died, and none of the mains were in enough jeopardy to get worried about. Last but not least, whoever did Natalia Dyer's hair should be shot. Overall, it's a swing and a miss. Foul play. They lost.
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Birds of Prey (2020)
Fun, exciting, explosive
10 February 2020
Warning: Spoilers
The best comic adaptation since Wonder Woman. Decidedly not your typical superhero movie. Margot Robbie is riveting as Harley Quinn, dropping moments of clear-eyed perception into her ongoing madness. If anything, the title and subtitle should have been reversed - this is really Harley Quinn's movie. Ewan McGregor has the campy adversary down; all the supporting roles are well done and the visual wildness makes for a unique experience. Ignore the haters, get out of your comfort zone and lick it up!
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Glass (2019)
20 January 2019
The critics can suck eggs. Glass is wonderfully subversive, contraverting expectations right and left while staying true to the story. James MacAvoy and Samuel L. Jackson are powerhouses in this film. The ending is breathtaking. If you love M. Night Shamalyan's work, you won't be disappointed.
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The Nun (2018)
The scariest part was the tropes everywhere
27 September 2018
Warning: Spoilers
I really, really wanted this to be a good movie. It's not. There's simply no new ground broken. Too many of the sets look silly and try to hide the lameness with heavy fog. The Nun is too easy to see and, while that face is scary, loses the creepy. We see all the same stuff we have already seen; a few jumpscares (impact lessened because they're expected), lots of crosses everywhere, lots of overly dark settings, a few visions, and a rehashed Buffy-style hellmouth knockoff. Sad to say it, but wait for cable.
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The Avengers (2012)
Most Bada$$ movie ever!
4 May 2012
We all knew Joss could, would, should. Now it's here, he did, and it's awesome. The effects, the acting, the script, everything comes together perfectly and with a flow that makes the nearly 3 hour run time zip by. I wanted to go see it again fresh out of the theater. I do recommend seeing all the preceding films, unless you are fully up on your Marvel history (and even then!) Whedon fans will find themselves enjoying the familiar Buffy/Angel/Firefly style patois that defined Joss as a voice. Mark Ruffalo as Hulk is inspired casting and adds to the film in a big way.

Just go, see the thing.
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