
3 Reviews
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Buried (2010)
26 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
this movie is intense from the very beginning. i am still in awe after watching it. this is not the typical Ryan Reynolds movie, he is excellent. Spoiler: in this movie you may think you see a lot of flaws but just think about how rational you could after being buried alive in another country and no one knows where you are. after finding the cell phone and trying to call for help he is rude and freaking out when he tries to get people to understand his situation and help him. you really have to look at things from all perspectives when watching this. try not to hold your breath. i did not see this in the theater and glad i didn't, you are going to want to pause this a few times to catch your breath, especially at the end.
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Insane (2010)
this "movie" is just wrong on ALL levels
20 December 2010
Warning: Spoilers
i watched this movie before looking at any reviews........big mistake! the acting is horrible at best. if it were possible to give this less than 1 star i would have. all copies of this should have holy water urinated on it and then burned. nothing in this movie makes any sense. the way they tried to make it appear this took place in the USA was dreadful, i am guessing none of them have ever been to the US. i am pretty sure the people that gave this "movie" a good review were either on crack or retarded. SPOILER ALERT!! THIS MOVIE IS HORRIBLE! DO NOT WATCH IT! how is that for a spoiler?

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The Maze (2010)
greatest movie i have ever seen anywhere
2 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
I am going to go ahead and "spoil" this movie for everyone who is considering watching was horrible but like any train wreck you have to keep watching. i had absolutely nothing else to do with my life at this particular time and i still feel as if i wasted it. i could have been poking myself in the eye with a pencil and been much better off. maybe shaving my cat or poking a paper clip in a light socket would have been a much better use. here is my cliff noted version...

Cliff Notes Version: kids go into cornfield maze, for some unknown reason a random guy starts killing them, of course an attractive girl is left alive, the random guy turns out to be a cop, she records him admitting everything, movie over.

there ya go, i saved you 2 hours of your life.
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