
3 Reviews
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Wer (2013)
A real sleeper
26 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Best werewolf movie I've ever seen. Not sure why it has a current low rating. Very suspenseful, scary and great special effects. Could have done without the 2nd "werewolf". The guy who plays the beast is terrifying!!
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Self indulgent tosh
2 May 2019
Warning: Spoilers
First two hours could be dispensed with. Thor is now a fat alcoholic with depression which is apparently funny? Tony has PTSD and anxiety. Hulk is comfort eating and wears clothes and takes selfies with kids. Awful movie. Hate what marvel did with some of the characters. The girl power moment is sickly, ant man is a joke character and at the end as a huge marvel fan I couldn't have cared less who died. I felt myself questioning more how much people were getting paid for 10 second cameos. Falcon is a great character on his own so why hand him the shield? Everything about this sucked. More plot holes than Gouda. 6/10 purely for 30 minutes of the battle scene minus the vomitous girl power bit. Making Thor and Hulk joke characters is an awful decision. Its less appealing to anyone over the age of 7...Cinema reaction said it all.
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The Predator (2018)
An abomination
11 January 2019
Predator killer? Franchise killer...then again it died after Predator 2. As an original fan that has got to be the biggest, most disjointed load of tripe l have ever witnessed. I don't want to watch Aliens or Predator as a comedy. It's meant to be an action sci-fi horror. I'm not sure what Shane Black was trying to do here but it was awful and he should never be allowed near the Predator movies again. So much potential to be great but sadly a steaming pile of disappointment.
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