
2 Reviews
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Sinister (I) (2012)
Poor plot, 2D characters, bad film
1 November 2018
It seems like the bad reviews of this film all contained spoilers so I was left with only reading the good reviews and being disappointed.

If you like slasher type films with a few cheap jump scares and you don't want much storyline, then maybe you'll enjoy it.

However, if you like a film with suspense, a good plot and well developed characters then you're better off looking elsewhere. I found the whole premise of the film annoying, the scares were predictable and there was not enough suspension of belief (why doesn't he go to the police...or even put the lights on every now and then?).

Only the main character seems to have any kind of ... character, and I ended up disliking him. Everyone else in the film just seem to be there to fill space or clumsily push to the film towards it's anti climax.
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I couldn't stop laughing
5 June 2016
I don't normally write reviews but after reading some of the awful reviews some people wrote about this film I had to come to its defence.

This film had me laughing from start to finish. If you like the silliness of Will Ferrell films or the humour in Ted then you will love this film. The comedy can be played very deadpan despite the surrealness (is that a word) of the situation. The comic timing is great and the chemistry between all the main characters is excellent. When I saw this film only had a 6.7 IMDb rating I was a little reluctant to watch it but I saw the trailer and that drew me in. I didn't regret it.

If you want some great laughs, watch this film.
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