

1 Review
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Fun for children, pre-adolescents and adults (if they're willing).
9 June 2003
In my opinion this is a sweet story about dysfunctional families that find a way of dealing with the fact that achieving "success" means a lot more than they expected.

Through out the movie the journey of the Troop becomes much more than just belonging: Parents face the choice of truly growing up and figuring out a way to stop wasting time and search for a bond with their neglected children; while children find a way to stop playing the parental role, learning the value of friendship, teamwork and how `un-cool' it is to procrastinate.

This movie has a heart and even if the story is simple minded and decorated with clichés about the rich and famous, it still rings true. It may seem shallow to many but for those who are part of this sector of the L.A. reality, it is not easy either, Rolls Royce and all, to be misunderstood.

After all no matter how low or how high your credit goes, there are no perfect families and we all do the best we can with what we've got.

Those who grew up in a high class family in the eighties will probably laugh lauder!
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