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Bull: Dirty Little Secrets (2017)
Season 1, Episode 22
Imprtant issue--privacy--but presented poorly
25 April 2020
This episode was about the right to privacy. Since the US judicial system decided a company is a person, they must fall under the same bill of rights as a human. The fourth amendment gives them the right to privacy. But does this right exist when the things they're protecting needs to be part of a major criminal case: a bombing with many casualties including fatalities?

That's the question this show is allegedly about. But it felt like it was more about whether the protagonists believed their clients were guilty of the crime than the case which was the right to privacy. I think the episode would have been far better if they reduced the issues about whether the client was guilty and did more to bring up the issue of the right to privacy. The jury selection process, which is the foundation of the show, was glossed over. I think choosing the jury with questions pertaining to this right would have worked much better.

Incidentally, at one point Bull comments that the government may even search and view the whole web from time to time. This is already reality: The Library of Congress takes a "snapshot" of the entire web every two weeks and adds it to its archives. It really is true that everything that is searchable on the Internet stays out there unless it's put up and taken back down very quickly between scans.
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