9 Reviews
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Hidden in Plain Sight (2019 TV Movie)
28 November 2020
Typical good girl runs and hides from bad guy. Bad guy finds them. Yada yada. What I disliked most is that the music track is much louder than the voice track. It's annoying as heck.
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Brain on Fire (2016)
7 September 2020
As someone who has illnesses that have escaped the medical profession, I appreciate the subtle message this movie conveys that our health care system is severely broken. My hope is that more people persist and continue to push for greater competence and accountability so people like this can receive the treatment they deserve.
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Heart warming
2 November 2019
I know what it's like to move between the city and the country, and I do it regularly as I enjoyed both lifestyles. Of course, there is much more to this movie than that. I found it refreshing, relatively realistic, and of course, extremely heartwarming. There was just enough emotion to keep me engaged, but it wasn't sappy, and it was relatively realistic. Of course, any movie cannot tell the full story, and there were a few loose ends in the saga that were never closed off. Yet, it was heartwarming and engaging.
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Dark Crimes (2016)
Yawn. Great for insomnia.
27 October 2019
Carrey should stick to comedy. This was slow and tiring.
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Expo (2019)
So bad I had to watch it to see if it could get worse.
12 October 2019
Within 30 seconds I knew this was going to be bad. But I decided to watch it to see if it become worse. It did. The acting was rigid and slow. The script ridiculously unrealistic. The only redeeming value? It highlights the issue of human trafficking.
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Kept me engaged
7 September 2019
This was a really great action flick. Of course Denzel Washington is fantastic in every movie. Travolta was in rare form and played his character flawlessly. I would give this a 10 but it's just too unbelievable.
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Night Moves (2013)
26 July 2019
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why these idiots that produce these movies can't afford a little light. Half the scenes you can't even see because it's so freaking dark. And then, spoiler alert, the end was completely stupid. Made absolutely no sense at all. Still the suspense kept me engaged, too bad it was generally a waste of time.
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What you want might not be better than what you have.
13 January 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Kathy Bates is one of my favorite actresses. She's so authentic in every role I've seen her play. Glenn Close, though a small part, was equally believable and played her role well. Sophie Nelisse played the bad girl role and her transformation was nearly believable. The message of this movie hit me about half way through. What you want might not be better than what you have. Only two real criticisms - most of the film was believable less these two things: One was the miraculous transformation of Gilly, and the other was the total indifference of her mother.
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It's still possible to create a bad movie.
6 January 2018
I read the reviews before I watched this, and thought, really, nothing could be this bad. I was wrong, they were right. Slow, predictable, and uneven. Almost comedic in its poor performance. At one point I thought this was a spoof.
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